Why denominationalism will never arise in UC
"Suppose two factions appear in the Unification Church. You don't have to give yourself a headache trying to choose the right one. The criterion is who works the hardest for God's will. The person who sacrifices himself for the sake of God's will and tries to give himself for the sake of the world more than others is the one to follow. The most valuable person is the one who works for the sake of the unity of the world, even at the sacrifice of his parents, spouse and children. He is the one who is closest to the tradition of heart. Thus, denominationalism will never arise in the Unification Church." (God's Will and the World)
Fractions, like SC, may have convinced themselves that their rhetoric is true. But it's easy to choose the right leader to follow:
1. who works the hardest for God's will
2. who sacrifices himself.. give himself for the sake of the world
3. who works for the sake of the unity of the world
4. who is closest to the tradition of heart
is the one to follow!!!
"Thus, denominationalism will never arise in the Unification Church," Father
The providence of salvation is to find a women
See the results and ti will become obvious to you. Mother (FF, UPF ..) work the hardest for God's will; sacrifice for the sake of the world; contributing for the unity of the world; and is closest to the tradition of heart.
Most important; Soon this work will reach to the point of restoring the first nations. How far from that goal are H1 and H2? Far away! In fact, they are going against it.
That's why Father said,
Another reason why no fractions can appear in UC is that True Parents are eternal center. This was eternal order; If any future generations of Moon clan try to replace them or deny them, we should not follow. Father clearly instructed Hyung Jin about that (read).
Oneness in heart
(Not standing above and putting the other below)
But here we go, Hyung Jin is the first one, who cares non for keeping Father's words and traditions. He replaced them with his own; mostly based on bias, fear and accusations. Here is Father's explanation of the oneness in heart between husband and wife:
Most important; Soon this work will reach to the point of restoring the first nations. How far from that goal are H1 and H2? Far away! In fact, they are going against it.
That's why Father said,
"The providence of salvation is ultimately to find the woman who could bring this liberation. Until now, no one knew this. The providence of salvation is not only to find the man, but also to find the woman." TF, CBG
Another reason why no fractions can appear in UC is that True Parents are eternal center. This was eternal order; If any future generations of Moon clan try to replace them or deny them, we should not follow. Father clearly instructed Hyung Jin about that (read).
Oneness in heart
(Not standing above and putting the other below)
But here we go, Hyung Jin is the first one, who cares non for keeping Father's words and traditions. He replaced them with his own; mostly based on bias, fear and accusations. Here is Father's explanation of the oneness in heart between husband and wife:
"You and I are in the same position when it comes to oneness in heart between husband and wife.. We cannot achieve oneness of heart and mind if one insists on standing above and putting the other below.. Only when they are in an equal position on the horizontal plane can they be of one heart.. This holds true for a couple.. This can never happen in a relationship where one is above and one below." CSG, p.1309
Separate from Parents
is a Satanic Act
Father says that parents "are in the position of God to the children."
"If you separate yourself from your parents, it means you are cutting yourself off from God.. Separated you will become satanic. United, you will become divine..
If you separate from your parents.. that's a satanic act." Father, The True Pattern of Family life, 3-7-75

Franchezzo clearly depicts how low spirits influence the earthly events, by provoking divisions and revolts same like Sanctuary Church does:
'The maddened populace' here clearly depicts the SC actual attitude and state of hearts. let's pull their main cards and try to unshackle THE NEUROLOGICAL HELL of the SANCTUARY CHURCH. See clearly who stands for what in this Cain (SC) & Abel (UC): Ideological Conflict. And understand the Trapped Emotions leading to this deviant acts.
Follow the Path of Love
Since this is an obvious spiritual problem, love and liberation must be the only solution. Negativity and division (spread by SC) will bring nothing but their own spiritual degradation. God trusted Mother, Father trusted Mother, we too trust Mother.
"Mother successfully completed the first seven-year course after our Holy Wedding; thereby, God could trust Mother 100 percent and I could trust her 100 percent." (Father, 1981/05/01)
In 2008 Father educated Hyung Jin for 8 hours, that there would be no confusion about succession, because Mother is the center. In 2011 Father again proclaimed, "Mother is the decision maker, not Hyung Jin." Hyung Jin was asked to proclaim officially,
"If I deny True Parents.. proclaim myself a new center, you must not follow. Father particularly asked to be clear on this." Hyung Jin Read...
Weeks before his passing, True Father proclaimed the same. Paraphrasing in short, he said; "Mother is victorious, promise that you will follow her. Don't follow male struggles (H2 and KJN)." (Father's actual words). In fact, this was Father's last public proclamation while he was alive.