TM with Mrs Kang
Father held the hand of TM till his last day, yet his unfilial son decided to divorce him after his death and now even saying 'Mrs Kang is the Bride'
Kwak/Hyunjin broke away over financial control, Kookjin/Hyungjin broke away over authority and spiritual control. (External and Internal attacks) Both are anomalies and antithetical to True Parents' tradition/God's tradition of humble service in living for the sake of others. Yet, entering in the age of CIG we are still surounded by the evil of the past. Providentially we are responsible to overcome that and establish the Culture of Heart. Therefore, these internal and external attacks are needed and we should be grateful for them.
True Parent's declaration Sanctuary Church are constantly reciting, that supposedly puts Hyung Jin as successor, in fact says that "True Parents are the only and eternal center" and Hyung Jin was best united with them at that particular time. Now however, Hyung Jin is no longer united with True Parents, but aggravated by them, even 'divorcing them'. Funny, strange, irrational - I don't know the right reaction.
God made only one Adam and one Eve. Why? Because each is one absolute norm, and that which is vertical can make only one absolute man and one absolute woman. (Father, 1992.11)
When person is invaded by evil forces, stupidity has no end. And what Satan want's to destroy most, is the eternal position of the True Parents. Sanctuary Church now says, "Mrs Kang is the True Bride of Christ.. united with Jesus and TF her entire life. Even now, she supports True Parents choice of inheritance / successor" That's funny; "True Parent's choice"! So let's ask TM, if that's her choice. Father himself scolded such women, wanting to replace TM, so many times.
True Parents are God's Substantial Image
Cain (SC) & Abel (UC): Ideological Conflict
This is not a fake news. It is clear from the official Sanctuary Church page that, for them, Mrs. Kang is the new bride. But wasn't she blessed with someone in the spirit world already?
How Mrs. Kang can "just walk away from her special blessing given by True Parents" to St. Augustine. Their concept is that every blessed wife is, first, True Father's wife. Such a wrong - physical mind (literal) interpretation of Father's words.
Why Sanctuary Church needs such strange claims? They couldn't just deny TP and claim they believe Father's words. TPs are the essence of his teachings and life. So, they have to devise theology on the way.
At first Sanctuary Church was trying to replace TM with Yeonah, but that too obviously places Father alone - making him a failure, which is H1's clique position. But Sanctuary Church so far tried to deny such position, even though their claims lead that direction. So now they came with the statement that Mrs Kang is the true bride.
This is the most painful betrayal, especially from the beloved son:
Yet, in Sanctuary Church's words, "Mrs Kang is doing exactly what Mother was meant to do.... uplifting Christ, honoring True Father and the lineage of the Messiah." Really! Are we to uplift ourselves or go out and restore the world, as TM is doing? I don't see Mrs Kang, nor Hyung Jin, doing witnessing, Tribal Messiahship, or any other restoration work. TM is leading powerfully the establishment of God's Ideal World. Read, THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLd is COMING
It's not a matter of SC uniting with Mother. Good and evil cannot unite. SC have an evil nature and evil hearts. This has to be eradicated by themselves. It's personal responsibility..
UC members go through Formula Course to be able to subjugate Satan - have ability to go to low resonance yet, not be dominated by it. Those who failed in that developed resentment and are drugged to SC's low, negative resonance.
They will always be objects to Satan, unless they take responsibility and grow, instead of blaming TM and FF for their own low resonance of heart. The Low Spirit world is full with such miserable spirits accusing others for their own miserable state. But their only chance is if they recognize their own mistakes and repent.
This is an absolute spiritual principle: The moment a subject blames his object, he is leaving his position of a Subject. Not only that, he is giving a green light for the evil spirit world to attack his objects, giving up his responsibility of protecting and raising them as a True Owner. But in Hyung Jin's case, this is not the only failure; he violates the eternal vertical order, going against not only his own parents, but against the eternal True Parents.
True Parents are God's Substantial Image
Cain (SC) & Abel (UC): Ideological Conflict
This is not a fake news. It is clear from the official Sanctuary Church page that, for them, Mrs. Kang is the new bride. But wasn't she blessed with someone in the spirit world already?
How Mrs. Kang can "just walk away from her special blessing given by True Parents" to St. Augustine. Their concept is that every blessed wife is, first, True Father's wife. Such a wrong - physical mind (literal) interpretation of Father's words.
Why Sanctuary Church needs such strange claims? They couldn't just deny TP and claim they believe Father's words. TPs are the essence of his teachings and life. So, they have to devise theology on the way.
At first Sanctuary Church was trying to replace TM with Yeonah, but that too obviously places Father alone - making him a failure, which is H1's clique position. But Sanctuary Church so far tried to deny such position, even though their claims lead that direction. So now they came with the statement that Mrs Kang is the true bride.
This is the most painful betrayal, especially from the beloved son:
"When parents believe in their beloved children but are betrayed by them, there is no describing the shock, distress, and misery .. Then how did God become as miserable as He is?" (Father, 1968.6.9)Just think of it, each time you read in Father's words, "True Parents this or True Parents that..." you have to imagine Father and Mrs. Kang? That's insane! Of course, reading about TP, you cannot imagine H2 and Yeonah. They are in children's position to True Parents. You see, they have no theological exit for their deviation.
Yet, in Sanctuary Church's words, "Mrs Kang is doing exactly what Mother was meant to do.... uplifting Christ, honoring True Father and the lineage of the Messiah." Really! Are we to uplift ourselves or go out and restore the world, as TM is doing? I don't see Mrs Kang, nor Hyung Jin, doing witnessing, Tribal Messiahship, or any other restoration work. TM is leading powerfully the establishment of God's Ideal World. Read, THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLd is COMING
True Parent's declaration did not set Hyung Jin as successor. It clearly proclaims that "God and True Parents are the only and eternal center" and Hyung Jin has to "overcome Resentment" to qualify as their representative. Hyung Jin however disunited with True Parents. Read, HYUNG'S FALSE CLAIMS OF SUCCESSION
Kook Jin Nim offered True Mother $500 million dollars
Kook Jin Nim offered True Mother $500 million dollars
COMMENTS: We are told that Kook Jin Nim offered True Mother $500 million dollars to just be a grandmother.. and betray TF herself. It's sad that KJN and Hyung Jin don't use the money to expand the providence, but just for spreading gossips, doubts, resentment.. aiming to destroy TP; which is, destroy all Father's work and teachings.
What's the sources of information to Kook Jin offering 500 millions to True Mother to step away and be a grandmother? This is not a fake news or any sort of misinformation: "It comes from Sanctuary Church itself (if they don't use it as rumor or a way to pump up their members it is true). Pierre Tardy shared this with me in another thread. He was in his own way trying to get me to see something good but I only saw something bad." M.L.
For me, this is so much like the early Christianity, once it got power and money - corruption came among the leaders. And who caries the responsibility to restore this past mistakes? The TC, of course. Just look how exactly they take the external and the internal mistakes of the past; ALL MAKES PERFECT SENSE. This is unavoidable part of the restoration process.
What's the sources of information to Kook Jin offering 500 millions to True Mother to step away and be a grandmother? This is not a fake news or any sort of misinformation: "It comes from Sanctuary Church itself (if they don't use it as rumor or a way to pump up their members it is true). Pierre Tardy shared this with me in another thread. He was in his own way trying to get me to see something good but I only saw something bad." M.L.
Thanks God TM is alive, so the failures and deviations will only serve us as a valuable lesson, without destroying the foundation. Read, God's Ideal Nation is soon to be restored and see how powerful is the providence now, and how close we are to restore towns, counties and eventually few nations, centered on TP and the Culture of Heart.
COMMENT: "SC are outside MSG protesting True Mother. They are following in the footsteps of deprogrammers of the 70's and 80's. How shameful! They have sunk to a new low."
What Hyung Jin Nim needs to understand, is his own failure is to be fixed for which he is blind. We were all willing to support him. But in his immaturity, he started exhibiting an evil, ugly attitude.
Sanctuary Church is wrong thinking anybody with correct mind will accept that Mother made some failure, when in fact we see her having the same faithful and dedicated attitude to achieving TF's ideal.
We are grateful and uplifted to see Mother having so strong heartistic relationship to True Father. Not like Sanctuary Church and Hyung jin changing everything, even directly accusing Father's tradition and foundation as wrong.
Misguided is the true term for SC.. That's why we don't even see them as enemies, but as lost minds, confused in their hearts by Hyung Jin's negative talks. Allowing them to Multiply evil is not loving them
Love liberates people from Hell, does not support them continue that direction. No parent would do that to his children. But of course, humanistic parents do just that.
"God created human beings to place them in the equivalent parents’ position.. the external God is Adam and Eve, and God Himself is the internal God. In relation to the body, God is Adam and Eve.." (Father, 1984.7.10)
COMMENT: "SC are outside MSG protesting True Mother. They are following in the footsteps of deprogrammers of the 70's and 80's. How shameful! They have sunk to a new low."
What Hyung Jin Nim needs to understand, is his own failure is to be fixed for which he is blind. We were all willing to support him. But in his immaturity, he started exhibiting an evil, ugly attitude.
Sanctuary Church is wrong thinking anybody with correct mind will accept that Mother made some failure, when in fact we see her having the same faithful and dedicated attitude to achieving TF's ideal.
We are grateful and uplifted to see Mother having so strong heartistic relationship to True Father. Not like Sanctuary Church and Hyung jin changing everything, even directly accusing Father's tradition and foundation as wrong.
Misguided is the true term for SC.. That's why we don't even see them as enemies, but as lost minds, confused in their hearts by Hyung Jin's negative talks. Allowing them to Multiply evil is not loving them

It's not a matter of SC uniting with Mother. Good and evil cannot unite. SC have an evil nature and evil hearts. This has to be eradicated by themselves. It's personal responsibility..
UC members go through Formula Course to be able to subjugate Satan - have ability to go to low resonance yet, not be dominated by it. Those who failed in that developed resentment and are drugged to SC's low, negative resonance.
They will always be objects to Satan, unless they take responsibility and grow, instead of blaming TM and FF for their own low resonance of heart. The Low Spirit world is full with such miserable spirits accusing others for their own miserable state. But their only chance is if they recognize their own mistakes and repent.
This is an absolute spiritual principle: The moment a subject blames his object, he is leaving his position of a Subject. Not only that, he is giving a green light for the evil spirit world to attack his objects, giving up his responsibility of protecting and raising them as a True Owner. But in Hyung Jin's case, this is not the only failure; he violates the eternal vertical order, going against not only his own parents, but against the eternal True Parents.
Very very sad. All these people, feeding Hyung Jins ego.
ReplyDeleteYou can believe that the world is made of cheese if you want to
DeleteWhat travesty - It all will be recorded in the annals of History....
DeleteMakes Ham look like a saint.
DeleteSo sickening. Hyung Jin Moon will enter as worst failure he had the all the acknowledgment but lost it very fast because of envy of his own mother. Full of resentment and imature as he is, he just want to grab his thrown by force momems after his father's death even if he had to throw his mother of the cliff and destroy everything his father built. It's just total selfishness, greed and lust for the for power.
DeleteI was just told that Kook Jin Nim offered True Mother $500 million dollars to just be a grandmother. It's sick that he has control of so much money to give away but I'm glad Mother would not leave her position for money
ReplyDeleteHaving money is not the problem! It's sad that KJN and Hyung Jin don't use them for anything good, just for spreading gossips, doubts, resentment.. aiming to destroy TP; which is, destroy all Father's work and teachings.
DeleteSad, very sad ! Can not imagine a bigger
DeleteSelf absolved power hunger, only the fools will follow them.
It's ridiculous. Father was giving away everything for the sake of others. When I was told this at first I looked at my life, the 9 years of MFT, 9 years of mission work in Africa, years of giving even what I did not have to the providence and having very little..
DeleteAgreed. And TF started from literally nothing. Some rags and a mud hut. And gave everything away. Always. And later everything came back to him 1000x. We know that money is dangerous.
DeleteA lot of families could use some of that 500 million---my family for one!
DeleteWhat Hyung Jin Nim needs to understand, is his own failure is to be fixed for which he is blind. We were all willing to support him. But in his immaturity, he started exhibiting an evil, ugly attitude.
ReplyDeleteSanctuary Church is wrong thinking anybody with correct mind will accept that Mother made some failure, when in fact we see her having the same faithful and dedicated attitude to achieving TF's ideal.
We are grateful and uplifted to see Mother having so strong heartistic relationship to True Father. Not like Sanctuary Church and Hyung jin changing everything, even directly accusing Father's tradition and foundation as wrong.
Sanctuary Church are outside MSG protesting True Mother. They are following in the footsteps of deprogrammers of the 70's and 80's. How shameful! If the had any heart they would come to hear True Mother speak. They have sunk to a new low.
DeleteIt reminds me of the attacks Father got by Christian churches in Korea and the world. This is probably why SC has a kind of Christian spirit with them. I heard the protestor outside of MSG yelling into a megaphone that everyone needed to be baptisted.
DeleteFor those of you who are saying that this is a fake news, IT'S NOT. It is clear from the official SC page that, for them, she is the new bride.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really ironic is that they (SCmembers) believed and followed true parents for many years, then they aborted their beliefs, for whatever reason and declare them as false.
DeleteAsk how Mrs. Kang can "just walk away from her special blessing given by True Parents" to St. Augustine. Their concept is that every blessed wife is, first, True Father's wife. Such a wrong, literal interpretation of Father's words. Misinterpreting the content from Blessing Preparation lectures we received. It doesn't mean any blessed wife or husband is free to leave their blessing. We are bound eternally. That is, she is not free to leave St. Augustine -- though SC may believe that she can keep both husbands
ReplyDeleteSanctuary is absolutely wrong about this. Mrs. Kang is Augustine's wife, period. Yes, every woman is, in a symbolic sense, the bride of Christ -- but that's outdated Christian doctrine. When True Parents established on earth, it introduced an overriding principle of the Blessed Central Family, as well as the newly established reality that the Messiah is no longer a single man. The Messiah is True Parents.
Sanctuary Church ideas are Outdated and they are going backwards into a weird abyss. Very strange.
DeleteIt's not a matter of SC uniting with Mother. Good and evil cannot unite. SC have an evil nature and evil hearts. This has to be eradicated by themselves. It's personal responsibility..
DeleteUC members go through Formula Course to be able to subjugate Satan - have ability to go to low resonance yet, not be dominated by it. Those who failed in that developed resentment and are drugged to SC's low, negative resonance.
They will always be objects to Satan, unless they take responsibility and grow, instead of blaming TM and FF for their own low resonance of heart. The Low Spirit world is full with such miserable spirits accusing others for their own miserable state. But their only chance is if they recognize their own mistakes and repent.
What's the sources of information to Kook Jin offering 500 millions to True Mother to step away and be a grandmother? This is not a fake news or any sort of misinformation. It comes from SC (if they don't use it as rumor or way to pump up their members it's true). Pierre Tardy shared this with me in another thread. He was in his own way trying to get me to see something good but I only saw something bad
ReplyDeleteOn June 1, H2 signed a document stating "There is a new True Mother... Yeonah Nim is the new True Mother." That was part of an official document, part of 16 "Rulings of the King," that was published on June 3. Three months later he created yet another True Mother.