Hyung Jin vs. Jacob

Isn't that interesting. Same like Rebecca, True mother helped Hyung Jin get Father's blessing, thus stilling the elder-son position from his older brother.
But remember, Jacob was sent into exile by his mother with the purpose of saving his life. In this exile, it was, that he was deceived ten times, overcame without complaint and thus gained his qualifications as God's representative. We don't find any mention that Jacob ever accused his mother for that.
As Father explains, "this is the way of inheritance":
"How, then, will you become liberated from the satanic world? You have to win in the battle with Satan. To achieve this, how hard will you have to work and how much will you have to suffer?
Jacob and Moses were each deceived ten times. Jesus Christ was also deceived in the same manner. It was the same with me. We must overcome this. We will come to know God's heart through this. We will come to know the Parents' heart. Otherwise, we will never know. Without this experience, Satan will never leave you alone. As long as you do not triumph over Satan, you will never be able to know True Parents' heart or God's heart.
As long as we do not do this but, instead, live a comfortable life, we will not be able to find God's love, the Parent's love, the Parent's realm of heart, or God's realm of heart. I must send everyone to the frontline. You need to be persecuted, despised and beaten, and receive all sorts of harsh treatment. Only then can there be an inheritance of heart. A ceremony of inheritance will take place there." CSG, Bequeathing the Heart
That is why FATHER PRAYED HYUNG JIN TAKE RESENTMENT OF 3 AGES. This was the way of inheritance. And just as Jacob's mom, Mother send Hyung Jin into exile. He had to gladly endure without complain and prove his faithfulness in True Parents, as Father explained.
"With True Parents as the central axis you should form a perfectly horizontal line centering on True Parents' love. You cannot have any complaints. You cannot complain. If you complain, you will become warped and deformed." CSG (136-67, 1985.12.20)
And was he victorious like Jacob? Instead of being victorious, he started complaining and accusing. Just 3 years later Hyung Jin started multiplying resentment in the hearts of others. His personality became really warped and deformed.
Hyung Jin found common base with others who had painful hearts and multiplied his power with more and more hateful speech. Is that overcoming Satan, or succumbing to Satan's ways? Wasn't that what Lucifer did? That's why Father clearly explained:
"We cannot hold grudges against others; rather, the target of our resentment should be ourselves. We need to do witnessing ourselves... Only then will there emerge that place in which we wish to live." (Father, 1973.05.16)
Jacob not only endured without complaint but was ready to risk his life to win the heart of his brother. Hyung Jin didn't show such heart. He viciously attacked his elder brother. Obviously, where Jacob showed the victorious course of wining over Satan, Hyung Jin did just the opposite. Naturally, "Inheritance" did not take place.
That's why in his LAST PUBLICK SPEECH Father asked us not to follow Hyung Jin's way of struggle for power, but follow True Mother's way of love and peace. Father did that in his last few weeks of life because Hyung Jin already did show his disobedient heart, mistreating members of the true family.
"I sincerely ask you to choose True Mother's path; the path of a true wife, of a true daughter and of a true woman leader who will build a unified world where freedom, peace and happiness overflow in its truest form." (Father July16 2012)
Father said they lived united "throughout their lives," "based on true love.. learned from Heaven" and his last order was to "devote ourselves completely.. under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.”
This is a precious time when providence is moving fast. The world is transforming, Chaos is overtaking those who don't hold on True Parents. Those trapped in the old mentality of fear and resentment feel more and more insecure. Those holding on the new Culture of Heart will move forward with God's power and blessing.
We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin, and we wish they help God's providence even though they have chosen the more Cain-type Militant way. We love to see them focusing that on witnessing with good example, as in this interview with Teddy Daniels, where Hyung Jin testifies about True Father's fight with Communism.
See how Hyung Jin's teachings deviate from all Father thaught us, by reading CAIN (SC) & ABEL (UC): IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICT
Pray and expect Hyung Jin's return to God's side, which is now starting with his focusing his talk to exposing democrats, satanism and pedophilia, as seen in the "Fight Evil without Becoming Evil" (The King's Report 08/27/20)
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