"Mother alone, represents True Parents" - Father
"Mother is the top decision maker" - Father's direction
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."

There is no New True Parent, no New King and no New Center

TP are the CENTER

"Through the proclamation of True Parents? All the good spirits in the spirit world that have served God and all the evil spirits centered on Satan will be sharply divided. When you are centered on True Parents, you stand." TF - CSG1

In a video recording Hyung Jin admits Father specifically asked him to proclaim that he will never put himself a "new center" and never "deny True Parents", no matter if they make mistake or hurt him.
"Can you face the challenge of Satanic people.. defending the realm of True Parents.. I'm willing to die for Heavenly Father and True Parents more than a billion times over if that enables True Parents' victory to remain here on earth forever. Because of this attitude, everything which True Children are doing on earth will remain inviolable. What we are doing will bee passed on from generation to generation." Victory of Love, p. 258
Even after appointing Hyung Jin, Father was still clear, "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin.. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother." TF, 2011. True Parents are the eternal center and the eternal standard:
"Who are the True Parents?.. True Parents are the parents who have realized the ideal of oneness centering on God’s love. They have fulfilled their responsibility after passing through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle.. into the realm of direct dominion... the parents who for the first time in history established the ideal of oneness based on the love between God and man. God’s ideal of love has finally begun to settle on earth through the family of the True Parents." Father, CSG
Even from the spirit world we have testimonies about True Parents' victory:
"We pray for our True Parents. They have demonstrated that God's true love can dwell within man forever." Victory of Love, p. 260
In this age of Women, we see the beauty of women's heart expressed in TM, Sun Jin Nim and the wives of the first 2 sons - giving birth to the New Culture of Heart (raising in the East). In opposition we see H1, H2 and KJN, restoring the aggressive male nature (repeating the failures of the West - Read, Sanctuary Church Influenced by Implanted Manipulators Aiming to Destroy TP) And we are not surprised; This final challenge of the restoration process comes in due time. Read, Why we are in the Period of Divided Kingdom. Open your senses and feel the universal energy caring this change, but don't be disoriented, keep hold on True Love.
"There is so much potential in where humanity is going now. But now we are crossing the bridge. And on this bridge there is confusion. It's transition, it's not the end. These are only signs of the historic shift."  Spiritual Prophecy
Do not despair at the things you see, it's the new energy changing the world for good. But everyone at Sanctuary are being told to carry knives and survival equipment, to prepare for the tribulations. In his deviation, Hyung Jin lost faith in TP, lost faith in CIG, lost faith in Father's words and is being influenced by the End Timers who believe this is last days. But we don't need to be full of paranoia and fearful.
"If we believe that we are powerless victims, things will seem to happen to us and we will see ourselves as victim. If we understand that we are one with the universe, we can be powerful creators. It's all in our judgments." Quantum Studies
There are plenty of signs that we are in the Age after the COMING OF HEAVEN, were good and evil are being divided; evil is becoming more obvious, revealed and desperate, while the new world of goodness is raising fast. Let's be clear, it's coming because of the unified positive energy and love of millions of people. Millions of members work tirelessly and pray for that. Millions of other bright groups are guided by Heaven in the same direction.
“If we unite our forces together, then we can make a better world, a world of peace."   MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD
For me it's so easy to see who is leading the providence, even from simple mathematics. Hyung Jin is preoccupied to claim succession, same like H1 did. But just compare their witnessing results with those of TF. In his first 10 years of mission Father expanded to 30 churches all over Korea, in 10 more, he expanded missionaries around the world. I don't think H1 and H2 can ever dream of such results. And surely it's Satan's power behind their attacks on TP:
"Satan fears the words True Parents.. because when people believe and follow these words, everything Satan has will be destroyed and brought to ruin. These are words he intensely fears. Satan always tries to block the way of the True Parents and longs to see their corruption and downfall."  Father, CSG
Yet, if you look at today's providence in the FF, you see thousands of couples blessed each day around the world. Providence now is moving so fast in some providential nations. And I see that expanding to more and more other nations. Of course, negative people don't see that. They are too preoccupied with their selfish complains. But I see it. I feel the new spirit overwhelming the earth. I see the bright future coming. And I'm a realist, I know growth takes time and efforts. I just don't see H1 and H2 investing in that direction. Yet, I have the optimistic hope that someday they will. Their spirit will awake and they will unite with Mother. It's all in God's hands in this Age. Read, THE MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD

And we should always remember, the real fight is between our mind &body, and in our families. Not outside! Here is Sun Jin Nim sharing of what it is to be close to True Mother and our responsibility of walking TP's path:
“It is being in the presence of the most pure, loving and compassionate being in the world—so untainted by everything, so strongly connected with Heavenly Parent’s life.. Once you start perfecting the way, of walking True Parents’ path, all these difficulties start to fall away."  SUN JIN NIM

There is no New TPs
no New King and no New Center

by Peter Dean

"We sincerely hope and desire that.. we can return glory to our Heavenly Father and True Parents and bring joy to them as well."  2009, Yeon Ah Nim
"God and True Parents blessed us with the blessed life and through this life they wish for us to inherit the true love of God, to become greater blessings to our spouse, our children, our families, our cities, our neighborhoods, our nations, to the world and to God."  2009, Hyung Jin

From 2005, when I was student of theology, I said very clearly, “There is no new True Parent, there is no new King and no new center. There are no new True Parents. It is that simple." 
When you look at the early disciples, the apostles, they gave their lives preaching the gospel of Christ. They didn’t go around saying they are the successor of Christ and that now God is going to use them to bring about salvation. In Matt 16:18 Jesus says, “And I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock, (pointing to Peter) on you I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” He gives Peter the biggest anointing. He says. “Upon you I will build my holy church. Upon you I give the mission of spreading the Gospel.”
Think about what kind of anointing that is! But Peter did not go around saying that he was the successor because he received that anointing. He did not say that now, after Jesus was gone he is the new Christ. That would have been a fatal error. He went and preached the Gospel. He went with John. He went with the early Apostles. In the Acts of the Apostles we see him moving, we see him meeting Paul, we see him witnessing, and we see miracles happening. Peter was very clear. He preached the crucifixion, the death and the resurrection of Jesus. And he blesses and praises and heals in the name of Jesus. That is a very important thing.
Let us read the second scripture, Matthew 10:24-25:
"A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub how much more the members of his household!"
Peter knew that he was a student of the teacher, but not the teacher. He knew he was a servant of the master, but not the master. It is enough for a student to be LIKE his teacher. So Peter tried to be Christ-LIKE, tried to be teacher-LIKE. That is why Christians to this day try to be Christ-LIKE, not to be the Christ, not to be the son of man, but to be Christ-LIKE, as the scripture says. This certainty and clarity is very, very important for us to understand as Unificationists, completing the mission of Christianity. This is the fatal flaw of those who may say they are the next True Parents or the next king or the center of God’s providence. This is what is very worrisome to True Parents.
There are, as you may know, splinter groups that say such things in Japan and in Korea. I tell members, "Don’t worry because the spirit world sees all and in the end our ancestors see how much we have been filial to True Parents. I absolutely believe to this day and continue to believe it from when I was studying theology, that True Parents are the eternal center of God’s providence and it is our task to not be the next True Parents but to inherit the Parental heart they have shown us and to bring glory to True Parents. That is the mission of the next generation."
True Parents, not us, are the ones that were selected to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ. They were the ones selected to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ. They are the ones that died for us, descended into hell to take our place, and they were resurrected seven times. They are the ones who paid the indemnity price for individual, family, tribal, national, world and cosmic sin. There is no way that on our own effort we can pay this indemnity that has been accumulated from the time of the fall. So only the chosen son of God, only the one who has been prepared by the history of the providence can be the one that can pay this indemnity.
By the victory of true love and the inheritance of parental heart, which Jesus was to fulfill, we are given salvation. Not by our own doing. Not because we are great, not because we deserve it, but because of the salvific power, the resurrective power of true love. That is why we receive that grace.
They always ask me when I am doing interviews, “So you are the next successor. How do you feel about this big responsibility? (Imitates the voice of the interviewers in a funny way)” They ask me this all the time. I always have to answer this question. I tell them, “There is no new successor, there are no new True Parents for us. The early apostles centered their life of prayer and faith and testimony and witnessing on the rock of Christ, and so do we, so do I. We center our life on the rock of True Parents. We don’t believe that there are new True Parents, a new successor who could take on that role. They hold the ultimate authority."
I tell them, "We are just employees just like you guys are working for your paper. We are employees, too. We are employees of True Parents. Our time comes and our time goes. We are a cloud, the next generation. Like in a Zen garden. When the beautiful black stones are hit by the rain they become shiny and beautiful. That is the time when the Zen garden is the most beautiful. Just like that we don’t become the rock. We are like the clouds that bring the rain, like the refreshing rain that makes the rock shiny and beautiful. That is our purpose. We are not here to proclaim ourselves as the new True Parents, the rock. The center is clear."
This was the essential point that Father wanted us to be clear on. That is the reason why he told us to do a tour in America and to continue to tell this to our brothers and sisters in Korea and Japan.

Sanctuary Church: Hyung Jin vs. Jacob

Sanctuary Church study: 
Hyung Jin vs. Jacob   

Isn't that interesting. Same like Rebecca, True mother helped Hyung Jin get Father's blessing, thus stilling the elder-son position from his older brother.

But remember, Jacob was sent into exile by his mother with the purpose of saving his life. In this exile, it was, that he was deceived ten times, overcame without complaint and thus gained his qualifications as God's representative. We don't find any mention that Jacob ever accused his mother for that.

As Father explains, "this is the way of inheritance":

"How, then, will you become liberated from the satanic world? You have to win in the battle with Satan. To achieve this, how hard will you have to work and how much will you have to suffer? 
Jacob and Moses were each deceived ten times. Jesus Christ was also deceived in the same manner. It was the same with me. We must overcome this. We will come to know God's heart through this. We will come to know the Parents' heart. Otherwise, we will never know. Without this experience, Satan will never leave you alone. As long as you do not triumph over Satan, you will never be able to know True Parents' heart or God's heart. 
As long as we do not do this but, instead, live a comfortable life, we will not be able to find God's love, the Parent's love, the Parent's realm of heart, or God's realm of heart. I must send everyone to the frontline. You need to be persecuted, despised and beaten, and receive all sorts of harsh treatment. Only then can there be an inheritance of heart. A ceremony of inheritance will take place there." CSG, Bequeathing the Heart

That is why FATHER PRAYED HYUNG JIN TAKE RESENTMENT OF 3 AGESThis was the way of inheritance. And just as Jacob's mom, Mother send Hyung Jin into exile. He had to gladly endure without complain and prove his faithfulness in True Parents, as Father explained.

"With True Parents as the central axis you should form a perfectly horizontal line centering on True Parents' love. You cannot have any complaints. You cannot complain. If you complain, you will become warped and deformed." CSG (136-67, 1985.12.20)

And was he victorious like Jacob? Instead of being victorious, he started complaining and accusing. Just 3 years later Hyung Jin started multiplying resentment in the hearts of others. His personality became really warped and deformed.

Hyung Jin found common base with others who had painful hearts and multiplied his power with more and more hateful speech. Is that overcoming Satan, or succumbing to Satan's ways? Wasn't that what Lucifer did? That's why Father clearly explained:

"We cannot hold grudges against others; rather, the target of our resentment should be ourselves. We need to do witnessing ourselves... Only then will there emerge that place in which we wish to live."  (Father, 1973.05.16)

Jacob not only endured without complaint but was ready to risk his life to win the heart of his brother. Hyung Jin didn't show such heart. He viciously attacked his elder brother. Obviously, where Jacob showed the victorious course of wining over Satan, Hyung Jin did just the opposite. Naturally, "Inheritance" did not take place.

That's why in his LAST PUBLICK SPEECH Father asked us not to follow Hyung Jin's way of struggle for power, but follow True Mother's way of love and peace. Father did that in his last few weeks of life because Hyung Jin already did show his disobedient heart, mistreating members of the true family.

"I sincerely ask you to choose True Mother's path; the path of a true wife, of a true daughter and of a true woman leader who will build a unified world where freedom, peace and happiness overflow in its truest form." (Father July16 2012)

Father said they lived united "throughout their lives," "based on true love.. learned from Heaven" and his last order was to "devote ourselves completely.. under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.”

This is a precious time when providence is moving fast. The world is transforming, Chaos is overtaking those who don't hold on True Parents. Those trapped in the old mentality of fear and resentment feel more and more insecure. Those holding on the new Culture of Heart will move forward with God's power and blessing.

We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin, and we wish they help God's providence even though they have chosen the more Cain-type Militant way. We love to see them focusing that on witnessing with good example, as in this interview with Teddy Daniels, where Hyung Jin testifies about True Father's fight with Communism. 


See how Hyung Jin's teachings deviate from all Father thaught us, by reading CAIN (SC) & ABEL (UC): IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICT

Pray and expect Hyung Jin's return to God's side, which is now starting with his focusing his talk to exposing democrats, satanism and pedophilia, as seen in the "Fight Evil without Becoming Evil" (The King's Report 08/27/20)

My Dream with Mother and Hyung Jin

with Mother and Hyung Jin

Recently I spent a night in the spirit world, observing the spiritual realm around Hyung Jin and that around True Mother. The realm of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin was dark; People were afraid of each other, gathering only in groups united to accuse and persecute others. Because of that, the streets were mostly empty.

Big contrast with the spiritual realm around True Mother. So much trust, love and mutual support was there. But everyone was focused and working hard for the restoration of their tribe. The spirits were constantly coming and reporting how many other ancestors they have restored.

It was clear, Hyung Jin was standing as a King for restoring the Middle Spirit world, while Mother was leading the restoration of our ancestors in the Paradise. I noticed that from Mother's realm people were observing Hyungjin's realm with great anticipation.

In Hyungjin's realm, however, people were busy with kind of self-centered activities, to just keep them excited. Their level was still not enough matured, to be able to live for others and for the providence. That was the only way to keep them believing. And of course, in those realms Witnessing will be a very difficult endeavor.

It was God's and True Parent's love to give them Hyung Jin and Kook Jin. Yet the low spiritual level of those ancestors was keeping the spirit of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin imprisoned there with them.

My Gift to See Spiritually

I don't usually dream random dreams. Instead, I have many experiences when I will spend the whole night in the spirit world. When alive True Father was often taking me with him and educating my spirit the whole night. Father or Mother's spirit appeared from time to time in my prayers and gave me guidance.

Sometimes, if I asked God about different problems He would allow me to visit the connected realms in the spirit world, so that I can observe and understand how these people relate and live. That made me ask Him many questions; Why they do such evil things? How did they become like that? Then He would give me the needed experiences and insights, until I could understand.

Sometimes it was painful. Until I could find a way to ease the pain of those spirits, my heart was not at ease. I was crying for God's painful situation, "Heavenly Father, if I can't help you at least I will sit here and cry for you and for these people in Hell."

The Realm of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin

So this time I appeared in some gloomy place in the spirit world. My heart intuitively felt that Hyung Jin and Kook Jin are in that spiritual realm, so I went searching for them. Because of my heartistic connection to them, it was easier to orient and find where they live.

The place looked like a small stadium, yet outside was protected like a castle. This was needed, because in this realm people easily accused each other of anything, so they were isolated there for their protection.

Truly, the atmosphere inside felt way safer and brighter for this realm. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin were sitting at the center of the stadium, lovingly observing the activities. Many members were around enjoying different pastimes. Of course, they didn't do anything much providential, but even the self-centered activities they did, like dancing, games, wrestling etc. were great lip upwards for this dark, hopeless levels of the spirit world.

I greeted Hyung Jin and Kook Jin. They stood up and warmly greeted me. After spending some time with them I felt the danger of recognizing and accusing me, so I felt I should get out of this realm. This task proved to be more difficult than finding them.

The Escape from the Middle Spirit Realms

Probably the most correct way to position their spiritual realm is some Ham level of the Middle Spirit World. You know Ham was the one judging and accusing based on his self-centered sense of righteousness. Ham was the one who did not repent but felt excused to judge his Parent and multiply gossips, stirring the same displeased feelings in his brother's hearts. I remembered that True Father himself prayed and placed the responsibility of restoring that resentment on the shoulders of his son - Hyung Jin. (See)

While trying to find my way out of this realm I started realizing what is the problem here. People were afraid to come out on the streets. Citizens of this realm were 'good', self-righteous people. Yet, they were so eager to judge and persecute if something was not in accordance with their external way of judging, so normal life was impossible. They misunderstood God's heart. Imagine if God, who sees every small mistake we do in hidden, start judging us and not forgiving us. Such a hellish world have they created for themselves.

Streets were nearly empty. I stumbled on a group accusing relentlessly a lonely girl, so I interfered and helped her. In return, she agreed to help me find my way. While talking to her we climb up on a train. I didn't know the customs in this realm so just followed her. For me everything was interesting, and the information was so much. I wondered why the train was so empty and soon we had to run for our lives, because the mad conductor started chasing us. We forgot to get tickets. Gosh, these people never give up. Read Gossiping Realm in the Spirit World

I soon learned that in this realm no one will forgive you. If in their view you make the smallest mistake, they will chase you to the end. That was the very thing that gave meaning to their lives - to accuse, to judge, to create unity to accuse and attack others. Only based on that common base they could feel friendship. I was happy when After many incidents in this spiritual lands I finally got out.

The Realm of Trusting and Serving to Each Other

I realized that the place I came was much brighter. But soon I was to be surprised by the relationships in this realm. They fixed things for me and I expected they will charge me a lot. When I was a bit late I expected to be accused, scolded or murmured about it. Instead, they gave me presents and had such a nice, understanding and loving attitude.

I was surprised by all that and asked God, "What is this realm? Why are people so good here?" The answer came in the most beautiful and unexpected way. I lifted my head and saw True Mother coming towards me.

True Mother's Realm

My heart got overwhelmed with joy. I felt like with my personal mother, so pure, strong heartistic connection. As a new guy in this realm probably I reacted too naturally, intimately, without barriers. But Mother also hugged me. See: We Love True Mother
"A person who lives intoxicated by God’s love.. can move around in all directions in the spirit world. Since the spirit world is a place where the God’s ideal of love is realized in all directions, people who live enraptured in God’s love stand in a prominent position." (TF, 1990.2.5)
Then Mother took me to the place where our members were working. It was like a big gathering place, much as places we hold our events on the earth. There were many big reception tables and lines of ancestors were coming towards each one of them. So I was curious about what are they doing. Mother said, "Go and see", so I went.

I saw ancestors of wonderful members, that I know on earth. Actually, they were all reporting, at those tables, how many other ancestors they have witnessed today and how many will come for education. It was such an exciting atmosphere, like we have on earth when holding big mobilizations around Father.

Oh, this realm was so much more alive. We were sitting on a table around Mother and sharing heartisticly. I'm sure in my curiosity and ignorance I embarrassed Mother with my questions and attitude, but she never showed it. Surely she is aware of my level. We have so many things yet to learn, to know how to relate with True Parents in the spirit world.

Praying for Hyung Jin's Realm

At the end, Mother took me outside and showed me a place where members could observe and pray for the realm of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin. That was the very reason why those around Hyung Jin in the Middle Spirit World could feel joy and hope, unavailable for those dark realms. Pity, in their immaturity they cannot understand and appreciate that. Just the opposite, they mobilize even more evil spirits to want to destroy Mother.

On the other side, in Mother's realm, everyone was happy with even the smallest improvement in the state of the people in Hyung Jin's realm. God's heart is always love, but love that helps other's grow. Please remember, we should always keep grateful and loving hearts. 


Seeing the spiritual reality behind, we cannot judge, but pray and feel compassion for those who suffer in lower realms. The higher spirit world constantly helps, heals and gives love - again and again; without judging - unconditionally. But in Hyung Jin's darker realms, fear of conspiracy, judging and gossiping, mistrust and accusations were just normal.

We can't blame them. That's the spiritual surrounding. The very negative energy there overtakes one's mind and makes him think and see everything in this way. That's why they have to build walls of protection, learn fighting and be skeptical of everything. One cannot escape but have this spiritual reality express in his physical life. People on earth are not aware of how much they are influenced by the spirit world.
"In the spirit world.. you can discern if a person is below.. or in a higher place than you... you can immediately see their rank in the hierarchy of love. This rank is absolute... Those who succeed in earthly life by slandering and plotting against others will be turned upside down in the spirit world." CSG1 p.849
In higher spiritual realms, where Mother is connected, there is only love and LFSO, so no such things are needed. After the coming of CIG this spiritual reality of the people is becoming more and more expressed in their physical life. Members who didn't liberate all their ancestors can easily become subjugated by the low reality of their suffering ancestors in lower realms. Members who don't do witnessing and Tribal restoration, may also easily sink into negative mindset and resentment. In the new world of CIG, the old mindset is painful, because the Universe cannot leave such things to continue existing. Let's all Liberate quickly God's Heart. Aju!

(1) God’s only begotten son and daughter are the first couple in His love.
(2) Father, as an individual cannot enter Heaven. He needs only begotten daughter.
(3) If there is no only begotten couple (TP) heaven is vacant
(4) If TM didn't fulfill her mission, no clan, no lineage, no TC will appear
(5) TM is born of pure lineage, Father didn't have to, he inherited Jesus' foundation

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