"Mother alone, represents True Parents" - Father
"Mother is the top decision maker" - Father's direction
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."

ANOTHER PROOF Hyung Jin is NOT ALIGNED with Father

Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon
Another proof that 
HgJN is not Aligned with Father
Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon
As Hyung Jin is not aligned with Father he is NOT representing Father but himself. Let's support TM and fullfil our responsibility.

The irony is that if Hyung Jin or any of TC is just humbe enough and invests his heart for good purpose, all Unificationists will automatically love him. Yet, Hyun is using so much quotes to glorify himself, which brough displesure from the majority of members.

But something else is turning us off even more. Is Hyung Jin aware he is manipulating Father’s words? Father didn’t say what he says, nor used these words with such evil heart. Hyung Jin is twisting Father’s words with no remorse! Here is another example:
“Mother and I overcame in (Mind/Body Unity) and now the temptations of the world -- money, power, or misuse of love -- have all been overcome. We are impregnable to them”
Everyone who knows what God's Direct Dominion represents in DP can understand what that means. True Mother is already in the realm of Perfection. Hyungjin and Kookjin should stop playing around with Father’s words! According to DP once perfected TP cannot fall. But for SC perfection can become imperfect. In their ignorance they disregard DP and all Father's words.

If changing Father's words is such an unforgivable sin, Hyung Jin is the one most guilgy of it. He reverses and changes Father's words all the time. Even worse he totaly denies Father's words, negating the meaning of all Father's books.

Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon


KJN/ H2 /SC claim that Mother didn’t make it at the last moment, and fell as Eve fell to Satan’s temptation, that H2 many times over has specified is money and power.

Is that also Father’s view? Let’s read Father’s words:
“Today is the 49th True Parents Day. The key to establishing your family as a true owner of Cheon Il Guk is to start with the unity of the mind and body. mother and i overcame in this area and now the temptations of the world -- money, power, or misuse of love -- have all been overcome. we are impregnable to them. You must do the same and establish your family as a True Parent family.” Sun Myung Moon, April 6, 2008, Kona, Hawai
Here we have Father saying the opposite. Another proof that Hyung Jin‘s and Father’s word are not one! Even more Hyungjin's heart is far away from Father & Mother's heart of constant love. If he is checking our faith in True Parents, yes, he will get away few negative, unbelievers from UC. But lest's be frank, WE LOVE FATHER & MOTHER

Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon

To discredit and attack True Parents is a horrible crime. Without True Parents there is no salvation. Father said TP are the one and only savior. You cannot have another and another set of true parents. We need to tell Hyung jin that he ought to immediately stop, to criticize TM.

Liers are liers! We don't need to accuse or resent them, but we have to say what's false. Rev. King Moon Hyungjin and Second Queen Yeonah Lee Moon are the most un-qualified to be True Parents' Inheritors. In fact they are gossiping, lying, manipulating, reversing Father's words. Is that their qualifications?

While Hyung Jin is loosing time to reverse Father's words in the aim to accuse and accuse, those he accuses in FFed are working hard for building CIG. While H2 is playing 'king' with his 200 families, numerour members are succesfully reaching 430 to 1000 families, in their Trible Messiaship. But they are not stilling other members like SC, FFed are witnessing to new couples, brouthening TF's foundation.

Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon
"We sill support you, True Parents and follow your will. So please have hope and keep up your strength." KYJ

Hhyungjinnim Sanctuary Church King Hyung Jin Moon

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