TF never told us Truth, H2 does
VIDEO reveals Kook Jin's STRANGE THEOLOGY, Q & A with Kook Jin Nim, 8 Sept. 2017
"The way of the Principle presented by the UC is the one and only way to go even after the passage of millennia and tens of millennia." Father (13-296, 1985.12.15)

So guess what; TF is Jesus, he is God the Creator, and Holy Spirit is not feminine. DP was wrong! TF himself is true parents - no need of real bride, because he is God the Creator, Kook Jin explained.
"The trinity is man/woman unity centered on God. However, Sanctuary Church now teaches that the trinity is all male... a homosexual trinity."We are all "confused and ignorant," Kook Jin said, since "Father changed his theology" and there is no need to accept what CSG or the Divine Principle explain. He was sharp, no need to search confirmation of what he and Hyung Jin teach in Father's words or DP, because they are not relevant.
But Father explains differently. He said, even if he has to abandon his children, he absolutely believes the Principle. Not like Hyung Jin and Kook Jin who try to avoid aligning with it, even Father has to "absolutely obey the Principle":
"I, Rev. Moon, absolutely believe in the entire contents of the Principle.. There is nothing else. Even if I may have to abandon my world, abandon my family, abandon my wife, and abandon my children, I love the Principle absolutely, more than them. I absolutely obey it."Even Sanctuary Church member objected, "I don't find Father's words about that." Kook Jin replied, "Yes, but we have the 2nd King here." "It's about what God says".. and of course, the whole idea is, that Hyung Jin is God. So, "Father's words are precious", he said, but they don't matter.
Hyung Jin is God's body on earth revealing the truth, while Fathers theology was wrong, Kook Jin clearly explained (With some twisted manipulative approach, of course! and lots of laughing, to make it acceptable)
Rationalizing to go around Father's Words
We should observe these happenings internally, from providential viewpoint. Yet, what is clear from this Video; They rationalize to go around Father's words and replace them with Hyung Jin's new theology without objections. They went a big circle to achieve that. First they made people negative of Mother, blaming that she changing CSG, even though it was Father's direction (See Fathr's words). Then used fabrications to proclaim Hyung Jin a subject over his parents (Against Father's words). With the time, more and more openly they talked about Father's traditions as Satanic; for example Tithing, FFed structure and so on. Gradually they replaced Fathers Ceremonies, Holidays, even the Blessing and all core traditions and goals. Against all Father's warnings, Hyung Jin proclaimed himself a New Center. It's time TC humble themselves in front of their Parents:
"Can a strong elder brother come home and be the boss there? No.. Even when an elder brother has several hundred doctorates, can he come home and be the boss? No, not even then. Why not? Because his parents are there." Father, CSG
Kook Jin (1:15 min); "People think I don't know DP, because in the end Father taught very different from what he was teaching before." "God of Night preexisted creation" and "Father is from the God of Night." "God of day is the God that appeared after creation", so Kook Jin concluded, "God of day is a created being.. and there can be many gods of day... all pagan, false gods", but they all "have to understand that they are not god and there is only one God (TF)".
This way, Kook Jin says, Father changed the theology, so all those explanations we know from DP and CSG are no longer valid. He claims, Father openly denied all his previous teachings about male/female unity etc. and proclaimed that he alone is "true parents'. In his words, "This is a fundamental shift in theology Father made." Than he concluded, "this is reaffirming that God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is one God." "Conclusion.. is that Rev. SMM is Jesus," Kook Jin ended.
However, Father's own words say the opposite. Father talked about liberating and uniting the God of Day and God of Night. He didn't say that's change of the principles, just the opposite, he stressed how important it is to keep the same principles and tradition. Father said, "I don't think this speech is of my words. I wasn't involved in making even one-tenth of the contents of the speech":
"I recently revealed that the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate. In order for (True) parents to have sons and daughters born again, the principle of (having the same) tradition, blood lineage, and resemblance applies." Father, January 5, 2011In fact Kook Jin took his ideas from Hyung Jin's presentation, 22 Jan 2012 he said: "God of Night is male. God of Day is female.. I am managed by the God of Night, you all, the world, are managed by God of Day." But in fact True Father said, both Father and Mother come from the God of Night. Meaning from the Creator. And they have become the substantial God (God of Day), thus reunite God, perfected God:
"The word, this is the True Parents. The perfection of the Principle is the True Parents, and it is the God of Night and the God of Day who are perfected through them.. Only when the True Parents appeared could the God of Night and the God of Day take their positions." Father, July 26, 2011In the same presentation Hyung Jin explained: "Father is a descendant of the Fall.. He also has a fallen nature.. Jesus is actually a different being than Father.. True Parents (3rd Adam and Eve) are the ones who come from the Logos... 1st & 2nd Adam could not become God of Day, 3rd Adam became God of Day. TP of Heaven, Earth and humankind = God of Night + God of Day." However, Kook Jin changed the explanations and the conclusions to serve his present agenda.
When asked, why he is changing Father's teachings, Kook Jin started twisting, 'yes you should not change any of Father's words, but 'his words have many, many levels of understanding.' Thus rationalizing, that he is allowed to change as he wishes. Not changing is obviously valid only when blaming Mother, for correcting the miss-printed words. Which in fact was Father's request, not Mother's.
In short, what I see; Father didn't change anything, but Kook Jin reinterpretation did. And it's all with premeditated purpose to exclude Mother out of the picture. This is visible in In Kook Jin's words: "The Holy Spirit is not a woman", DP is wrong on pointing is as the feminine part of God. The feminine aspect is not important, he said, because "God is 90 % masculine subject."
But if we follow that logic, we should say, that TM is God's object, and we know God cannot feel love without his object. The conclusion is, TM is God's bride. But Kook Jin stated, "TF's wife should be every women on this earth." That' much he is confusing God and TF. Sounds like the old theological problem in Christianity, "How much Jesus is God himself." And you see how big and strange this problems gets, once SC gets freely out of DP and Father's own explanations. To me, Kook Jin sounds like STUPIDITY THEOLOGY. But let's be correct, this way he is cleaning stupidity out of the UM.
Kook Jin says, TF never told us this truth, "because we were not ready." But how come, now SC is ready? Is it their love for gossiping and ignorance of DP that qualifies them? I don't know! Even SC member commented, "I don't find Father's words about that." Kook Jin answered, "Yes, but we have the 2nd King here." "It's about what God says".. and of course, Hyung Jin is God. And some how, only Father's lineage can understand the truth, Kook Jin raised his voice.
Hyungjin & Kook Jin's Real Aim
Father made it clear, his children should not create new ideology, "We should not accept anyone’s unrighteous ideology. I cannot endorse (Hyung Jin’s) ideology or anyone else’s. There is only one ideology, that of the True Parents." Let's be clear, any denial of TP is from Satan, Father explained. Hear Father's audio, scolding leaders not to be mislead by TC.
"They ignore me and claim that their decisions are better than mine.. they lie Father approved this or that." TF audioFinally, it's time they reveal their original purpose, to deny Father completely and avoid objections. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin struggled a lot with this obstacle while Father was alive. Each time they wanted to turn our church towards Christianity, they faced the objection of the leaders, that this is against Father's directions.
Now Father is gone. The only thing they needed is to somehow kill all Father's major teachings, like the concepts of; True Parents, going beyond religion, unity of religions, loving and sacrificing for others... All those were huge obstacle for their objectives. They needed freedom of these central concepts, so that they can do and change anything as they wish, with no one telling them, "This is against Father." And it is:
Now there is no ideology you need other than the ideology of True Parents. There is nothing else. We should not accept anyone’s unrighteous ideology. I cannot endorse (Hyung Jin’s) ideology or anyone else’s. There is only one ideology, that of the True Parents." CSG1Somebody commented, "Sanctuary Church should finally proclaim their theology openly." But listen to them, each member of Sanctuary Church has his own theology. They all talk freely any sort of nonsense. And that's where they want freedom from Father's theology. They are only willing to use Father wherever and however it serves their momentous needs, with no regard to the complete picture and what theology that creates.
Information Manipulation leaning to Terrorism
We should never manipulatively mislead people towards negativity and fear, using statistics, as Kook Jin does; "Over 5000 people are killed by criminals", Kook Jin explains, "but over 240 millions innocent citizens are killed by governments." He says government is more dangerous. But let's see the facts; 200 million are killed by the Communist Regimes and around 40 millions are killed in the 2nd WW.
We Unificationists work with the governments to help them solve problems and improve them. Ironically, exactly Communists were teaching against the government and provoking violent reaction.
"The problem of Asian culture", he continues is, "you love your slavery too much." So Western humanistic-selfcentered culture is better then the Eastern more vertical culture. Really? And isn't that contradiction with him and his brother promoting a King and Monarchy system.
Did Father really ever suggested a Monarchic system? In fact, all conferences Father made with professionals, concluded, that a better government will be, when professionals in the different fields start solving the problems, instead of politicians deciding them, with certain financial agenda.
There should be a body under God and TP, to extend God's will for the benefit of all the humanity. So Father founded numerous organizations in all fields, to play the role of that governing body. This body should be centered not on a man, but on the absolute values. Father made so many conferences about that.
Kook Jin says, "God was not with the majority... killed majority when it complained". But Father clearly explained, this was the Angelic way of restoration, Old Testament way - not God's way. Still the level of love and heart was not developed. People followed the Angelic muster-servant method, one of Judging, while God's way is that of self-successive, service and true love. Look at the terrorism, to see how wrong Kook Jin's arguments can lead. Then listen to him talk for hours, just, "war.. war.. judgment... judgment."
Where will this theology lead them? Is that helping them to see the way of Love, Unification and Peace? No, they consider us, the Unificationists, as cowards, afraid to act. Really?
Just compare their strange teachings of fear and resentment with True Mother's words of love and hope
True Parents are establishing the garden of Eden, which was completed for the first time, and is the model of heaven and earth. The five-colored race is a model of the family community, which lives for each other's, joy and happiness, freedom and peace.. society centered on God, based on the Culture of Heart.
"Every second of everyday, True Mother is investing her mind, body and soul to build True Parents’ sacred capital city, a lasting beacon of hope for the 7.4 billion children of the world, guiding them all on their journey back home to God." Sun Jin Nim
Finally, it's time they reveal their original purpose, to deny Father completely and avoid objections. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin struggled a lot with this obstacle while Father was alive. Each time they wanted to turn our church towards Christianity, they faced the objection of the leaders, that this is against Father's directions.
ReplyDeleteNow Father is gone. The only thing they needed is to somehow kill all his major teachings, like the concepts of; True Parents, going beyond religion, unity of religions, loving and sacrificing for others... All those were huge obstacle for their objectives. They needed freedom of these central concepts, so that they can do and change anything as they wish, with no one telling them, "This is against Father."
Why doesn't Sanctuary Church want to publish its theology for the world to see, It would surely save itself alot of hassle and help others to understand its hopes and dreams.
DeleteBut listen to them, each member of Sanctuary Church has his own theology. They all talk freely any sort of nonsense. And that's where they want freedom from Father's theology. They are only willing to use Father wherever and however it serves their momentous needs, with no regard to the complete picture and what theology that creates.
DeleteSo True Father is God and Parents in one package without a female aspect. I think Kook Jin should stick to business.
DeleteThey give me a headache.
ReplyDeleteI would say, they are cleaning the UM from stupidity :)
Deleteouch!. Father said in the public speech at the Javits Center in NYCity that one way you can know that he is the Messiah is that his teaching never changes.
DeleteI know there is NO Logos in Kook`s view. Before there was God, Jesus and Father. No Holy Spirit in his last talk. Now it seems in this talk there is God Jesus and the Holy Spirit which is Father. So the Holy Spirit seems to come and go.
DeleteSo not only is he changing his thinking from one week to the next, but Father changed his theology in the last days. Jesus is God. Father is God. No women are necessary...they are accessories only. Borrowed Wombs..
So despite these guys campaigning and protesting there should be no change in CSG, Divine Principle should be in the Constitution, now neither is necessary. All can be and should be ignored according to him.
How are they removing stupidity from UC? Aren't they making more people stupid?
DeleteTrue! but only the people susceptible to stupidity are easily manipulated to negativity. THESE ARE PEOPLE that make CIG society impossible. Statistically, it's enough to have small % of such people and only 1 manipulator, and even the most Ideal Society will TURN INTO HELL in a week. This is serious - not a joke!
DeleteThank you for your efforts to expose the lies of Sanctuary Church! Personally I do not read or listen to their declarations because I do not want to pollute my spirit but your efforts are commendable!
Me: In his latest Q & A session KJN told members that Father has created at the very end of his life a new theological revolutionary concept: The God of night and the God of day. According to KJN, (From min 1:17 min on );
KJN: "People think I don't know DP, because in the end Father taught very different from what he was teaching before." "The God of Night pre-existed creation" and Father said is from the God of Night, meaning he existed before he was born. The God of day is the God that appeared after creation, it‘s a created being, there can be many gods of day... all pagan, false gods, the han mother, Zeus! but they all have to understand that they are not God and there is only one God, which is True Father.
So TF made a fundamental theological shift in concerning True Parents, we all thought, yes TPs, Father and Mother, masculine and feminine. But father said; No! I’m The God of night, I’m TF, I’m TPs! The fundamental difference between Christ and everybody else is that he is the Godhead, he is God. There is only one Christ head to whom all women are married. This is reaffirming that God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit is one God. So we went all around in a circle, from going away from the Trinitarian God to come back at the same place. Father was leading you there because you where not ready for it.
'Yes you should not change any of Father's words, CSG, DP, but 'his words have many, many levels of understanding Father has always been a fisherman, he know what bait you like, what you like to hear, many of the things father said in different times is bait, but the end is always the same, it’s for the fulfilment of God’s will, and fulfilment of the purpose of creation, his is why when you look at the bait you can be misled from the final understanding that Father is leading you too”.
Me: Why do I say this is heart breaking news? Because one main accusation against True Mother is that she changed Father’s words, the CSG and is replacing Father with herself as the OBD, the new Messiah, etc.
But here we see KJN asserting that Father –according to him, of course- changed his theology at the very end when he started to speak about the God of night and the God of day. Now Father is God like Jesus was God, and guess what, TF is True Parents, all by himself, not Father and Mother!
But did Father really mean that when he spoke about the God of night and God of day? Did father change his concept about True parents being Father and Mother in the very end? Absolutely not!:
In order for this to happen, God absolutely needs the True Parents as the source of God’s true love, true life and true lineage. So, in order to complete God’s Providence of Salvation, IT IS NOT ONE MAN, THE SAVOIR, THE MESSIAH, OR THE LORD OF THE SECOND ADVENT, WHO MUST APPEAR, but IT IS THE TRUE PARENTS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, WHO RESEMBLE GOD COMPLETELY AND WHO HAVE COMPLETELY REALIZED HIS TRUE LOVE, WHO MUST APPEAR. In the same way that God first created Adam and made Adam’s eternal partner by taking a rib from him, God’s son, the restored Adam, must first appear, and then restore Eve, and then, by recreating her, realize the ideal of true love, completing THE ROLE OF TRUE PARENTS. The source of humankind’s true love and true life begins from THE TRUE PARENTS and in them is THE TRUE MODEL OF THE IDEAL OF TRUE HUSBAND AND WIFE AND TRUE PARENTS.2003 feb 6
“True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed”.(March 22, 2012 - Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication)
Bless you, Mario
As a non aligned member who thinks there's good and bad, right and wrong in all of the sects of the schism, I have to say what's happening at Sanctuary is very sad. I love and respect many who are following Hyung Jin and Kook Jin but they are now really leaving the orbit of the Divine Principle and Father's own words. Kook Jin has now bluntly stated that those things are not the highest expression of the truth and that the actual truth is completely opposite in some ways . Jesus and Father are God incarnate (and H2 too?) and the that he and H2 can and will now convey the highest truth. I am sorry, I can't be where they are going. I always felt I could hang out spiritually with all the sects, but now I can't. They are going to a very strange place indeed. I hope it doesn't go bad, but it might. Today they are celebrating the beginning of the Apocalypse and the terrible suffering soon to come upon the earth. It's a black tie event. Crowns and all.