"Mother alone, represents True Parents" - Father
"Mother is the top decision maker" - Father's direction
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."

Kook Jin Denying CSG & DP, saying TF never told us the Truth

Kook Jin Denying CSG & DP 
TF never told us Truth, H2 does
VIDEO reveals Kook Jin's STRANGE THEOLOGY, Q & A with Kook Jin Nim, 8 Sept. 2017

"The way of the Principle presented by the UC is the one and only way to go even after the passage of millennia and tens of millennia." Father (13-296, 1985.12.15)

KOOK Jin, however, spent one hour explaining that he does not need to speak according to DP and needs no confirmation in Father's words for his teachings, because Father changed his theology in the last days. How convenient! "Father never told us the truth", he explained, But went all the way around teaching us untruth, because "we were not ready". In his words, "in the end Father taught very different from what he was teaching before." Really!

So guess what; TF is Jesus, he is God the Creator, and Holy Spirit is not feminine. DP was wrong! TF himself is true parents - no need of real bride, because he is God the Creator, Kook Jin explained.
"The trinity is man/woman unity centered on God. However, Sanctuary Church now teaches that the trinity is all male... a homosexual trinity."
We are all "confused and ignorant," Kook Jin said, since "Father changed his theology" and there is no need to accept what CSG or the Divine Principle explain. He was sharp, no need to search confirmation of what he and Hyung Jin teach in Father's words or DP, because they are not relevant.

But Father explains differently. He said, even if he has to abandon his children, he absolutely believes the Principle. Not like Hyung Jin and Kook Jin who try to avoid aligning with it, even Father has to "absolutely obey the Principle":
"I, Rev. Moon, absolutely believe in the entire contents of the Principle.. There is nothing else. Even if I may have to abandon my world, abandon my family, abandon my wife, and abandon my children, I love the Principle absolutely, more than them. I absolutely obey it." 
Even Sanctuary Church member objected, "I don't find Father's words about that." Kook Jin replied, "Yes, but we have the 2nd King here." "It's about what God says".. and of course, the whole idea is, that Hyung Jin is God. So, "Father's words are precious", he said, but they don't matter.

Hyung Jin is God's body on earth revealing the truth, while Fathers theology was wrong, Kook Jin clearly explained (With some twisted manipulative approach, of course! and lots of laughing, to make it acceptable)

Rationalizing to go around Father's Words

We should observe these happenings internally, from providential viewpoint. Yet, what is clear from this Video; They rationalize to go around Father's words and replace them with Hyung Jin's new theology without objections. They went a big circle to achieve that. First they made people negative of Mother, blaming that she changing CSG, even though it was Father's direction (See Fathr's words). Then used fabrications to proclaim Hyung Jin a subject over his parents (Against Father's words). With the time, more and more openly they talked about Father's traditions as Satanic; for example Tithing, FFed structure and so on. Gradually they replaced Fathers Ceremonies, Holidays, even the Blessing and all core traditions and goals. Against all Father's warnings, Hyung Jin proclaimed himself a New Center. It's time TC humble themselves in front of their Parents:
"Can a strong elder brother come home and be the boss there? No.. Even when an elder brother has several hundred doctorates, can he come home and be the boss? No, not even then. Why not? Because his parents are there." Father, CSG


Kook Jin (1:15 min); "People think I don't know DP, because in the end Father taught very different from what he was teaching before." "God of Night preexisted creation" and "Father is from the God of Night." "God of day is the God that appeared after creation", so Kook Jin concluded, "God of day is a created being.. and there can be many gods of day... all pagan, false gods", but they all "have to understand that they are not god and there is only one God (TF)".

This way, Kook Jin says, Father changed the theology, so all those explanations we know from DP and CSG are no longer valid. He claims, Father openly denied all his previous teachings about male/female unity etc. and proclaimed that he alone is "true parents'. In his words, "This is a fundamental shift in theology Father made." Than he concluded, "this is reaffirming that God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is one God." "Conclusion.. is that Rev. SMM is Jesus," Kook Jin ended.

However, Father's own words say the opposite. Father talked about liberating and uniting the God of Day and God of Night. He didn't say that's change of the principles, just the opposite, he stressed how important it is to keep the same principles and tradition. Father said, "I don't think this speech is of my words. I wasn't involved in making even one-tenth of the contents of the speech":
"I recently revealed that the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate. In order for (True) parents to have sons and daughters born again, the principle of (having the same) tradition, blood lineage, and resemblance applies." Father, January 5, 2011
In fact Kook Jin took his ideas from Hyung Jin's presentation, 22 Jan 2012 he said: "God of Night is male. God of Day is female.. I am managed by the God of Night, you all, the world, are managed by God of Day." But in fact True Father said, both Father and Mother come from the God of Night. Meaning from the Creator. And they have become the substantial God (God of Day), thus reunite God, perfected God:
"The word, this is the True Parents. The perfection of the Principle is the True Parents, and it is the God of Night and the God of Day who are perfected through them.. Only when the True Parents appeared could the God of Night and the God of Day take their positions." Father, July 26, 2011
In the same presentation Hyung Jin explained: "Father is a descendant of the Fall.. He also has a fallen nature.. Jesus is actually a different being than Father.. True Parents (3rd Adam and Eve) are the ones who come from the Logos... 1st & 2nd Adam could not become God of Day, 3rd Adam became God of Day. TP of Heaven, Earth and humankind = God of Night + God of Day." However, Kook Jin changed the explanations and the conclusions to serve his present agenda.

When asked, why he is changing Father's teachings, Kook Jin started twisting, 'yes you should not change any of Father's words, but 'his words have many, many levels of understanding.' Thus rationalizing, that he is allowed to change as he wishes. Not changing is obviously valid only when blaming Mother, for correcting the miss-printed words. Which in fact was Father's request, not Mother's.

In short, what I see; Father didn't change anything, but Kook Jin reinterpretation did. And it's all with premeditated purpose to exclude Mother out of the picture. This is visible in In Kook Jin's words: "The Holy Spirit is not a woman", DP is wrong on pointing is as the feminine part of God. The feminine aspect is not important, he said, because "God is 90 % masculine subject."

But if we follow that logic, we should say, that TM is God's object, and we know God cannot feel love without his object. The conclusion is, TM is God's bride. But Kook Jin stated, "TF's wife should be every women on this earth." That' much he is confusing God and TF. Sounds like the old theological problem in Christianity, "How much Jesus is God himself." And you see how big and strange this problems gets, once SC gets freely out of DP and Father's own explanations. To me, Kook Jin sounds like STUPIDITY THEOLOGY. But let's be correct, this way he is cleaning stupidity out of the UM.

Kook Jin says, TF never told us this truth, "because we were not ready." But how come, now SC is ready? Is it their love for gossiping and ignorance of DP that qualifies them? I don't know! Even SC member commented, "I don't find Father's words about that." Kook Jin answered, "Yes, but we have the 2nd King here." "It's about what God says".. and of course, Hyung Jin is God. And some how, only Father's lineage can understand the truth, Kook Jin raised his voice.

Hyungjin & Kook Jin's Real Aim

Father made it clear, his children should not create new ideology, "We should not accept anyone’s unrighteous ideology. I cannot endorse (Hyung Jin’s) ideology or anyone else’s. There is only one ideology, that of the True Parents." Let's be clear, any denial of TP is from Satan, Father explained. Hear Father's audio, scolding leaders not to be mislead by TC.
"They ignore me and claim that their decisions are better than mine.. they lie Father approved this or that."  TF audio
Finally, it's time they reveal their original purpose, to deny Father completely and avoid objections. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin struggled a lot with this obstacle while Father was alive. Each time they wanted to turn our church towards Christianity, they faced the objection of the leaders, that this is against Father's directions.

Now Father is gone. The only thing they needed is to somehow kill all Father's major teachings, like the concepts of; True Parents, going beyond religion, unity of religions, loving and sacrificing for others... All those were huge obstacle for their objectives. They needed freedom of these central concepts, so that they can do and change anything as they wish, with no one telling them, "This is against Father." And it is:
Now there is no ideology you need other than the ideology of True Parents. There is nothing else. We should not accept anyone’s unrighteous ideology. I cannot endorse (Hyung Jin’s) ideology or anyone else’s. There is only one ideology, that of the True Parents." CSG1
Somebody commented, "Sanctuary Church should finally proclaim their theology openly." But listen to them, each member of Sanctuary Church has his own theology. They all talk freely any sort of nonsense. And that's where they want freedom from Father's theology. They are only willing to use Father wherever and however it serves their momentous needs, with no regard to the complete picture and what theology that creates.

Information Manipulation leaning to Terrorism

We should never manipulatively mislead people towards negativity and fear, using statistics, as Kook Jin does; "Over 5000 people are killed by criminals", Kook Jin explains, "but over 240 millions innocent citizens are killed by governments." He says government is more dangerous. But let's see the facts; 200 million are killed by the Communist Regimes and around 40 millions are killed in the 2nd WW.

We Unificationists work with the governments to help them solve problems and improve them. Ironically, exactly Communists were teaching against the government and provoking violent reaction. 

"The problem of Asian culture", he continues is, "you love your slavery too much." So Western humanistic-selfcentered culture is better then the Eastern more vertical culture. Really? And isn't that contradiction with him and his brother promoting a King and Monarchy system.

Did Father really ever suggested a Monarchic system? In fact, all conferences Father made with professionals, concluded, that a better government will be, when professionals in the different fields start solving the problems, instead of politicians deciding them, with certain financial agenda.

There should be a body under God and TP, to extend God's will for the benefit of all the humanity. So Father founded numerous organizations in all fields, to play the role of that governing body. This body should be centered not on a man, but on the absolute values. Father made so many conferences about that. 

Kook Jin says, "God was not with the majority... killed majority when it complained". But Father clearly explained, this was the Angelic way of restoration, Old Testament way - not God's way. Still the level of love and heart was not developed. People followed the Angelic muster-servant method, one of Judging, while God's way is that of self-successive, service and true love. Look at the terrorism, to see how wrong Kook Jin's arguments can lead. Then listen to him talk for hours, just, "war.. war.. judgment... judgment."

Where will this theology lead them? Is that helping them to see the way of Love, Unification and Peace? No, they consider us, the Unificationists, as cowards, afraid to act. Really?

Just compare their strange teachings of fear and resentment with True Mother's words of love and hope

True Parents are establishing the garden of Eden, which was completed for the first time, and is the model of heaven and earth. The five-colored race is a model of the family community, which lives for each other's, joy and happiness, freedom and peace.. society centered on God, based on the Culture of Heart.
"Every second of everyday, True Mother is investing her mind, body and soul to build True Parents’ sacred capital city, a lasting beacon of hope for the 7.4 billion children of the world, guiding them all on their journey back home to God." Sun Jin Nim

Father asked to reduce CHEON SEONG GYEONG, not Mother

True Father asked to Reduce  
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Reduce CSG and publish 2nd and 3rd volumes, was Father's request, not Mother's initiative.

Father said in 2004, "Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch (or change) the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That's why new denominations will not arise." (The Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Vol. 447-83, 4.30. 2004)

But since the mistakes and misquotes in that edition were actually going to lead exactly towards divisions, Father gave instructions about correcting CSG as soon as possible. Only then, he said, the book will be sealed.

"The first and second sorting process have been conducted. It consists of around 2,300 pages. Look at the huge amount of pages. No one among you is capable of conducting the task of reducing it. I will work on reducing it myself, complete it before I die and mark it with a seal" (vol. 434-128, Jan 30, 2004). 

Why Father requested to correct CSG

We cannot avoid to see "the Cheon Seong Gyeong, as well as the eight textbooks as a whole, as only a half-finished concept and not a work that could stand the test of time," Dr. Wilson wrote. 

The first Cheon Seong Gyeong is full of duplications, being an amalgam of 16 booklets developed in Japan with overlapping content. It does not include any material from speeches beyond March 2003, leaving out the entire last decade of Rev. Moon’s teachings. 

The three Cheon Il Guk Scriptures taken together include much of Rev. Moon’s eight textbooks. Totaling over 4,800 pages, they contain far more extracts from Rev. Moon’s speeches than the first Cheon Seong Gyeong. As Father said himself:
"Cheon Seong Gyeong has been compiled based on 400 volumes of my sermons which make up only one third of 1,200 volumes. The Cheon Seong Gyeong contents have been extracted from only one third of published volumes. Two or three times more contents must be published."  (Father, Oct. 10, 2008)
Father said his words should not be changed, yet the book should be simplified and edited before his ascension, if possible. He said more volumes should be added - from his 1200 books, cause humanity needs the chance to study them all. He gave many comments on what should be changed and added additional explanations to be included; Repetitions and misquotes fixed.

In the new revised version of CSG: 
(1) misquotes of Father's words corrected to the original source, 
(2) repetitions are removed 
(3) more of Father's words are added 
(4) Father's own comments are added
(5) Father's more recent providential words are included
(6) Father's request to add 2nd and 3rd volume is followed
(7) Some chapters from book 1 are moved in book 2 or 3

True Parents are the Word in Substance

Let's not forget, that True Parents are the word in substance, which is even more important and precious than any book. Without the substantial incarnation of God's word in a True Family, all books are just an empty slogan with no foundation.
"The word, this is the True Parents. The perfection of the Principle is the True Parents, and it is the God of Night and the God of Day who are perfected through them.. Only when the True Parents appeared could the God of Night and the God of Day take their positions." Father, July 26, 2011
Even in his last public speech, just before his passing, Father told us, that Mother is the victorious model we should follow in building God's Ideal. And we see that mother completely followed Father's directions in revising CSG.

1. Father said, 2nd and 3rd volumes of CSG should be published. He spoke how important is this 

True Father said, “Cheon Seong Gyeong consists of teachings extracted from the 480 published volumes of my sermons. I am waiting for the unpublished content, which is three times more, to be published through a second or third volume of Cheon Seong Gyeong” (True Father’s sermon vol. 599-85, Sept 25, 2008). Here, Father talked about the importance of a second and third volume of Cheon Seong Gyeong.
He also remarked, “Cheon Seong Gyeong has been compiled based on 400 volumes of my sermons which make up only one third of 1,200 volumes. The Cheon Seong Gyeong contents have been extracted from only one third of published volumes. Two or three times more contents must be published” (vol. 599-110, Oct 10, 2008). 

He also emphasized, “Cheon Seong Gyeong has been extracted from 400 of the published volumes. I recently heard that sermon volumes have totaled to 500 volumes, right? I am waiting for more to be published. If Cheon Seong Gyeong has been extracted from that amount of volumes, then imagine how many Cheon Seong Gyeong volumes can be published” (591-192, May 30, 2008).

2. Reduction project of the first CSG started by Father's direction in his lifetime. Even if Hyung Jin's rebellion caused some particular changes, he has to blame only himself, not Mother.

True Father also mentioned the reduction project of the previous edition of Cheon Seong Gyeong, emphasizing the necessity of a new compilation project in the following manner: “The first and second sorting process have been conducted. It consists of around 2,300 pages. Look at the huge amount of pages. No one among you is capable of conducting the task of reducing it. I will work on reducing it myself, complete it before I die and mark it with a seal” (vol. 434-128, Jan 30, 2004). 

Father also talked about the supplementation project of Cheon Seong Gyeong, “It is certain that you are following the path of love’s responsibility which I taught you based on Cheon Seong Gyeong; however, if there is anything that is left out from it, you must supplement it all in order to educate inadequate man. If you do so, there won’t be any problems.” (582-287, Dec 12, 2007)

3. True Parents have reached complete unity and the era of God’s full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence
True Parents are governing the spiritual world and physical world on the basis of having attained unity of the heart, body, and harmony. When Father proclaimed “the Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God”, he said, “True Parents have now reached complete unity and the era of God’s full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence is dedicated and proclaimed on the standard of perfection, conclusion, and completion.”

Yang and Yin Versions of CSG

We love Cheong Seong Gyeong' 1 and 2; they are like Yang and Yin, like Male and Female aspects of the same book. Where Father's words changed? Not! It's still Father's words. And to be correct, Father has over 500 volumes, that CSG was systematized from; Not by Father, but by UC theologians. 

I LOVE THAT - having one more improved version gives us the chance to study deeper (one - original - historic; and one fixed - with no mistakes, for witnessing). We can study both and compare. How wonderful! It will only help us learn better TF's word. 

The New CSG only makes the Original More Precious 

Let's be clear, THE ORIGINAL CSG will be always the original one. The fixed version will never change that. You want or don't want, future generations will study the original. This change will make it even more precious and historic. They will study specifically all differences. 

On the other side, the new version of CSG was in process of preparation during Father's life. Mother has no much to do with that. But if she did, that's great. Think how precious is that for the future generations, to have Mother's touch and words. Think of all religions. The central figures and historic conditions gave different aspects to the different religions. We are not narrow-minded; Mother is the center and that has to give historic impression on how our Movement develops. 

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