Kook Jin:
Arrest & Kill Mother
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At 55 min, Kook Jin says, "It's King's responsibility to arrest her and execute her". |
Rationalizing their deviation from Father's teachings is one thing, but killing True Mother, this is totally off
This is really sad and very painful to hear! In the Video from October 31, 2016", Kook Jin says, H2 has to kill Mother. He said, this is his responsibility as a king. Do they realize what they are saying? What evil spirits talk in their heads? There is Evil Power behind their talk and actions! What will happen if fanatic Sanctuary Church member acts on that?
"It's King's responsibility to arrest her and execute her". Kook Jin (55 min)Kook Jin Nim explains the tradition of kingship and the consequence if anyone tries to usurp the throne. What kind of Satanic Kingship is in their heads? How can they talk of executing and killing!
The whole history was "to find True Parents", who will restore the world of love and peace. But Hyung Jin and Kook Jin talk of some different kingship, more alike to the despotic past. Roman Emperor, Nero in his tyrannical reign; killed his mother and persecuted Christians, same like Hyungjin persecutes the UC members and wants to kill TM. See images of them arming themselves
Not only that, Kook jin continues, saying that Adam was supposed to KILL Eve if needed. Now you see, these guys are death serious. Killing and Murder is part of their understanding of the Kingdom they want. Ask Sanctuary Church members; Judging and Accusing is what they will enjoy once the Kingdom comes. This is their own explanation, not mine. These people are really out of their minds.
Laughing like crazy and talking about executing Mother (55 min.)
COMMENT: "The King's responsibility is to arrest the Queen and execute her." Kook Jin, having convinced so many fools, that Mother is the literal "Whore Of Bayblon", and Hyung Jin is the King now, is telling Hyung Jin, it is "his responsibility" to arrest and execute True Mother." - Bill
Such Parallel is not coincidence - there is past to be restored. TF warned us that resentment of 3 ages will be upon Hyung Jin. True Mother was the most victorious woman in human history. How great sin is to go against her, against "True Parents, whom God established." Father taught us that ridiculing others (as Hyung Jin does constantly in his sermons) and killing is not God's way:
"Any individual.. that ridicules, oppresses or kills victorious people will not last long, because God will remember their deeds." Father, CSG p.54
H2 & KJN's Words Provoke Dangerous Resentment
The killing Kook Jin talks about is called Parricide (Latin: parricida, killer of parent - the killing of one's mother or father or other close relative). You can see this in their "Question & Answer Session with Hyung Jin Moon & Kook Jin Moon - October 31, 2016", according to which as a King, Hyung Jin has the right to arrest and kill True Mother! At the 55 min, asked about Mother, Kook Jin actually replies, "It's King's responsibility to arrest her and execute her".
COMMENT: It's not our heart, but he can be arrested for such a death threat.. its recorded on video. Imagine if fanatic SC member acts on that. They are responsible for what it will provoke.
They may try to pretend, this is just a figurative speech. But when Farrakhan wrote, "Malcolm will not escape... he is wordy of death".. two months later Malcolm-X was killed. (See Video...) And Hyung Jin's words already brought to the murder of a mother of 4 kids. He is already guilty!
COMMENT: Even though our laws don't allow this, just the fact that they can think this, and then say it publicly, is sick. Their original minds have been shackled.
How can SC believe TF will be happy with such evil. What's wrong with them? TF loved Mother. This is eternal, unchanging heart. Read...
Hyung Jin's Tyrannical Kingdom
Yes, H2 & KJN look so stupid and ignorant in this Questions & Answer session; rationalizing their complete deviation from DP and Father's teachings. But look how evil their hearts have become. How can they even imagine such evil things?
It is obvious that they have discussed this point before. Surely it's not the first time Sanctuary Church members hear such death threat directed towards Mother.
Kook Jin describes his tyrannical idea of kingship. But NO MATTER THE CONTEXT, Kook Jin is suggesting in SC minds, that Mother should be killed. He is bringing this poison in their hearts. That's even worse spiritual crime!
And let's be clear on that, Hyung Jin has no authority over TM. Read, Hyung Jin's FALSE CLAIMS of SUCCESSION. It's a fact; Even after the so called 'coronation' of H2, Father clearly declared, "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this." (TF 2011) Therefore, she is the one that has kingship authority over them. They should stop reversing dominion. That's the Communist way. Hyung Jin Replacing TF's Teachings with MARXISM
Jacob - Hyung Jin Parallel
Talking of killing True Mother, this is totally off, no matter of the context. Just the idea of it is sickening. But Kook Jin said that in response to the comment, that it was actually TM who pushed Father to sign Hyung Jin as a king. Why are they afraid of this true fact? Why their faces became so dark, hearing it?
I remember when watching TM urge Father to sign it, it reminded so much of Abraham's wife, pushing the nearly blind Abraham to bless Jacob instead of Esau. And of course, after Abraham's death, Jacob's mother asked him to go into exile (Same like H2). But the complete difference between Hyung Jin and Jacob comes afterwords.
Jacob was deceived more than 10 times, yet never complained, so he became victorious. Hyung Jin, however, was invaded by Satan and started complaining, rebelling, gossiping and twisting the truth to put himself up. Just the opposite of Jacob, who even coming back to his brother, offered everything he had and humbly bowed down 7 times to his Cain. We remember how Hyung Jin went around accusing his brother. Together with Kook Jin they started court cases. Mother had to intervene, to stop this insanity.
Hyung Jin is actually Killing and Destroying Father
But Hyung Jin has different hopes. As you see he denies this central point of Father's teachings. And here is the question I have. If Hyung Jin says Fam.Fed. leaders are so bad, who appointed them? Father! So why he didn't go to Father, when he was still alive and tell him straight; "Father, you're all wrong; you appointed wrong leaders, your tradition of 'tithing is Satanic', your Family Pledge is "enslaving"..
Why is Hyung Jin saying these accusations only now? Of course, he was afraid of Father. Father would have scolded him! And then no one would follow his lies. But now is different, he can blame all Father created, he can change all Father said, yet accuse Mother and fool people to follow him, by stirring resentment in their hearts. Who is the master behind these tactics? Satan! So the more we point and reveal Satan's ways, the more he will loose power. Until finally everyone sees his evil maneuvers and manipulations. So there will be no one left to be manipulated again. Only then, DP explains, will God's Kingdom be possible.
Why when SC affiliates read that, they accuse us. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin are Laughing like crazy, ridiculing our leaders who sacrificed so much, calling Father's tradition "Satanic", calling TM "Lesbian" and talking about EXECUTING HER, but we are guilty for NOTICING. We should understand, it's Satan's lying power behind all that!
Understand Hyung Jin's Situation
It's not easy to understand H2 & KJN's behaviour. I gave detail explanation in the article, Sanctuary Church vs. THE WAY TO PEACE. Being in such low resonance of heart, human mind works strange, irrational and evil. In this resonance they are influenced by evil spirits, that make all this seem good and correct in their eyes.
Evil kings in the past easily killed their mothers or other relatives. Stalin also killed his own wife. Such dictators had no heart and conscience. Evil powers dominated and worked through them. How strange for SC to have such idea of kingship and believe Father would ever have such evil, changing heart towards Mother. Insane!
Totalitarian dictator, Stalin, killed his own wife. Such are the kings in the Satanic world. No ideal possible with such leaders. .
It looks inhumane, but in fact they are GOOD PEOPLE, only their Original Mind is imprisoned. Read How Trapped Emotions work. They are not themselves! Pleasure in mocking others with gossips - that's not the Original Mind. It's only an indemnity time period TO STAY IN THIS LOW RESONANCE. Of course the purpose is to win and surely they are struggling to find the way out of this inner pain and frustrations. BUT IN SUCH LOW RESONANCE one is blind and always chooses solutions that bring more evil, despite their good motivation.
COMMENT: Back when Kook and Hyung were preaching on tour against their older brother H1 being the archangel or Satan.. I heard God say to me ,"I'm not worried about the True children becoming negative, I'm worried about them becoming evil." - Mike
Sanctuary Church members don't realize how they are brainwashed with hate. They say, the suggestion of killing mother never entered their mind. Really??? So why all SC members keep calling mother whore.. lesbian... han mother... and all sorts of hate names! IT ENTERED THEIR HEARTS - it made them Evil.
We see more and more examples around the globe. Why did crazy SC associates made accusations and attacks that caused the death of mother of 4 children? Love or Hate entered their hearts, after listening to the Evil King Hyung Jin? Please tell me!!!
We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin
We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin... and we pray for their growth. Surely they will come back to common sense sooner or later. Read My Dream with Mother and Hyung Jin to understand his spiritual situation.
Once I took 10 000 of the evil angels working on him... They started such a powerful attack to invade my mind and control me. And I have the ability to sense any spirits and observe what and where they are doing to control people. Took an hour till I could overcome. It was not me, but God's love and my ability to communicate with him. Since then I know how to deal with Evil Angels. But they are so many working on these brothers. Read, Spiritual Reason for Division
I don't think they realize what they are saying. They just allow evil spirits talk through them.. from ignorance; Lack of discern of right and wrong. So when something is wrong, we have to react and point it, so they can stop. But with good heart, parental heart. Don't let hate in our hearts (like SC). This way we block this evil spirits.
How did TF stop Communism? He revealed what's wrong with the ideology and actions. He revealed their evil strategies. Once enough people learned communism could not continue. Once members reveal what's not principle in Hyung Jin's new theology and actions, he will also not be able to continue. People are fooled now that he loves Father, so they don't see Hyung Jin is actually destroying Father. It's Ideological war. And it's spiritual war. MUST READ: Reflection "Why Sanctuary Church is Wrong!"
COMMENT: It's not our heart, but he can be arrested for such a death threat.. its recorded on video. Imagine if fanatic SC member acts on that. They are responsible for what it will provoke.
They may try to pretend, this is just a figurative speech. But when Farrakhan wrote, "Malcolm will not escape... he is wordy of death".. two months later Malcolm-X was killed. (See Video...) And Hyung Jin's words already brought to the murder of a mother of 4 kids. He is already guilty!
COMMENT: Even though our laws don't allow this, just the fact that they can think this, and then say it publicly, is sick. Their original minds have been shackled.
How can SC believe TF will be happy with such evil. What's wrong with them? TF loved Mother. This is eternal, unchanging heart. Read...
Hyung Jin's Tyrannical Kingdom
Yes, H2 & KJN look so stupid and ignorant in this Questions & Answer session; rationalizing their complete deviation from DP and Father's teachings. But look how evil their hearts have become. How can they even imagine such evil things?
It is obvious that they have discussed this point before. Surely it's not the first time Sanctuary Church members hear such death threat directed towards Mother.
Kook Jin describes his tyrannical idea of kingship. But NO MATTER THE CONTEXT, Kook Jin is suggesting in SC minds, that Mother should be killed. He is bringing this poison in their hearts. That's even worse spiritual crime!
And let's be clear on that, Hyung Jin has no authority over TM. Read, Hyung Jin's FALSE CLAIMS of SUCCESSION. It's a fact; Even after the so called 'coronation' of H2, Father clearly declared, "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this." (TF 2011) Therefore, she is the one that has kingship authority over them. They should stop reversing dominion. That's the Communist way. Hyung Jin Replacing TF's Teachings with MARXISM
Jacob - Hyung Jin Parallel
Talking of killing True Mother, this is totally off, no matter of the context. Just the idea of it is sickening. But Kook Jin said that in response to the comment, that it was actually TM who pushed Father to sign Hyung Jin as a king. Why are they afraid of this true fact? Why their faces became so dark, hearing it?
Jacob was deceived more than 10 times, yet never complained, so he became victorious. Hyung Jin, however, was invaded by Satan and started complaining, rebelling, gossiping and twisting the truth to put himself up. Just the opposite of Jacob, who even coming back to his brother, offered everything he had and humbly bowed down 7 times to his Cain. We remember how Hyung Jin went around accusing his brother. Together with Kook Jin they started court cases. Mother had to intervene, to stop this insanity.
Hyung Jin is actually Killing and Destroying Father
"The hope of all humanity is to meet the True Parents." This is the "fruit of history".. "the foundation for the future" "Humanity lost our parents and have been orphans.. Happiness is to find our parents for the first time." - Father, CSG p.165
But Hyung Jin has different hopes. As you see he denies this central point of Father's teachings. And here is the question I have. If Hyung Jin says Fam.Fed. leaders are so bad, who appointed them? Father! So why he didn't go to Father, when he was still alive and tell him straight; "Father, you're all wrong; you appointed wrong leaders, your tradition of 'tithing is Satanic', your Family Pledge is "enslaving"..
Why is Hyung Jin saying these accusations only now? Of course, he was afraid of Father. Father would have scolded him! And then no one would follow his lies. But now is different, he can blame all Father created, he can change all Father said, yet accuse Mother and fool people to follow him, by stirring resentment in their hearts. Who is the master behind these tactics? Satan! So the more we point and reveal Satan's ways, the more he will loose power. Until finally everyone sees his evil maneuvers and manipulations. So there will be no one left to be manipulated again. Only then, DP explains, will God's Kingdom be possible.
Why when SC affiliates read that, they accuse us. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin are Laughing like crazy, ridiculing our leaders who sacrificed so much, calling Father's tradition "Satanic", calling TM "Lesbian" and talking about EXECUTING HER, but we are guilty for NOTICING. We should understand, it's Satan's lying power behind all that!
Understand Hyung Jin's Situation
It's not easy to understand H2 & KJN's behaviour. I gave detail explanation in the article, Sanctuary Church vs. THE WAY TO PEACE. Being in such low resonance of heart, human mind works strange, irrational and evil. In this resonance they are influenced by evil spirits, that make all this seem good and correct in their eyes.
Evil kings in the past easily killed their mothers or other relatives. Stalin also killed his own wife. Such dictators had no heart and conscience. Evil powers dominated and worked through them. How strange for SC to have such idea of kingship and believe Father would ever have such evil, changing heart towards Mother. Insane!
Totalitarian dictator, Stalin, killed his own wife. Such are the kings in the Satanic world. No ideal possible with such leaders. .
It looks inhumane, but in fact they are GOOD PEOPLE, only their Original Mind is imprisoned. Read How Trapped Emotions work. They are not themselves! Pleasure in mocking others with gossips - that's not the Original Mind. It's only an indemnity time period TO STAY IN THIS LOW RESONANCE. Of course the purpose is to win and surely they are struggling to find the way out of this inner pain and frustrations. BUT IN SUCH LOW RESONANCE one is blind and always chooses solutions that bring more evil, despite their good motivation.
COMMENT: Back when Kook and Hyung were preaching on tour against their older brother H1 being the archangel or Satan.. I heard God say to me ,"I'm not worried about the True children becoming negative, I'm worried about them becoming evil." - Mike
Sanctuary Church members don't realize how they are brainwashed with hate. They say, the suggestion of killing mother never entered their mind. Really??? So why all SC members keep calling mother whore.. lesbian... han mother... and all sorts of hate names! IT ENTERED THEIR HEARTS - it made them Evil.
We see more and more examples around the globe. Why did crazy SC associates made accusations and attacks that caused the death of mother of 4 children? Love or Hate entered their hearts, after listening to the Evil King Hyung Jin? Please tell me!!!
We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin
We love Hyung Jin and Kook Jin... and we pray for their growth. Surely they will come back to common sense sooner or later. Read My Dream with Mother and Hyung Jin to understand his spiritual situation.
Once I took 10 000 of the evil angels working on him... They started such a powerful attack to invade my mind and control me. And I have the ability to sense any spirits and observe what and where they are doing to control people. Took an hour till I could overcome. It was not me, but God's love and my ability to communicate with him. Since then I know how to deal with Evil Angels. But they are so many working on these brothers. Read, Spiritual Reason for Division
I don't think they realize what they are saying. They just allow evil spirits talk through them.. from ignorance; Lack of discern of right and wrong. So when something is wrong, we have to react and point it, so they can stop. But with good heart, parental heart. Don't let hate in our hearts (like SC). This way we block this evil spirits.
How did TF stop Communism? He revealed what's wrong with the ideology and actions. He revealed their evil strategies. Once enough people learned communism could not continue. Once members reveal what's not principle in Hyung Jin's new theology and actions, he will also not be able to continue. People are fooled now that he loves Father, so they don't see Hyung Jin is actually destroying Father. It's Ideological war. And it's spiritual war. MUST READ: Reflection "Why Sanctuary Church is Wrong!"
All the follower of Sanctuary church are totally wrong...They supposed to support Hyung Jin to follow True Mother but intead they support him to become against and resentful to True Mother...
ReplyDeleteThe world UC must know about this so that TM can be protected, how pitiful H2 & KJN they become Sstsn's substance...
DeleteThey are out of their mind. What a painful situation for this brothers living their on resentment feelings. What a shame.
DeleteI cant think of even one religious leader that even remotely said something like that other then Jim Jones!!!!
DeleteThis assertion that the king (i.e., Hyung Jin) should arrest and execute the queen (True Mother) is bizarre and reprehensible. At that point everyone in the audience should have left the building for good. Children in front row subjected to this garbage? Major problem here. Life is hard, but it's even harder if you're stupid.
DeleteThis assertion that the "king (i.e., HJN) must arrest and execute the queen" (i.e., True Mother) is bizarre and reprehensible beyond words. The audience should have walked out of the building for good. Subjecting children in the front row to this garbage is insane. How so-called SC "members" can tolerate this horror show is unfortunate. As John Wayne said, "Life is hard, but it's harder if you're stupid." I pray that the son can have an epiphany and rejoin his great Mother.
DeleteSomeone simply needs to beat him silly, that's all.
DeleteThe authorities need to be notified IMMEDIATELY. This is considered a "terroristic threat" and is punishable by LAW. NEW YORK HQ, WHERE ARE YOU??
DeleteOnce I took 10 000 of the evil angels working on him... They started such a powerful attack to invade my mind and control me. Took an hour till I could overcome. It was not me, but God's love and my ability to communicate with him. Since then I know how to deal with Evil Angels. But they are so many working on them. Read..
ReplyDeleteThis is upsetting, but it doesn't surprise me. I am speaking with 2 SC members almost every day, and their rational abilities are declining. None of them can think more than one step ahead. Eating junky spiritual food will affect all other parts of daily life.
DeleteI don't think they realize what they are saying. They just allow evil spirits talk through them.. from ignorance. Lack of discern of right and wrong.
DeleteSo when something is wrong, we have to react and point it. But with good heart, parental heart. Don't let hate in our hearts. Yes! This way we block this evil spirits.
How did TF stop Communism? He revealed what's wrong with the ideology and actions. He revealed their evil strategies.
Once enough people learned communism could not continue. Once members reveal what's not principle in Hyung Jin's new theology and actions, he will also not be able to continue. It's Ideological war.
..delusional, corrupted king. Time to repent.
DeleteYou can use theology to justify anything if you want to, even the killing of your own mother. If so, you are capable of any violence.
The father makes the mother a mother and the mother makes the father a father. There can never be one without the other hence none of them is more important than the other. They are equal in value. Because father loves mother, we can't say that we love father, but we hate mother.
DeleteThere is never going to be a reason for hate--hating someone to the extent of considering killing them as an option. The scriptures remind us that he who thinks of killing another is already guilty of murder. I have been searching for a single speech where father said it was okay to kill those who do not do things as we think they should be done, but instead I found many where he is teaching us to transform our enemies with love. I am now surprised that those who claim to work with the spirit of father are preaching the exact opposite of what father himself preached...you don't need glasses to see, at this point, who is united with father! We love mother.
This is exactly what Satan want,to distro I am really sorry for 2 of those true children, wrong behaviour brothers, wake up ,cos you are sleeping to long,I know I am no one to critic , but be sure True Father is very happy in spiritual world that tru mother change your position,you know why because first of all you do not respect your self and you are doing your will and not God's will.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the Sanctuary Church is taking a turn for the worst. How can we go from unconditional love and service to murder? There is some deep sickness going on here that is pure evil and has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!!! This had better get fixed and quick.
DeleteWORSE of all, when SC affiliates see that, they accuse us. Hyung Jin and Kook Jin are Laughing like crazy and talking about EXECUTING MOTHER, but we are guilty for NOTICING. :) They have no conscience!
DeleteSC - no brain... no heart... no conscience! INVADED BY PURE EVIL through the hate-words of the FALSE KING HYUNG JIN
DeleteSo the SC church is now known as one of them spinoff churches that disolves because their crazy leader thought he was God and decided murder is right thing to do. Imagine what the news will print if this ever happens.They fit right in with the people's temple, and other strange spin off churches
DeleteKookjin twists the DPrinciple. It states that if Eve had repented and confessed to Adam she could have been restored by Adam not executed!!!! Also he talks about an earthly satanic kingship when he talks about inheritence only by the son. Heavenly lineage and sovereignity comes from BOTH of TPs lineages. Without TM there would be NO lineage to be born! These two have gotten so full of their ego they have lost track of a Principled view. Once started down the road of denial of the Sovereignty of TPs all true logic is lost. 'The end justifies the means ' is part of both communist and fascist ideologies. Nothing to do with Gods Providence.
ReplyDeleteBack in 1978, I was in London for Home Church and was called to Lancaster Gate to watch a movie with Father and some of the other foreign missionaries. During the movie, Kook Jim and Hyung Jin came over and sat in my lap and expressed a lot of interest in me. Father looked over with his serious eyes. I always wondered about them. I believe that evil spirits are in their auras. How would I know? Well, I went through a rough patch where I thought that I had an evil spirit residing in me. Now, I'm wondering if the dark forces had an interest in me moving over to the dark side. When I read the Holy Songs, I can identify with the words about how suffering makes us holy, how Karma and Indemnity allow us the cleansing of the sins of our lineage and the world. It is through suffering that we learn important character lessons.....such as Reverence, Loyalty, Fidelity, Trust, and Commitment. When people grow up being adulated, worshipped, and served.....they have a hard time developing a healthy self-image. This can lead to narcissism and pride---and eventually---error, sin, and iniquity. Take a look at the leader of North Korea. He was coddled and worshipped---and look how insane he is. Human beings need to learn to sacrifice early in life. Otherwise, they cannot develop into well-balanced human beings. We are here on Earth to learn to become spiritual beings----cosmic citizens. It is values that is important and morals. That is the definition of good and evil.
ReplyDeleteThis universe was created and belongs to The Universal Father-The Infinite Spirit-and the Creator Sons. We must seek to always live in His Presence, in the Present. Everything we do, must be about the Father's business----THE WILL OF GOD. The Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, as well as Jesus Spirit of Truth---are already working within you. All you have to do is to surrender and allow the Spirit of God to lead you from within. We all have our own internal compass--our direct line to The Universal Father. All you have to do is call Him.
Back when Kook and Hyung were preaching on tour on brother hyun being the archangel or satan I heard God say to me ,"I'm not worried about the True children becoming negative ,I'm worried about them becoming evil." I told this to some people , as the True Children started to unravel .
DeleteSanctuary Church members don't realize how they are brainwashed with hate. They say, the suggestion of killing mother never entered their mind. Really??? So why all SC members keep calling mother whore.. lesbian... han mother... and all sorts of hate names! IT ENTERED THEIR HEARTS - IT MADE THEM EVIL. Why did crazy SC associates made accusations and attacks that caused the death of mother of 4 children? Love or Hate entered their hearts, after listening to the Evil King Hyung Jin? Please tell me!!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the elders of the church who are supporting them now do not want to argue or debate with them about their lack of understanding of the DP. After all, they too have become enslaved or blinded by the same power that's keeping these "TC" away from the real meaning & implication of the four position in the true family. Sigh!!
DeleteKook Jin openly calling for True Mother's murder. Unreal.
ReplyDeleteA small statement like this sent the crazy knights of Henry II, King of England off to do their dastardly deed on Thomas à Becket to win favor with said king.
DeleteAnd people are sitting there listening to this shit?! Omg! Insanity run amok.
DeleteThey are digging a deep hole for themselves
DeleteTheology on the go. Kook Jin sounded like he is drunk speaking to a bunch of idiots.
DeleteKook Jin left his blessed wife to get married to a Korean beauty queen. Should the members, who fought so hard to maintain their purity listen to such a man?
DeleteSanctuary Church ethical standard is not better than many political leaders in the secular world.
1. hatred = to love the; person whom God loves.
2. leaving his position = disobedience;
3. reversal of dominion= rebellion (Killing)
4. multiplication of evil = Accusations, Rummors
it is very interesting point. TF put Hyun-jin as Cain and Kook-jin as Abel at Kona, Hawaii. but after that Abel killed Cain. KJ put H1 as Satan. after that TF put Kook jin as Cain and Hyung-jin as Abel at CHG Las Vegas. now KJ as Cain control over H2. KJ is something...
ReplyDeleteIt's the unity of Cain and Able, center on evil,
DeleteKookjin and Hyungjin are totally, insanely drunk on EXTERNAL position, power, and authority.. Even one of the Ten Commandments says " Honor thy father and mother".
DeleteMy heart literally aches and I feel tears coming to the surface...remember the days when true family were all lined up for beautiful pictures..the ideal family and beginning of the Completed Testament culture?? We kyumg Bay'ed before them on the holy room altar...then Kabang!! Ho Jin happened and THE BOOK!! I had to read it and hyper ventilated through the whole reading of it....It was a crisis of faith but I passed through it....I grieve that the scandals just keep on coming!! I still see all the True Children as remarkable accomplished historical people who have lots of serious flaws and problems...however...heaven is unstoppable!! It is here and will spread....Second and third gen (and so forth) give me tremendous hope that the purified lineage will poke through the mud of this worlds dirty dirty lineage...green sprouts that are growing and spreading...if True Children cannot do it, their children will....In the meantime Hyung Jin, Kook Jin, and Hyun Jin piss me off to no end and I don't want to listen to a word they say...they need to repent and come home to Mother and ditch their selfish desires whatever delusion clouds their sad and tragic minds....
ReplyDeleteAt his rock bottom worst, Hyo Jin Nim was extremely loyal to his parents and friends. He would have kicked Kook and Hyung Jin's butts for what they have done. Hyun too.
DeleteBTW Nan Sook, Hyo Jin Nim's ex was very dishonest and her book was crap. I'm not saying Hyo Jin was perfect, but Nan Sook Hong's Parents heretically declared themselves True Parents, and she lied motivated by money and power, and was deliberately destructive in their relationship.
DeleteThey're totally confused!
True Mother is the Queen 👑
They are the the sons
How they can be so irrespective towards their own parents?
How do they want establish their kingdom, by killing their own mother?