Hyung Jin: King of Lie
Lying to Divorce his Father
TF's quote: “I Have no wife! Mother is doing whatever she likes” (spread by SC) happen to be pure manipulation. To be correct, Father said: "I have raised Mother. [If not for me,] there would not have been [True] Mother. There would not have been Rev. Moon's wife." Then Father explained Mother's victory and why women will bring peace, not men.
From Mrs. Kang: The New Clown Queen
COMMENT: Even SC admitted, that the translation is not "There is not (True) Mother", but as their translator wrote, "The statement clearly says that "Mother is not present". The SC translator even wrote, "This sentence is potentially ambiguous, because of the logical conundrum that if Rev. Moon is referring to Hak Ja Han..."
As you see, last before his passing, Father does not mention anything of Hyung Jin being the solution or the center to follow, but proclaims the eternal victory of the True Parents, specifically Mother's victory and position.
Obviously, Father did not change his claim from 2008; "Mother is the top decision maker.. there should be no confusion regarding my succession." Father did not change his claim from 2011; "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother." (Read, Succession). Instead, Father said Mother is victorious and is matter of life and death to follow her. He even specified, don't follow men's methods of interests for power, struggles and use of force (which H2 represents).
Of curse Sanctuary Church would prefer we never read that speech. All their claims of Succession go down in the drain. I asked directly their leaders, did they read it. They didn't! Yet, In their desperate intention to discredit, slander and accuse True Mother falsely, Sanctuary Church members dared to reverse completely, mistranslate and manipulate Father's words in such a vicious way; completely against their original meaning.
This is enormous difference! You leave out [If not for me,] and replaces "there would not have been” with “there is no” and the whole meaning changes completely. "The position of Pres. Moon’s wife (did) not exist" or "(would) not existed" is a huge difference. The words "If not for me" and the context do not support the SC false translation, which stands meaningless. Yet we see Sanctuary Church constantly doing such manipulations, reversing the meaning of all core teachings of True Father.
The Historic Proclamation
in True Father's Last Public Speech on Earth
COMMENT: If they loved Father really, they would study carefully such precious words from Father. Which part of this historic speech did Sanctuary Church study? (None!) So obvious, they don't care what Father said? Dear Sanctuary Church members, Reflect on your attitude... is it reflecting God's Heart or Satan's Accusing nature? Are you contributing to build CIG or you act as destroyers? Don't fool yourself that it's not obvious!
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Misusing old woman for their selfish aims |
From Mrs. Kang: The New Clown Queen
COMMENT: Even SC admitted, that the translation is not "There is not (True) Mother", but as their translator wrote, "The statement clearly says that "Mother is not present". The SC translator even wrote, "This sentence is potentially ambiguous, because of the logical conundrum that if Rev. Moon is referring to Hak Ja Han..."
This is enormous difference! You leave out [If not for me,] and replaces "there would not have been" with "there is no" and the whole meaning changes completely.
This fake translation, "I have no wife," is especially treacherous because there could be context in which that present tense which Father used could be translated directly into present tense in English, "have," instead of "would have". In the context of Father's speech where he was declaring Mother's victory and True Parents joint victory, the only possible correct way to understand what Father meant is, "...there would not have been Mother. (if not for me)" However, Sanctuary Church manipulatively choose to change the translation in favor of their premeditated aims to destroy True Parents. They even claim with these words Father divorced Mother, which equals only to insanity. Based on that, Hyung Jin proceeded to make a satanic ceremony of cutting himself off from TP's lineage.
What did Hyung Jin try to Cover
But in my mind comes one even more important question: What did Sanctuary Church try to cover that is so important in that speech? Let's not forget, this is Father's last public speech; History will remember that last public speech as his most important proclamation.
And that's the shocking part! In this last proclamation Father talked of Mother as "the victorious representative of the world’s women," who established "the model of a true mother and true wife," that all women should follow. Wow! No wonder Hyung Jin did not like that at all; especially being it Father's last public proclamation.
Even more, Father declared the True Parents are the only solution for all the problems of humanity, because they lived "throughout their lives," he said, "based on true love.. learned from Heaven". Father gave us the order to "devote ourselves completely.. under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.” (Father July16 2012)
What did Hyung Jin try to Cover
But in my mind comes one even more important question: What did Sanctuary Church try to cover that is so important in that speech? Let's not forget, this is Father's last public speech; History will remember that last public speech as his most important proclamation.
And that's the shocking part! In this last proclamation Father talked of Mother as "the victorious representative of the world’s women," who established "the model of a true mother and true wife," that all women should follow. Wow! No wonder Hyung Jin did not like that at all; especially being it Father's last public proclamation.
Even more, Father declared the True Parents are the only solution for all the problems of humanity, because they lived "throughout their lives," he said, "based on true love.. learned from Heaven". Father gave us the order to "devote ourselves completely.. under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.” (Father July16 2012)
As you see, last before his passing, Father does not mention anything of Hyung Jin being the solution or the center to follow, but proclaims the eternal victory of the True Parents, specifically Mother's victory and position.
Obviously, Father did not change his claim from 2008; "Mother is the top decision maker.. there should be no confusion regarding my succession." Father did not change his claim from 2011; "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother." (Read, Succession). Instead, Father said Mother is victorious and is matter of life and death to follow her. He even specified, don't follow men's methods of interests for power, struggles and use of force (which H2 represents).
Of curse Sanctuary Church would prefer we never read that speech. All their claims of Succession go down in the drain. I asked directly their leaders, did they read it. They didn't! Yet, In their desperate intention to discredit, slander and accuse True Mother falsely, Sanctuary Church members dared to reverse completely, mistranslate and manipulate Father's words in such a vicious way; completely against their original meaning.
I can't bare observing how they do it on purpose, systematically, with no remorse whatsoever, with every fabricated accusation they come forth. Such people cannot be trusted; Without conscience they use deceptive, misleading rumors to twist the truth, to deny what Father proclaimed, to abolish what Father said is most precious for God? If Hyung Jin is any king, he is the "King of Lie and Deception."
Sanctuary Church lecturers like to quote Father’s last public speech: “I Have no wife! Mother is doing whatever she likes!” (July16 2012). They made it central part in their teachings. Bombarded with photos from the video, members who don't know Korean are lost, not knowing how to respond, or how to take it.
How easy! Take wrong translation and claim this is a public declaration where Father divorced True Mother, so there are no True Parents. Wow! Using such lies and manipulations to replace Mother with Mrs. Kang., Hyung Jin had actualy made ceremony to separate from TP's lineage and engraft into the lineage of Mrs. Kang. Satan was always redefining what's precious for God. He is master of this trickery.
Misleading Translation: "I have no wife"
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False - SC made subtitles, excluding TF's words |
The video was spread by Sanctuary Church... and it is Father's official speech. SC was misinterpreating Father's remark in between the lines. But in fact, SC were mostly using just photo with false subtitles. Bombarding those who don't know Korean, to make them negative.
Sanctuary Church Trickery
Notice: Instead of real subtitles it just says, "Continues reading..." Showing that the subtitles are not real, but SC made.
Sanctuary Church lecturers like to quote Father’s last public speech: “I Have no wife! Mother is doing whatever she likes!” (July16 2012). They made it central part in their teachings. Bombarded with photos from the video, members who don't know Korean are lost, not knowing how to respond, or how to take it.
How easy! Take wrong translation and claim this is a public declaration where Father divorced True Mother, so there are no True Parents. Wow! Using such lies and manipulations to replace Mother with Mrs. Kang., Hyung Jin had actualy made ceremony to separate from TP's lineage and engraft into the lineage of Mrs. Kang. Satan was always redefining what's precious for God. He is master of this trickery.
Here is the correct translation of Father's remarks: 1:05:22 "I have raised [True] Mother. [If not for me,] there would not have been [Heavenly / True] Mother. There would not have been Rev. Moon's wife. Read how Mother was born sinless on the foundation of TF
If they were sincere, they have to take into account the whole speech, not just few mistranslated words out of context. But in their attempt to mislead people they changed even the title of the speech: The official title being: “Inaugural speech of the Women Abel UN” vs Dr. Panzer translation, “TF Abel UN”, in the Sanctuary Church video.
in True Father's Last Public Speech on Earth
Amazingly, in this very speech Father declares himself and Mother as the victorious True Parents that all mankind should follow:
“What path does humankind need to take today? The problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of one family under God, which is the system of thought based on true love that my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness”.In another part of the same speech True Father says:
“It is a time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree.. We need to devote ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for the remaining time under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth asthe substantial selves of God, the King of peace”.
Father also testified about True Mother’s personal victory:
“Under True Mother as the victorious representative of the world’s women, women can establish now the model of a true mother and true wife and form ideal families through a true love movement."
Here, Father declared that he and his wife, HJH, are inaugurating the Abel Women’s United Nations:
“As we usher in such a cosmically historic and revolutionary era of changes, my wife and I solemnly declare the inauguration of the Abel Women’s United Nations".
So as we read the whole speech we can understand that Father's unity with Mother in proclaiming that they are the victorious True Parents and substantial God.
Father's Warning:
Don't be misled by TC, they are not the Center
Remember, just 2 years before Father scolded the leaders, not to be misled by TC; his children are not the leader, he said, "They ignore me and claim that their decisions are better than mine. It's ridiculous!" Father stressed, "There are so many lies that they are saying, claiming its essence is true, or Father approved this or that." (Audio record of Father)
Here is another excerpt from the speech, Hyung Jin does not like and often spoke against. In love "men and women.. become equal.. same rank":
"Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through the original love in God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another." FatherEven more, "women should play a major role", Father said, "women will be the central axis in building.. loving, peaceful culture" and remind us of "the declaration of the advent of the global era of women":
"In the twenty-first century, women should play a major role in world history by serving, together with men, as one of the wheels of the engine pulling forward the construction of a peaceful world. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building a century characterized by its loving, peaceful culture, and their role will be more important than ever before." FatherThis is "the global era of women," Father explained, and man (H2 & KJN also) are "unable to bring peace", "stuck in personal interest" and power struggles, so now providence will center on women to bring peace (TM & daughters). And I would say, that's valid for TC too, for the same providential reason:
"..struck a brick wall.. unable to move beyond.. various interests of individual nations.. Up to now, we have depended on government organizations centered on men.. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women's peace movement.. the Abel Women UN is absolutely necessary." Father
SC does not believe this either: "We are now living in a historic time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013 will be Foundation Day." Father
Hyung & Kook's Motivation is Visible
"It is incredible how every time he gives True Father's words a total different meaning and purpose and he does it over and over," commented Roberto on this photo, describing the essence of Sanctuary Church antagonistic nature.
Sanctuary Church takes the things that they did and projects the blame and the responsibility onto others. It is evil to mistranslate and intentionally make others misunderstand True Father’s words. They are doing the very sin of which they accuse True Mother. Yes, they blame refugees; they blame the Muslims; they blame Mother; they blame Family Fed and it's leaders. For example:
- they change, even deny Father's words, but blame Mother for changing the Word;
- they create new ceremonies and abandon Father's traditions, but blame the F.Fed.
- they strive for power and money, but blame F.Fed. leaders for corruption
Their purpose behind these accusations is not simply to insult, but to legitimize and justify all kinds of extreme behaviors on their side, that would otherwise be inexcusable. We witnessed all sorts of craziness from side of the Sanctuary Church. Their actual intend is:
- Let's convince the members against the center (TM/TP) they're pledged to
- Let's use every means necessary to discredit and get rid of them
- Let's disrupt the F.Fed. events, stir negativity against Father's foundation
- Let's take baseball bats (or stones) and beat up those with alternative view
How can you excuse this kind of madness? They play 'labeling card'! If Mother is 'lesbian' and 'whore of Babylon', members are 'bozos', and FF leaders are 'Nazis', they feel justification to use every means necessary to get rid of them. Even if they stage a plot, manipulation and use any fabricated lies and gossips possible, it's warranted.
In fact the motivation of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin, gradually shifted towards maneuvers to free themselves of the need to follow the Principle and Father's words:
(1) Hyung Jin and Kook Jin's struggle with the truth same like "Lucifer did not want to accept that he had to unconditionally center on God's Word." He was only "looking for a reward from God and expected God to love him" (Victory of Love p. 225).
(2) Hyung Jin's biggest problem was, that all Father's words are based on the concept of True Parents, True Love and Unification. So they had to redefine these terms.
They made big efforts to redefine the term "True Parents" or replace positions in it. Satan used that successfully for centuries; redefine "Family", redefine "Marriage", redefine "good and evil". And we know Satan is the "Accuser". They not only incarnated that in their sermons and vocabulary, but hey had to use his very split-tongue ways of trickery:
1. At first Kook Jin was trying, "Father says many things (so don't listen to him)", but this didn't work. So finally he openly proclaimed DP and CSG are not important, because Father changed his teachings in the very last years. Read more..
2. They first tried to replace TM with Yeonah, unsuccessfully. Later they shifted to, "all women are TF's wives.. he can choose any in the spirit world." But again the term "True Parents" was bothering them. So now they did final attempt with Mrs. Kang. For the purpose they divorced Mrs. Kang from St. Augustine and divorce TF, neglecting the fact that Divorce is unacceptable in Father's teachings; neglecting the principles of growth. Thus again, violating many principles. Read more...
Their point is, "When we play the 'Whore' card, we are calling you the bad guys, and we don't need to talk to you; don't need to converse with you, but to repress you, to shut you down. And so these cards are used to shut down debate, to shut us up; sending us in a defensive, victim position, to feel weak.
Hyung Jin is pointing something that is very important by twisting it:
- Until we research and fathom the real deep meaning of what Father was teaching us.
- Until we develop resistance to future misleading lies in that direction.
- At the same time pushing the negative members to extreme, where they become ridiculous.
- Reveling those who are implanted in the church with the purpose to destroy TP
At list we have to be grateful that they make us study more carefully what Father said about TM and TP. It reminds me of the DP explanation about the Pharaoh: Each time God hardened his heart with the end purpose to separate his people's heartistic connection to that evil culture. Father clearly said, we are holding on the very things that keep us under Satan, as if they are our only way to salvation. So difficult to give up on them. But CIG started; we have to!
"It is So evil to mistranslate and make others misunderstand True Father’s words. Sanctuary Church are doing exactly as they are accusing Mother, of doing." Debra
"I feel pity for lady Kang. Soon she is going to the Spirit World... what is she gonna tell Father? I can imagine her hiding herself... May HP forgive us all." Kavira
"Mother talks completely according to God's Word. Even thought Sanctuary Church members know exactly where and how many times Father talked about Mother being the Only Begotten Daughter, they have chosen to accuse and create divisions. That's enough prove for me about their evil heart, evil intentions and false pretensions to be faithful to Father." Yuliuts
DP is clear : a person needs to make conditions to be invaded by Satan, their condition was resentment, arrogance, self centerdness and leaving God's point of view !!!
ReplyDeleteI feel pity for lady Kang. Soon she is going to SW what is she gonna tell Father? I can imagine her hiding herself far away. May HP forgive us all
DeleteIt is So evil to mistranslate and make others misunderstand True Father’s words. Sanctuary Church are doing exactly as they are accusing Mother, of doing. I think because of resentment, they don’t even know that what they are doing is so very wrong and evil. Scary sad.
DeleteWhich part of this historic speech did Sanctuary Church study? (None!) Ah, they don't care what Father said? Dear Sanctuary Church members, Reflect on your attitude... is it reflecting God's Heart or Satan's Accusing nature? Are you contributing to build CIG or you act as destroyers? Don't fool yourself that it's not obvious!
DeleteGood catch!
ReplyDeleteMy heart cries with Heavenly Parent's heart at this broken filial piety.
DeleteYou are Soooo wrong HJN & KJN - So Incredible wrong! It should only be possible from a totally different planet to think and do what you do !!
DeleteFather also said " If I ascend to the Spirit World, True Mother
DeleteCAN take over my role"
Mrs. Kang should know better being a early follower of True Father... I'm so brokenhearted that Hyung Jin Moon allowed Satan to take his inheritance and foundation. I repent before Heaven that I could not protect Our True Children and somehow help them to grow and develop by being more loyal to True Parents.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why I am so consumed by the tragic schism created by Hyung jin-kook jin.. True Parents have other true children that can be heirs and carry on True Parents' mission, but at the same time I feel great loss, that once a good natured Hyung Jin who True Parents crowned as future heir, turned into an unrecognizable monster, full of hatred and vengeance that caused him to split from main church, rebelling against his mother and started his own.
ReplyDeleteSC members are alway talking about how True Parents chose Hyung Jn over all other TCs. Yes nobody is denying this, most church members believed in him and no doubt he was the hope. But the fact, turning against his mother and calling all sorts of horrible names; words such as, whore, fallen mother han etc. Not enough, he removed True Mother photo off True Father and lately replacing True Mother and putting an old church member, Mrs Kang, in her place as his true mother, this is really the work of the devil. I mean who wants to destroy True Parents but the devil himself! I see this as a repeat of the fall of man. Why? Read on...
Hyung JIN would have became the heir to True Parents had he walked his course properly and won his divine test. Instead he became a dismal failure because of his Immaturity.
Seems to me all Hyung, is doing is spreading resentment and making NO ATTEMPT to overcome it. Remember his Father told him clearly he would have to OVERCOME 3 AGES OF RESENTMENTS
DeleteI would think with his attitude he actually absorbs the same people. Its a resentful message and would and could only attract people with a similar disposition. Its quite easy to detect that Hyung will NOT be helping them out of it.
Sanctuary just complain. If its not this its that. Father always said, that those who complain will become deformed.
Yes. This fake translation, "I have no wife," is especially treacherous because there could be context in which that present tense which Father used could be translated directly into present tense in English, "have," instead of "would have" in a conditional sense. Koreans use the same plain present tense verb form to express both meanings, but in the context of Father's speech where he was declaring Mother's victory and True Parents joint victory, there is no possible correct way to understand which Father meant except, "...there would not have been Mother." The "I have no wife" translation is no different than the serpent's having told Eve that her eyes would be opened if she were to eat the fruit. A lie disguised by the partial truth or, in this case, a possibly correct -- but incorrect -- translation.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right Eugene Craig Campbell otherwise Koreans would say : "Naega, wife obsayoh",
DeleteThat’s WEIRD…
ReplyDeleteHyung Jin Nim, who studied at Harvard Divinity School and has MORE knowledge about languages, cultures and religion than me, is making these culturally ignorant remarks and offending everyone around him.
If he continues like this, he would get himself KILLED!
Is that why they have a gun factory so they could protect themselves with guns?
What is he up to?
Didn’t it say in the True Parents’ Proclamation
and anyone who denies this is a heretic and a destroyer”?
Even my son who goes to elementary school
knew that BU means FATHER, MO means MOTHER and BUMO means PARENTS
You can’t become a PARENT without a MOTHER.
He is saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what TRUE FATHER had been teaching all his life.
Is he doing this ON PURPOSE? so that the young people would actually STOP believing in RUMORS and start studying the bible, the Divine Principle and True Parents’ speeches
There is one more PROVIDENTIAL SEPARATION that I observe:
Delete- People like Sanctuary Church are stuck in the age of Religion, still in need of restoration, salvation and messiah to lead them
- But we are now in the age beyond Religion, Race and Nationality. Knowing the Truth we ourselves stand as Tribal Messiahs
And I see this obvious difference between SC and FF
Also I see FF doing enormous world level work on all levels
But SC involved in criticism and antagonism on all levels
with all due respect,,I mean that, do you see something wrong in Mother's recent speeches in that the only empowering anyone needs to do is simply follow the Only Begotten Daughter and get others to do the same. There is certainly a contradiction between that attitude and the real attitude you describe, which is correct.
DeleteYes, Mother talks completely according to God's Word. Even though Sanctuary Church know that; know exactly where and how many times Father talked about Mother being the Only Begotten Daughter, they choose to accuse and create division. That's enough prove for me about their evil intentions and false pretensions to be faithful to Father, while in fact they are driven by other selfish interests.
DeleteHi, I am of 30,000 couples Blessing 08/05/1992 Seoul, Korea. We 'Family Federation For World Peace & Unification Church' are not affiliated with 'World Peace and Unification Sanctuary' or Hyung Jin Moon. We do not condone public display or exhibiting any firearms whatsoever. That is not taught in Seminary or Unification Theology & Divine Principle. Hyung Jin Nim Moon has gone rouge and is estranged from Unification Church. Hyo Jin Nim Moon became a leader. Then Hyo Jin Nim Moon passed away. That left Hyun Jin Nim Moon second son as a leader. While in Brazil, Hyun Jin Nim Moon confronted the Korean leaders that were misusing church funds by not maintaining safety of church property and allowing Rev. Sun Myung Moon to catch pneumonia. Some rogue members spread rumor that Hyun Jin Nim Moon had started his own church. It wasn't true. Some Korean leaders went rogue. Alot of money by fundraising teams was wasted. Hyun Jin Nim Moon simply with love & authority administered justice. No one was harmed. The Korean leadership divided. Some rogue Korean leaders then began to coerce & deceive Father Moon causing him to appoint Hyung Jin Nim as a leader and declaring Hyun Jin Nim an outcast. A major mistake. As time went by Hyung Jin Nim became disillusioned with power. Hyun Jin Nim returned to leadership which left Hyung Jin Nim as an outcast. Hyung Jin Nim was angered and began the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary as a rogue church. Hyung Jin Nim only represents himself along with his brother Kook Jin Nim. Hyung Jin Nim has betrayed his loving parents and our church. His prayers & exhibitions are a mockery. Hyung Jin Nim needs to repent and apologize publicly. Hyung Jin Nim is endangering those around him with his reckless behavior and nonsense. He should be committed. We will forgive him if he humbles himself and repents. Let's all pray for him. The FFWP Unification Church is unchanged and still Headquartered in Seoul Korea. Mother Hak Ja Han Moon is still the leader and still remains the current wife of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Hyung Jin Nim Moon is performing unauthorized Blessing & weddings not approved by our Headquarters in Seoul. All authentic Blessings & Weddings must be approved by the Blessed Family Department in Seoul. Each couple is required to meet with an approved Korean leader to offer a 'Permission Prayer' before the Blessed couple can live together & start a family. It represents permission to Adam & Eve. Then the '3 Day Ceremony' to clense the lineage. All this is recorded with Headquarters in Seoul. Hyung Jin Nim is acting on his own with no authority from Headquarters in Seoul. Hyung Jin Nim is not a king and can't change anyone's position in the current original FFWP Unification Church. We reject him and his church. We are and will remain the original absolute FFWP Unification Church and we have sole authority to approve or reject any alternative church whatsoever. I am founding member of C.A.R.P. USA 1981.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes.
David Rigsbee