"Mother alone, represents True Parents" - Father
"Mother is the top decision maker" - Father's direction
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."

Why Some Failed to Understand Mother's Words


Why Some Failed to Understand Mother's Words

Those who do not really understand the Principle naturally have problems understanding TM.

1. Only Begotten Daughter

Even though Father said hundreds of times that Only Begotten Daughter is needed for the providence to be completed, they still accuse Mother for proclaiming the same thing. If one understands the Principle, even if Father never mentioned that, and only you know the Bible, you can still understand that the promise of Jesus was the arrival of the Only Begotten Daughter. 

2. Father was born on the foundation of Jesus

Father told us that he didn't need to be born in a way to remove the Original Sin, because he inherited that victory from Jesus. But now, when members hear that in Mother's time, they have problem to accept. That's lack of Principle understanding.

Why? DP clearly explains that when central figure accomplishes something, the next central figure can inherit it, without going through the conditions needed. 

But there is something more. The Divine Principle explains that when Satan took Ham (who was in God's position), to restore it God had to take a person from Satan's lineage, Abraham, to restore that failure. 

If that's the Principle, what does God have to do to restore the fact that Satan took Jesus's life? Should God have to find someone from Satan's lineage to finish what Jesus could not finish? Why was Father's original name 'Dragon'? We know now that the 'Dragon Families' are the Cain lineage that dominated the world and all civilizations since the Fall. 

We know that the first 'Moon' was found and adopted in the Korean Royal lineage. He rose in high position that shaped the Korean military and discipline. That reminds us of another Biblical figure - Joseph - going to Egypt (Satan's world) and rising into high position, to substantially finish the unfinished subjugation of his Cain-type brother by Jacob. 

3. Changing CSG

Why some blame TM for these changes, when that was Father's direction? In fact, the new version made not by TM but by committee with number of instruction by Father, on what and how to be changed. Plus they found, many of the words were not Father's original words, but partial or wrong interpretations. Plus, after taking out the annoying repetitions more of Father's important words are added, which is very precious for us. 

4. Did Father fail to rise True Mother

According to the principles of Restoration that was Father's main mission. If you study, Mother was born without sin, not based on the victory of Christianity, but based on Father's conditions. After 1992 father placed Mother in the forefront, making the world proclamations. He tried to educate his son, Hyung Jin for 8 hours why Mother should be the center after he is gone. 

And yet, something went wrong. The very same son, and the membership failed to understand. Even though Father's final official speech was that from now on we should not follow men (including his children) but the victorious model of Mother, but still no one could head and understand. 

Why? Is that Father's failure? Was it him who didn't understand? Looks like not! And yet, seeing the divisions now on that issue, it seems that he failed to understand that we didn't understand. That we needed more clear explanation. Or, may be, that's our own portion of responsibility. As DP says, God cannot interfere in Cains responsibility to accept and follow the Able figure for the age. 


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