Why did TF pray for Hyungjin to take the Resentment of all 3 Ages? God and TF allowed Hyung Jin to become resentful for providential reasons

"With this blessing prayer.. I am letting you know that.. you will discover the words "achieving victory over resentment." TF prayerFather clearly directed him; "Resentment will come.. You have to overcome... resentment of three eras - OT, NT, CT".
"You have to overcome the bitter pain.. the resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages." TF prayerFather was very direct, that all the pain and resentment from unresolved past sins will descent upon Hyung Jin. With the words, "Later you must go beyond," Father signified that it will take some mathematical period of time to "achieve victory over resentment."
"hope, that you become the representative of that Word... become the owner of the Word.. achieving victory over resentment.”
Return Resurrection of Resentful Spirits
In all ages, numerous spirits ended up in the spirit world with negative and resentful feelings. The only way for them to overcome that is to bring it to an earthly person who will be victorious to overcome it for them.
That's why True Father prayed for his son, Hyung Jin, to take and restore all this resentment from the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. And only when he is victorious in that, Father said, he can inherit and represent the True Parents, for only TPs are the eternal center.
What does it mean to have resentful spirits come to you for returning resurrection? The energy field of the negative spirit merges with your energy field. His low frequency influences your thoughts, feelings and actions.
What if these are hundreds of millions of resentful spirits? Their field completely dominates your physical mind. Their resentful spirits will overtake you. You will feel, see and act through their perspective.
This is how Return Resurrection works. The merging will be for the period of time during which from feeling like these spirits you have to find the way to overcome these feelings. But the only way out of this swamp of hell is to recognize how wrong it is to judge, repent and see your own fault.
But since your brain rewires in correspondence to their field, so principles you believed before will now be erased or transformed to correspond to this external negative field. All the excuses come to accuse and be resentful. Instead of resurrecting them you may sink in their hell forever.
People who didn't win over this negative spiritual influence cannot build a good world. Why? Because evil spirits can come at any time and influence them to destroy it. That's why the Principle explains that before reaching perfection one has to face that challenge and win over Satan. The Messiah shows the model, but we all, ourselves have to subjugate Satan, only than we enter the level of Completion (Perfection of Heart - the Realm of Love - in God's dominion).
God Allowed Evil to Descend on HyungJin
We have to understand that God and True Father allowed Hyung Jin to become resentful. There are providential reasons. This was not a coincidence. As True Parents have opened the path of liberation, we were to fulfill our responsibility and liberate the lower spiritual realms. So, who is to liberate the vast number of spirits in Hell and those in the Middle Spirit World? As we have failed, True Children are taking the burden. That's why they are suppressed under the pressure of these low realms.
As Dr. Lee explained, God and the good angels cannot interfere with one's responsibility:
"Angels cannot influence those who have a special mission from God without God's permission. That's because God wants to make the person with a special mission stronger by putting him through hardships." Dr. Lee, Messages from the Spirit WorldBe under such low spirits is to put him under their mental state. It is easy to produce negativity, once one holds resentment. Thus, Father clearly directed him; "Resentment will come.. You have to overcome... resentment of three eras - OT, NT, CT".
True Children are taking the burden to liberate the low realms
In a way, the True Family are taking the burden of liberating those low spirits from hell. That is why in his prayer Father apportioned this heavy burden on his own beloved son, for the purpose of Returning Resurrection:
"You have to overcome the bitter pain in the root, trunk and shoot, the resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages." TF prayer
TF: Hyung Jin will go Satans way, don't worry, God is in charge
Even more shocking for me was reading another of Father's blessing prayers over Hyung Jin, often used by Sanctuary Church. There Father gave the suggestion, that Hyung Jin and his wife will go on Satan's side, but we should not worry, because God is in charge. So always check the full context of whatever Sanctuary Church uses to advance their manipulations.
If Sanctuary Church members were not parading with these texts all around, I will probably have never noticed what exactly Father said. What's even more surprising for me, is that Sanctuary Church keeps waving these texts totally unable to notice what actually Father says. I can only take that as a sign that even the evil spirit world working behind this division, is actually now working for God, paving the way for the liberation of Hell itself.
Liberate Resentful Spirits to Start CIG
"History can be set right through the liberation of resentment" (CSG1)
"These problems will not be resolved unless you give those spirits with resentment something they want which is of more importance to them than someone’s death, more important than whatever it was that caused them to have enmity." (CSG1)
That's why TF prayed over Hyungjin's Inauguration,
"With this blessing prayer.. I am letting you know that.. when you become the owner of the word and.. approach its deeper content, you will discover the words "achieving victory over resentment."
"Whose bitter pain are you relieving? It is the bitter pain of the cosmos, of heaven and earth.
You have to overcome the bitter pain in the root, trunk and shoot, the resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages. "Later you must go beyond the bitter pain of the realm of the heart of the fourth Adam." TF prayer
Don't hold Grudges: Don't Complain or Blame
When we develop on a higher level, we start vibrating closer to God, we effect very easily the environment (you see it in the expansion of Heavenly Tribal Messiahship (HTM) around True Mother). So you know that your heart vibrates higher, because you feel a sense of joy, love and peace. And at that level everything unites and everything is joy, and everything is love. This was the Consciousness Shift required after 2012.
But what happens to those who failed to adapt to the new higher spiritual energy? They go the opposite direction of love; more and more down vibrationally, where everything is separate. Then fear starts operating, which is the negative pole of love, which essence is to suck of others, to propagate itself. But this set of mind creates a dangerous system (fear, self-protection, wepons, paralized in WT). And this is what happened to members who failed to adapt to the new energy after 2012. H2 is responsible to find the way for resurection for those people. But this is very heavy spiritual realms that have to be liberated. Don't judge if the resurrection proces there is slow and looks ugly. There is no fast way to liberate thousands of years of history.
God placed Hyung Jin in this situation where his mind could not find peace. Yet, he was to overcome; not hold grudges, not complain, blame or get resentful, but keep a grateful heart like Jacob and TF.
"We cannot hold grudges against others; rather, the target of our resentment should be ourselves. We need to do witnessing ourselves ... Only then will there emerge that place in which we wish to live." (Father, 1973.05.16)
Father clearly explained the only way to victory from that situation:
"We cannot welcome the day of the victory of True Parents without first establishing an absolute standard of not succumbing to any historical sorrow, pain or resentment." (Father, CSG1)
Could Hyung Jin by reading and teaching the Bible become the representative and the OWNER of "The WORD" of the 8 textbooks, as Father asked him to do?
"I will pass on the Word.. that True Parents practiced.. hope, that you become the representative of that Word. When you become the owner of the Word and not only read the words.. achieving victory over resentment.”
Father proclaimed:
1. TP practiced this word... now is your time to practice (TP are the embodimetn)
2. TP hope Hyung Jin will be representative of the Word (HJN is still not)
3. Hyung Jin should not only read the Word, but embody it
4. Hyung Jin will have to overcome and achieve victory over resentment
1. TP practiced this word... now is your time to practice (TP are the embodimetn)
2. TP hope Hyung Jin will be representative of the Word (HJN is still not)
3. Hyung Jin should not only read the Word, but embody it
4. Hyung Jin will have to overcome and achieve victory over resentment
God warning Cain as TF warned Hyungjin
Cain had the same responsibility. Lucifer's unresolved resentment came upon him. He had to overcome the same unresolved resentments Lucifer had. God said to Cain, "sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." God foretold him of his part in this indemnity and said, " If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" Genesis 4-7
The very same way TF blessed Hyungjin.. "the pain of this sin will come upon you, but you have to achieve victory over this historic resentment. I'll not be in the physical world to help you with that." Meaning, TF already has to be in the Spiritual World, but it's required Indemnity you will have to go trough. And Father was clear:
If you separate from your parents.. that's a satanic act." Father, The True Pattern of Family life, 3-7-75
We have to understand Hyungjin's heart. He and Kookjin did so much with great heart. We love them. But going through the rejection, experiencing unresolved historic resentments, they had to humble themselves and keep faith, "If you do the right thing".. "gaining victory over resentment".. you will be accepted, you will be blessed, you will be allowed to enter the realm of God's Heart. The rejection was "God's Blessing in Disguise".
However, as many great lecturers in the church, who faced such rejection (required by the Principle, before entering the realm of perfection - dominion over the angels), they lost faith, looked externally - blaming Father or Mother, who rejected them and thus failed. Looking at the situation from an external, humanistic perspective, they were invaded.
No matter how much they are twisting and struggling to find the path out, the resentment is projecting from their hearts to those around them. With every effort in that direction they bring more and more disaster for God's providence - dividing the church and making members to resent each other. But there are providential reasons, why this failure was possible exactly at that historic stage. See, HYUNGJIN STARTED THE PERIOD OF DIVIDED KINGDOM
Did Hyung Jin gain victory over resentment
"You should atone for the resentment you caused by not having served your grandparents (and parents) well during your lifetime." Father, CSG1
Did Hyung Jin gain victory over resentment? No! In fact, Hyungjin's deviation is result of the resentment he could not overcome. See, PARALLEL BETWEEN SOLOMON AND HYUNG JIN: KING'S FAILURE TO EXALT THE TEMPLE. This is not because of external reasons (Mother, or FFed) but RESENTMENT of the past ages, of the whole resentful spirit world. But there is Time Period for such things and it's not happening randomly at this point of history. Father knew all this will come. He even mentioned in the prayer over Hyungjin, that he will go Satan's side, but we should not worry, because in this age all is under God's governance, for cleansing purposes. Father is offering his own children to be attacked by the evil, only so that the evil be completely dissolved and restored.
Feelings have to Reappear to be Resolved
Why God and True Father allowed that to happen? Historic fallen natures and resentments can only be resolved if they reappear for a period of time and are reversed and resolved. In this case there are different levels of Indemnity to be completed at the same time; Individual, Family, World and Cosmic Indemnity.
"The resentment of zillions of spirit people must be consolidated here.. We must liberate all these ancestors. We must accomplish the work of liberating them from resentment." CSG1
1. On individual level: To qualify and enter the realm of perfection, everyone has to go through a period of complete rejection, yet 'gladly endure' - meaning overcome these heavy historic feelings without resentment. This is the very reason Father pushed away his own children once they have reached to the top of the growth stage. For the same reason many of our best leaders, lecturers and missionaries also experienced a period of complete rejection. Those who overcame could enter the benefits of the age - to grow to Divine Spirit. Those who failed, developing resentments, were trapped under Satan's dominion, or stayed struggling, confused and nonfunctional. They are easy pray for Sanctuary Church - having the same common base of unresolved feelings.
2. On Church level: To divide good and evil within the Church, God caries the providence of separation. All those who failed into resentment, humanism or other deviations of the Principle have to separate on the Cain (Physical Mind) side. The rest of the Church has to realize what's wrong with that and center on the Principle, cleansing itself from all humanism, criticism, gossiping etc. Therefore if the Church does not stand centered on the Spirit Mind people, in pure connection to God and the Principle, it will also fail into faithlessness; Goodness will be not established. In no way God can work if the Church is a mixture of good and evil, as it is right now. God is not clear. Confused members gossip and accuse. Principle education is not priority. Members don't even know the Principle. Thus, entering in the Age after the coming of CIG, we have to go through the indemnity period of the Divided Kingdom, to resolve that.
3. On Cosmic level:God wants the True Family to quickly make indemnity for all these evil forces to be liberated so that humanity can be free to enter CIG. Hyungjin has no evil lineage allowing them to invade him. Definitely God and TF had allowed that for the purpose of indemnity.
"The total indemnity offering concerns the ceremony of liberation of resentment." Father, CSG1
Indemnity for all Historic Resentments
How historic indemnity is made? There has to be someone who takes all those feelings of historic resentment (Cain figure). They will come on him and he will feel them as his own. And there has to be Able figure on God's side, accused with all these resentments and accusations, yet gladly endure without responding (creating common base on the level of resentment). This way all these resentful spirits, dragged by Satan to Hell by resentment, will be liberated.
"Why do I do such things while being persecuted? I do it to liberate the spirit world from resentment." CSG1
The period of indemnity will last until all trapped emotions of resentment are reversed and liberated through Abel's victorious heart. Thus finally, the Cain figure - object of those feelings, will be able to open his heart and overcome. When that happens humanity will be free of all this evil spiritual influence. Satan will be left with no objects to work through. And as we see this is also a process of resurrection for the Evil Angels too.
Hyung Jin Takes on Himself Historic Resentments
How Hyungjin helps God's providence. All historic resentments come on him with full power. He has to liberate all historical failures - unresolved feelings in heart. That's why TF prayed over Hyungjin's Inauguration, that his family has to "gain victory over resentment". The resentment,
1. of all saints dragged by Satan to resentment when pushed away.
2. of all gossiping, negative, spirits and angels
3. of the failure of UC members
4. Separate good and evil in our own church (humanistic and negative)
Indemnity is successful by reversing the 4 fallen natures, overcoming the historic resentment and obediently follow God's representative - TM. That's why Father blessed him, "to relieve.. the bitter pain of the cosmos.. have to overcome the bitter pain.. of resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages."
True Mother Takes all the Indemnity
True Mother is the only woman in human history that showed absolute obedience and overcame all the historic resentments against husbands. Now she is taking the most difficult indemnity, to be accused by her own children. Yet, spiritually, this is the love and grace of God and True Parents, who want to quickly liberate all of humanity and the whole spirit world, including Hell. Everything has to be restored to God's all embracing love.
1. Indemnity for Liberating All Humanity
2. Indemnity for all Mothers that Triangulated against Fathers
So many people in history have become trapped in Hell because of Gossiping (sharing displeased feelings - thus multiplying evil). Yet, this problem is mostly due to mothers. Instead of teaching their children to love and respect father, they have heartistically shared displeased feelings against husband with their children. The hearts of their children thus became twisted and satanic. Intimacy for them was to find common base to gossip. They knew no other love, than sharing such negative emotions.
Mothers made their hearts satanic. Now True Mother, the only woman that didn't do that, is taking the Indemnity and the accusations for all these mothers in history. Her son has to accuse her and resent her, on behalf of all these children trapped in Hell.
Divine Principle best describes this process in the story of Ham. Father clearly explains that this was because of Noah's wife, constantly accusing him and transmitting that to her children.
"You will have no resentment if you live in love." Father, CSG
TF made, "Ceremony for Total Liberation from Resentment on March 1, 1975, a ceremony to liberate and forgive everyone. This opens the way to liberate even Satan. Through this ceremony, enemies can no longer treat each other as enemies but must forgive one another." CSG1
Father's Warning
If Hyung Jin denies True Parents you must not follow him.. Hyungjin will be overtaken by the Resentment of 3 Ages.. and have to overcome
True Father knew that True Children may deviate and go against True Mother, after he is gone, so he asked Hyung Jin to proclaim infront of everyone:
"If Hyung Jin... any of TC... If any 3rd gen., any Moon, future descendant, or relative to True Parents, denies True Parents - do not follow them."
Father really stressed, this is an eternal order, that Hyung Jin had to promise to keep. If "any Moon", any "future descendant" violates that, we should not follow him. "We should.. offer all our devotion towards.. True Parents, whom God established.. who are manifestation of God in flesh." Father, CSG p.165-169. Father insisted. In CSG he said, "individuals and families.. must unite centering absolutely on the True Parents, first becoming as one with True Mother." CSG p. 1575
"If I deny True Parents.. proclaim myself a new center, you must not follow. Father particularly asked to be clear on this." Hyungjin Read...
What evil force could make TC go against Father's order, loose faith in TP and attempt to destroy Father's foundation (FF, UPF etc.).
Unresolved Feelings Leading to Negativity
Instead, Hyung Jin and his group gave up into resentment and gossiping. They went so low in their behaviors, that as long as they are harming someone with their constant accusations, they feel fine. Their psychological state is a combination of alienation, bitterness, envy and rage, leading them to lashing out with an intend to destroy any aspect of TF's original culture.
"Hate is a chronic condition leading to urge to destroy."
We cannot serve two masters, it's our responsibility to overcome the resentment in our hearts. One cannot claim to be on God's side, if his actions have so much common base with Satan. The sole purpose of Hyung Jin's speeches is to produce over radical activists; People enraged in hate, no longer able to sort out facts from gossip:
The Four Fallen Natures
Swedenborg describes best the trades of Sanctuary Church that we ought to separate form:
"The state of people... who focused on evil, who had no conscience... because their evil impulses force them to break out into wicked deeds - into contempt for others, into jeering and blasphemy, hatred, and vengefulness. They cook up plots, some of them with such ingenuity and malice that you would scarcely believe anything like this existed in any human being. In short, they lose their ability to reason. Still, to themselves they seem to be wiser than anyone else." Swedenborg
Physical Mind always tends towards the 4 fallen natures - excusing reversal of dominion on all levels; (Subject over Object, Horizontal over Vertical, External over Internal, Children over Parents, Man over God). That's why TF always said, Humanism and Communism are our biggest enemies. How can we repeat the Resentment of Communism, without being aware of it? SC represents both and drags like a magnet UC members with such common base.
Not seeing God's Viewpoint and Leaving his Position:
- Hyungjin reversed dominion over TP
- Hyungjin reversed dominion over Mother
- Hyungjin reversed dominion over the Principle
- Hyungjin multiplies hatred and resentment
It is clear that all Sanctuary Church does is find common base of resentment and multiply it to the point when nothing principle is left. Why one would have such resentment, which no UC member should keep in his heart? Read Sanctuary Church: Freedom of Resentment to find out.