God's pure lineage can be established on Earth only if both: Husband and Wife, separated from Satan, stand united with God. Only through such family can a tribe, society, nation and world expand engrafted in God's lineage. Only through such family God's Kingdom on Earth can start, and expand in Heaven.
Answer: That's Father's explanation.
I read these explanation from TF many years ago.
If u understand DP, this is very clear.
Q: What is True Father's explanation?
Father said, he didn't have to be born without original sin... Jesus already fulfilled that condition.
He said, he only needed to inherit that victory, win spiritually. Since Jesus opened that door already, everyone with good disposition and fulfilling his responsibility can and should do it. Jesus also said in the Bible, that based on his victory we can do even greater things.
In Principle perspective: Growing to the top of Growth Stage was already open by Jesus. No one has ever opened the Completion Stage of growth, because this is the Family Level - only a true family can open it. Once in the spirit world Jesus cannot do that.
What Jesus wanted Father to restore beyond his spiritual victory, is restore an Eve, and create Family centered on God. That cannot be done in the spirit world. It needs substantial victory on Earth. The lineage can be established only if both: Husband and Wife, separated from Satan, stand united with God. Jesus was killed beforehand and couldn't fulfill that.
To him who overcomes and does my will... I will give authority... just as I have received authority from my Father. (Revelation 2:26-28)
Rev. 19:12, "and bearing a new name... and his name was the word of God."
We all learn from our wives. Nothing wrong or shameful in that. It is the beauty of God's creation, we learn and grow together.
“Under True Mother as the victorious representative of the world’s women, women can establish now the model of a true mother and true wife and form ideal families through a true love movement." (Father July16 2012)
Q: But if they did what will happened? If Eve made good condition and didn't fall what will happen? And it's human responsibility and predestination....isn't?
Your question is, will Father be able to raise her to Separate from Satan completely, even though she had some base of fallen nature? Or was that matching only to indemnify Jesuses' parents failure to match him?
There are things, we learn now about Christianity being invaded by Satanists. So it's natural that God knew where things are heading.
80% of the Christian churches were found to have Satanic alters after the WWII. The failure of Christianity goes way back than 1945.
True Father explains the failure of Christianity when Communist countries were allowed in UN. But now we know that Rotschild-false-jew Bankgsters/Zionist/Satanists took over UN; created the Communist countries; and invaded the Democratic world, even the Churches. That happened before Father was even born.
Father told us personally few things about that, in connection to these Bankgsters. But at that time we couldn't print that in our magazines. Father told us, he will make these things revealed from the spirit world, because humanity have to understand, to be able to get rid of these Satanic system on earth. Not by weapons, the change comes with the Truth, dispelling the Ignorance.
What I see now, is that Mother repeats things that Father said, which are important, but members didn't notice before. And some with evil heart are fast to jump and accuse.
It's not only their ignorance, that Father said that already. It's their evil heart. Love to accuse / and blindness to hear what Father said.
"In the twenty-first century, women should play a major role.. pulling forward the construction of a peaceful world. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building.. loving, peaceful culture.
(Men) struck a brick wall.. unable to move beyond.. various interests of individual nations.. Up to now, we have depended on government organizations centered on men.. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women's peace movement.. is absolutely necessary." "" (Father July16 2012)
"I sincerely ask you to choose True Mother's path; the path of a true wife, of a true daughter and of a true woman leader who will build a unified world where freedom, peace and happiness overflow in its truest form." Father - July 16, 2012