Hyung Jin's
False Claims of Succession
Hyung Jin's False Claims of Succession Kook Jin false Sanctuary Churche false
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this." (TF 2011)
Hyung Jin's False Claims of Succession Kook Jin false Sanctuary Churche false
"God commands.. through TPs, not directly from God to TC. All children and the rest of the world must follow in the way of True Parents. There is no other way." TF

"This is Mother's age. Father is even preparing to put Mother in Father's place." TF - Hawaii
Hyung Jin himself said, he was educated by Father for 8 hours that after his passing Mother will be 'top decision maker'... so there should be no confusion about succession:
"My father.. as long as he is here, he is the top decision maker, if he is not here, then my mother is the top decision maker. Because of my mother's presence, there is no confusion regarding succession in Unificationism." Hyung Jin 2008Not only that, in a video recording Hyung Jin admits Father specifically asked him to proclaim that he will never put himself a "new center" and "deny True Parents", no matter if they make mistake or hurt him.
"If I deny True Parents.. proclaim myself a new center, you must not follow. Father particularly asked to be clear on this." Watch the Video>>>
"I sincerely ask you to choose True Mother's path; the path of a true wife, of a true daughter and of a true woman leader who will build a unified world where freedom, peace and happiness overflow in its truest form." Father - July 16, 2012"Women should play a major role", Father said, "women will be the central axis in building.. loving, peaceful culture" for Men were "unable to bring peace", Father explained, "stuck in personal interest" and "power struggles." Hyung Jin's aggressive insistence on weapons, fight and accusations is clear confirmation of Father's words.
"(Men) struck a brick wall.. unable to move beyond.. various interests of individual nations." True Father's Last Declaration
As an excuse for openly changing and going against Father's words, Sanctuary Church members accuse Mother for correcting CSG, which was she did in accordance with Father's direction. See, FATHER ASKED TO REDUCE CHEON SEONG GYEONG, NOT MOTHER
The representative and inheritor of True Parents, has to be united and follow Father and Mother. When Hyung Jin was united - he represented! When he turned against TPs, he became heretic and destroyer... or we should say TRAITOR AND DIVISION MAKER - Hyung Jin.
Why it is so good that TC are deviating now? Any future generation of descendants can suddenly decide to change the tradition and deny TP. TM would be not here to stop that. That's why God needs our movement to experience and understand how far off such deviation can lead, so that no one will be able to make it in the future.
Father was completely aware of that. For this reason he asked Hyung Jin to publicly proclaim, that no future generation of Moon will do that:
Successor is the one who is absolutely loyal to TPs
After True Mother the successor will be the one most sacrificial and loyal to TPs:
Father said, this is the vertical axis. When God views straight downward, True Parents appear as one. When the children view straight upward, True Parents appear as one. But Father said, if the children deviate from the straight vertical axis then True Parents appear separate.
Even for Hyungjin, to inherit and represent True Parents, he has to first be absolutely united with them. True Parents are the eternal center. Yet, he left his position of representing them and reversed dominion, proclaiming himself 'a new center' over them. We know from DP, where that nature comes from.
The Laws are universal, but Hyungjin thinks he can reverse all laws and go against TF in everything and still be his representative. Really! How is that possible. Hyung jin is even calling in his videos TF's tradition 'satanic'. Look in the Bible; Saul was anointed by God as a King, but he failed. Solomon was anointed as a King. He failed too! Yes, restoration goes by being tempted to repeat the same failures and overcome. Read Parallels between Hyung Jin and Solomon
Now we see why. There are so many evil spirits that can influence our life, all around us. Mother showed with her life that she can stand unshakable. TC are just children that need to grow. They still have time to prove their loyalty, faith and spiritual stability. They never proved, they can stand these tricky spiritual forces. So after the protection of TF, as a subject, is no more here, they are vulnerable.
When appointing Hyung Jin, TF said, "Currently, there is no one.. surpassing in faith". That's why Father apointed him, for his FAITH AND OBEDIENCE TO TP. But later Hyung Jin lost this faith, doubted and rebelled, same like Lucifer. He even wants to divorce TP. How low and dark spirits have invaded him?!!
To fulfill his responsibility 'to become hair', Hyung Jin had to show FILIAL PIETY to Mother.. and overcome Lucifer's rebellious nature. WE PRAY, HE WILL
Spiritual study showed, that if one's conscience is strong about what is wrong, evil spirits cannot make him do it. Of course, unless they trick the person in some way. But as we see, Sanctuary Church ARE EASILY TRICKED BY ANYTHING.
Here is a nice compilation of Father's words about Succession, compiled by Dr. Tyler Owen Hendricks
"Fundamentally I am the first founder of the chruch and Mother is the second founder." TF 3-27-1990
"My successor among my sons and daughters.. the one who sacrifices himself the most for the sake of God's will, the one who best examplifies the principles of loyalty and filial piety."
TF 2011, "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."
Let's not forget, we love all TC... how much more TPs love them and expect them to grow. I believe they are sincere, just need time to grow and learn. Read Historic Reasons for Division
"If Hyung Jin.. any of TC... If any 3rd gen., any Moon future descendant, or relative to True Parents, denies True Parents - do not follow them.
If we claim that we are the new center, you must not follow us. That has to be very clear." Watch the Video>>>The Coronation of Hyung Jin as True Parents hair, was to be their representative, not reverse dominion over them. True Father was clear about this, he even asked Hyung Jin to proclaim it:
"The True Children exist because of True Parents.. And even when is tough, even when we can't understand it, even when we feel hurt by them.. " Watch the Video>>>
Successor is the one who is absolutely loyal to TPs
After True Mother the successor will be the one most sacrificial and loyal to TPs:
"My successor among my sons and daughters.. the one who sacrifices himself the most for the sake of God's will, the one who best exemplifies the principles of loyalty and filial piety." TFThe successor after True Mother should be unanimously accepted:
"That successor.. all the UC, all the blessed couples and the TP's family.. must all unanimously accept him." TF, God's WillThis is absolute principle, what's true, should be accepted by all:
"What Is a True Parent? There is no one that dislikes something true. If something is liked from one side and disliked from the other, it cannot be perfectly true" TF, CSGYou see, Father's words explain the best, why Hyung Jin's gossiping and accusations are not true:
"Those who succeed in earthly life by slandering and plotting against others will be turned upside down in the spirit world." (Father, CSG, 849)
Father said, this is the vertical axis. When God views straight downward, True Parents appear as one. When the children view straight upward, True Parents appear as one. But Father said, if the children deviate from the straight vertical axis then True Parents appear separate.
Father clearly explained that Mother has "the same value" as him, "a rank equal" to his:
"In a relationship of love, both participants have the same value. Even a woman from the countryside, if she marries the president of a nation, will form that day on be the first lady. Right away the will rise to a rank equal to that of the president. Therefore you of the Unification church must become completely one with True Parents." CSG 919
The Laws are universal, but Hyungjin thinks he can reverse all laws and go against TF in everything and still be his representative. Really! How is that possible. Hyung jin is even calling in his videos TF's tradition 'satanic'. Look in the Bible; Saul was anointed by God as a King, but he failed. Solomon was anointed as a King. He failed too! Yes, restoration goes by being tempted to repeat the same failures and overcome. Read Parallels between Hyung Jin and Solomon
Now we see why. There are so many evil spirits that can influence our life, all around us. Mother showed with her life that she can stand unshakable. TC are just children that need to grow. They still have time to prove their loyalty, faith and spiritual stability. They never proved, they can stand these tricky spiritual forces. So after the protection of TF, as a subject, is no more here, they are vulnerable.
When appointing Hyung Jin, TF said, "Currently, there is no one.. surpassing in faith". That's why Father apointed him, for his FAITH AND OBEDIENCE TO TP. But later Hyung Jin lost this faith, doubted and rebelled, same like Lucifer. He even wants to divorce TP. How low and dark spirits have invaded him?!!
To fulfill his responsibility 'to become hair', Hyung Jin had to show FILIAL PIETY to Mother.. and overcome Lucifer's rebellious nature. WE PRAY, HE WILL
Spiritual study showed, that if one's conscience is strong about what is wrong, evil spirits cannot make him do it. Of course, unless they trick the person in some way. But as we see, Sanctuary Church ARE EASILY TRICKED BY ANYTHING.
Examples are plenty! Hyung Jin says he protects CSG, yet Hyung Jin denies CSG1: Read 57 quotes about True Mother in CSG. Yet, Hyung Jin compares himself to Moses, for staying 40 yrs in TP's palace, comparing it with the Satan's place. (Read details). Than he escaped, so he should now has to lead us out, back to Satan's Realm. No matter how strange, unprinciple, irrational and stupid that comparison is, Sanctuary Church clique does not object. They can't think normally!
So how do you expect their conscience to be strong to hold against evil spirit manipulations. Impossible! in that state of ignorance they are easy prey. Spirits can play with them freely. And I see that when I talk to them. It's like talking to spirits.
Each video of Hyung Jin I see, I find so many examples of his ignorance of the Principle. Why was he not educated well? Wasn't that our responsibility, of the members? We can see even with his older brothers, who were much better educated, they were all vulnerable and had problems at some times. When you see how much evil spirit world is around you'll know why.
That's why H2's talk about succession is so ignorant - sounding like fairy-tale, out of the reality of how spiritual growth works and how restoration goes. For example; if perfecting a wife takes a lifetime, how can H2's wife be perfected in a day? I see Yeona's Gossiping videos, and I'm stumbled, "Is that 'perfection'?" So she must be the perfect QUEEN OF GOSSIPING. Great!
Here is a nice compilation of Father's words about Succession, compiled by Dr. Tyler Owen Hendricks
"Fundamentally I am the first founder of the chruch and Mother is the second founder." TF 3-27-1990
"My successor among my sons and daughters.. the one who sacrifices himself the most for the sake of God's will, the one who best examplifies the principles of loyalty and filial piety."
TF 2011, "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."
Let's not forget, we love all TC... how much more TPs love them and expect them to grow. I believe they are sincere, just need time to grow and learn. Read Historic Reasons for Division