Calling Father's Organizations 'Fraud'
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Did Hyung Jin listen carefully |
Who hates True Parents, hates Father. Who doesn't love TP, doesn't love Father. Hyung jin brings pain to TF. Hyung Jin was told not to proclaim himself a new center. Father ordered you that. Father instructed him to follow TM, as the center, even if she does mistakes. Going against Fathers directions, Hyung Jin got invaded, which is obvious now in the bad language he uses.
When you hear Hyung Jin calling Father's organizations 'Fraud', Father's wife 'Whore' and 'Lesbian' and his hard working witnessing members, "weak and cowards".. becomes obvious how much king Hyung Jin actually loves Father.
Pretending, with intend to manipulate others (triggering their fallen nature with hate-speech), is one thing, but his actual words and actions show his real disunity with Father. Hyung Jin does everything possible to destroy Father and his spiritual and physical foundation.
Father's organizations - 'Fraud'
Father's tradition - 'Satanic'
Father's wife - 'Whore' and 'Lesbian'
Father's members - 'Stupid and insignificant'
Witnessing members - "Weak and cowards"
Yes, these are Hyung Jin's actual words. In his videos Hyung Jin teaches that Father's tradition of tithing is wrong and 'satanic'; Father's followers are "bozos" (meaning: "stupid and insignificant"). That shows how highly he estimates Father's achievements, putting them bellow zero point.
If you translate the actual meaning of Hyung Jin's description, you'll see how horrible, ugly, scary picture he makes of Father. It means that Father failed to restore wife, so he culd not establish True Parents. Read how Hyung Jin was teaching against Father's directions even when Father was still alive and how he neglects and reverses Father's clear directions to make his FALSE CLAIMS of SUCCESSION
The lovely part is, that Hyung Jin thinks such hate talk is normal in CIG... and Kook Jin nicely explains that his kingdom tradition is 'to arrest and execute his mother'. DON'T Sanctuary Church members just LOVE THAT. They say they are Uplifted by such hate-talk! Wow!
In Hyung Jin's mind, Father is so bad, that he could not raise his wife, while Hyung Jin could make his wife perfect just with one prayer. Hyung Jin teaches that True Parents failed, so he now restored the position of 'true parents'. Who cares that he and his wife enjoy gossiping, hate talk and so on. In his kingdom values are quite different from those of Father.
Sanctuary Church members think, if we watch Sanctuary videos we will not write such posts, but it is Hyungjin's videos that give us all the negative information about his evil heart and aims. Loving him as a TC, it brings us so much pain to listen. Question is - What heart Sanctuary Church members have to be able to listen to such hate speech? Normal member cannot stand even 5 minutes absorbing this negative energy.
We all joined UC because we love TF and TM and the Principle. We believe in Family ideal, in a world united centered on True Parents, not in divorced Parents. Divorce does not exist in our faith, we sacrifice for our objects of love, to bring them out of Hell even.
Hyung Jin not only uses resentful words here and there, but all the time. I listen for hours hoping to hear at list some normal, principle talk of him. But he does not know DP. He twists every part of it. He obviously hates his parents so much, especially Father.
Yes I spoke with True Family member about his situation. Hyung Jin was doing bad things in the family long before. In addition Hyung Jin is always talks evil about us the members. He is such a hypocrite, insincere person. I met him in person several times before he turned against True Parents. Even back then I could sense this nature in him. Members who had the opportunity to ask him questions were socked how he talks against Father’s directions, while Father was alive.
Hyung Jin also has tendency to just express emotions, while twisting all normal rational logic, to excuse literally Satanic philosophy and conclusions.
By any standards Hyung Jin's constant labeling is wrong! It's just wrong. Compare Hyung Jin's hate talk with TF's explanation about Heaven, ".. a world of harmony brimming with love, where everything is imbued with love." Calling Father's disciples 'punks', meaning 'worthless people' (a general term of abuse) only reflects the level of Hyung Jin's own heart, which attracts like minded people.
We see Sanctuary Church repeatedly confusing love with the joy of ridiculing and accusing others - which is evil give ant take, producing evil energy. But we should see that as a result of a global change in humanity's heart resonance. Disturbance in the geomagnetic field makes humanity feel more anxious, confused. Those who cannot cope succumb to negative feelings and outlook. As a result we see similar trades within the church and in outside society, reflecting the providential spiritual changes.
As True Father said, "It is important for you to understand the spirit world.. learn about what your ancestors.. are doing in the spirit world... understanding clearly that you will inevitably face the same fate.. on this earth." (CSG p.702) Read my spiritual experience with Hyung Jin and Mother's realm in the spirit world, to understand the restorational meaning of the Sanctuary Church phenomenon.
Calling tithing 'satanic' Hyung Jin is actually proclaiming all FR sacrifice of the members as something evil that Father did. Instead of acknowledging the hard work and sacrifice of all the members, Hyung Jin is openly calling them 'Bozos' (Stupid, insignificant). So in his view those who most sacrificed for Father are stupid and insignificant. In his video he also called them 'weak and cowards'.
So who are the guys following and inspired such hate speech? Yes, of course, the negative, resentful against FR and Witnessing members. King Hyung Jin specifically went around the world to search for disillusioned, negative, complaining and accusing members. These are the guys who finally found their true king.
IT'S A FACT: Sanctuary Church cannot witness - as Mrs. Kang told them, because they don't have God's blessing. FFeds are really leading God's providence. Their great results over the world are sign of God's huge blessing on them and Mother. Meanwhile Sanctuary Church are preoccupied only with MULTIPLICATION OF EVIL.
As Mrs. Kang also explained to Sanctuary Church, "Everything Father was doing was to unite humanity". But everything we see Hyung Jin doing is dividing and accusing the very organizations Father created to achieve that world unity. How huge sin is H2 committing.
Spiritual testing of Hyung Jin's Resonance:
In the Heart Resonance chart, Truth is above 200, love is above 500. Under 200 we are dominated by the physical mind (animal nature). Such negative emotions are all toxic for our spirit and body. Father was clearly in resonance above 700; resonance that easily brings unity, harmony, peace and love among the people. The low resonance however results in antagonism and divisions.
With spiritual testing we could calibrate Hyung Jin's resonance of heart at around 180. This is the level of conscience of predator animals (170 to 180); feeling pleasure and enjoying in hurting others. Hyung Jin's boastful attitude, of 'I'm the king' my mom is 'whore', is in the resonance of Pride, Arrogance and Scorn (resonance of 175). In comparison, Father's attitude is seen in his words, "In the position of a servant I walked the path of a servant of servants."
Hyung Jin's emotions of blame and desire for vindication, fear and anxiety (seeing conspiracy everywhere) go further down to 100 and below. In his anger and hate he goes to negative resonance and resentment. Let's realize we all have to clean up our hearts from such low emotions. There are spirits with such low heart that have be restored. Read the complete text
True Mother behaves and talks like True Woman.. SAME LIKE WHEN FATHER WAS ALIVE, so connected to Father. Hyung Jin is the one who talks so DIFFERENT FROM FATHER, H2 must be ultimately perfected. Yeonah nim picked-up on GOSSIPING - evil women habit, that needs to be restored.
Hyung Jin's vibration of 100-180 is the Resonance between fear and pride, way under the level of spiritual development. Or we can say, Old Testament level; "Eye for eye!" Obviously he is under some spiritual burden from the past, that has to be restored through returning resurrection. Read, Historic Reasons for Division and Spiritual Reasons for Division
To understand why children in the True Family are being attacked by satanic invading forces, read Father's words; "By sacrificing my family and relatives, God led me to love my enemies and their families. Drawing compensation from my family was God's idea; it is the teaching of Unificationism.. God sacrifices His own sons and daughters and those who are close to Him as He loves and strives to recover nations.." (CSG p. 352) READ MORE:
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church

If you translate the actual meaning of Hyung Jin's description, you'll see how horrible, ugly, scary picture he makes of Father. It means that Father failed to restore wife, so he culd not establish True Parents. Read how Hyung Jin was teaching against Father's directions even when Father was still alive and how he neglects and reverses Father's clear directions to make his FALSE CLAIMS of SUCCESSION
The lovely part is, that Hyung Jin thinks such hate talk is normal in CIG... and Kook Jin nicely explains that his kingdom tradition is 'to arrest and execute his mother'. DON'T Sanctuary Church members just LOVE THAT. They say they are Uplifted by such hate-talk! Wow!
In Hyung Jin's mind, Father is so bad, that he could not raise his wife, while Hyung Jin could make his wife perfect just with one prayer. Hyung Jin teaches that True Parents failed, so he now restored the position of 'true parents'. Who cares that he and his wife enjoy gossiping, hate talk and so on. In his kingdom values are quite different from those of Father.
Sanctuary Church members think, if we watch Sanctuary videos we will not write such posts, but it is Hyungjin's videos that give us all the negative information about his evil heart and aims. Loving him as a TC, it brings us so much pain to listen. Question is - What heart Sanctuary Church members have to be able to listen to such hate speech? Normal member cannot stand even 5 minutes absorbing this negative energy.
We all joined UC because we love TF and TM and the Principle. We believe in Family ideal, in a world united centered on True Parents, not in divorced Parents. Divorce does not exist in our faith, we sacrifice for our objects of love, to bring them out of Hell even.
Hyung Jin not only uses resentful words here and there, but all the time. I listen for hours hoping to hear at list some normal, principle talk of him. But he does not know DP. He twists every part of it. He obviously hates his parents so much, especially Father.
Yes I spoke with True Family member about his situation. Hyung Jin was doing bad things in the family long before. In addition Hyung Jin is always talks evil about us the members. He is such a hypocrite, insincere person. I met him in person several times before he turned against True Parents. Even back then I could sense this nature in him. Members who had the opportunity to ask him questions were socked how he talks against Father’s directions, while Father was alive.
Hyung Jin also has tendency to just express emotions, while twisting all normal rational logic, to excuse literally Satanic philosophy and conclusions.
By any standards Hyung Jin's constant labeling is wrong! It's just wrong. Compare Hyung Jin's hate talk with TF's explanation about Heaven, ".. a world of harmony brimming with love, where everything is imbued with love." Calling Father's disciples 'punks', meaning 'worthless people' (a general term of abuse) only reflects the level of Hyung Jin's own heart, which attracts like minded people.
We see Sanctuary Church repeatedly confusing love with the joy of ridiculing and accusing others - which is evil give ant take, producing evil energy. But we should see that as a result of a global change in humanity's heart resonance. Disturbance in the geomagnetic field makes humanity feel more anxious, confused. Those who cannot cope succumb to negative feelings and outlook. As a result we see similar trades within the church and in outside society, reflecting the providential spiritual changes.
As True Father said, "It is important for you to understand the spirit world.. learn about what your ancestors.. are doing in the spirit world... understanding clearly that you will inevitably face the same fate.. on this earth." (CSG p.702) Read my spiritual experience with Hyung Jin and Mother's realm in the spirit world, to understand the restorational meaning of the Sanctuary Church phenomenon.
Calling tithing 'satanic' Hyung Jin is actually proclaiming all FR sacrifice of the members as something evil that Father did. Instead of acknowledging the hard work and sacrifice of all the members, Hyung Jin is openly calling them 'Bozos' (Stupid, insignificant). So in his view those who most sacrificed for Father are stupid and insignificant. In his video he also called them 'weak and cowards'.
So who are the guys following and inspired such hate speech? Yes, of course, the negative, resentful against FR and Witnessing members. King Hyung Jin specifically went around the world to search for disillusioned, negative, complaining and accusing members. These are the guys who finally found their true king.
IT'S A FACT: Sanctuary Church cannot witness - as Mrs. Kang told them, because they don't have God's blessing. FFeds are really leading God's providence. Their great results over the world are sign of God's huge blessing on them and Mother. Meanwhile Sanctuary Church are preoccupied only with MULTIPLICATION OF EVIL.
Mrs. Kang also Sanctuary Church, "Pioneering is a very difficult process". Yet, Sanctuary Church not only is not witnessing, but accuses vigorously all Family Fed. members who pioneer and witness so hard. Mrs. Kang even told them, "If you try to do it without God, it won't work", so it's obvious that God is on Mother's side, the side of Family Federation, while Sanctuary Church is out of God's grace. Looking at the fruits we cannot deny that God's Blessing is with the Family Federation.
Looking at the fruits we cannot deny that God's Blessing is with the Family Federation.Family Federation now has incredible Tribal Messiahship results - even beyond the early church spirit. A sister just came back from Philippians, she witnessed and blessed around 600 couples. Another European couple also could reach 900 couples. Not like in the past, these couples get educated and do proper 3 day ceremony.
Thousands of Family Federation members invest their hearts like that. It's CIG now! Everything is possible, but Sanctuary Church are stack in the past, feeding on negativism, fears and accusations. Hyung Jin is calling Father's organization 'Family Fraud', and its hard working witnessing members, "weak and cowards". Are they! REALLY
Sanctuary Church - No Witnessing, No Interreligious work - 1 incidental guest in years
Family Federation - Thousands of guests witnessed a day. Numerous World Projects
Even in Europe, witnessing with Second Generation, we had around 30 guests a day in each of our centers, spreading in several cities. Amazing results! Guests get so inspired; Hundreds of Second Gen. learning DP, lecturing and investing their hearts with such a enthusiasm. Wonderful! That's True Father's spirit and tradition, not SC stagnation on negativism.
As Mrs. Kang also explained to Sanctuary Church, "Everything Father was doing was to unite humanity". But everything we see Hyung Jin doing is dividing and accusing the very organizations Father created to achieve that world unity. How huge sin is H2 committing.
Spiritual testing of Hyung Jin's Resonance:
In the Heart Resonance chart, Truth is above 200, love is above 500. Under 200 we are dominated by the physical mind (animal nature). Such negative emotions are all toxic for our spirit and body. Father was clearly in resonance above 700; resonance that easily brings unity, harmony, peace and love among the people. The low resonance however results in antagonism and divisions.
With spiritual testing we could calibrate Hyung Jin's resonance of heart at around 180. This is the level of conscience of predator animals (170 to 180); feeling pleasure and enjoying in hurting others. Hyung Jin's boastful attitude, of 'I'm the king' my mom is 'whore', is in the resonance of Pride, Arrogance and Scorn (resonance of 175). In comparison, Father's attitude is seen in his words, "In the position of a servant I walked the path of a servant of servants."
Hyung Jin's emotions of blame and desire for vindication, fear and anxiety (seeing conspiracy everywhere) go further down to 100 and below. In his anger and hate he goes to negative resonance and resentment. Let's realize we all have to clean up our hearts from such low emotions. There are spirits with such low heart that have be restored. Read the complete text
True Mother behaves and talks like True Woman.. SAME LIKE WHEN FATHER WAS ALIVE, so connected to Father. Hyung Jin is the one who talks so DIFFERENT FROM FATHER, H2 must be ultimately perfected. Yeonah nim picked-up on GOSSIPING - evil women habit, that needs to be restored.
Hyung Jin's vibration of 100-180 is the Resonance between fear and pride, way under the level of spiritual development. Or we can say, Old Testament level; "Eye for eye!" Obviously he is under some spiritual burden from the past, that has to be restored through returning resurrection. Read, Historic Reasons for Division and Spiritual Reasons for Division
To understand why children in the True Family are being attacked by satanic invading forces, read Father's words; "By sacrificing my family and relatives, God led me to love my enemies and their families. Drawing compensation from my family was God's idea; it is the teaching of Unificationism.. God sacrifices His own sons and daughters and those who are close to Him as He loves and strives to recover nations.." (CSG p. 352) READ MORE:
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church: Liberate Trapped Emotions through Rev. King Hyungjin Sean Moon Sanctuary Church Freedom of Resentment and Accusations ...
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
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Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church

There are 57 quotes about True Mather in the original CSG. Saying that Mother change it, Hyungjin is ready to deny all of them. He denies Fa...
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
Sanctuary Church Hyung Jin King Hyugnjin Kook Jin Sanctuary Church Sanctuary church
HEY, "H2"...(that's how much respect we have for you: we don't even say your name) come to San Diego, and call me "weak and a coward", punk.
ReplyDeleteWho hates true parents, hates Father. Who doesn't love TP, doesn't love Father. Who uses hate speech, like Hyung jin brings pain to TF. Moon Hyungjin don't proclaim yourself a new center. Father ordered you that. Father instructed you to follow TM even if she does mistakes.
DeleteTRUE, we normal people cannot listen to Hyung Jins hate talk. But please forgive us; IT'S SO PAINFUL to listen to NEGATIVITY all the time. SC comments also sound painful.
ReplyDeleteThats why I do not follow him...had enough of name calling
DeleteWhatever part of Moon Hyungjin speeches you choose... always is evil, gossips, hate-talk, negative view, ironical laughing at others, accusations, accusations, accusations... GOOD CHILD OF SATAN
DeleteSanctuary Church members think, if we watch Sanctuary videos we will not write such posts, but it is Hyungjin's videos that give us all the negative information about his evil heart and aims.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is: What heart Sanctuary Church members have to be able to listen to such hate speech? Normal member cannot stand even 5 minutes absorbing this negative energy.
We all joined UC because we love TF and TM and the Principle. We believe in Family ideal, in a world united centered on True Parents, not in divorced Parents. Divorce does not exist in our faith, we sacrifice for our object of love, to bring them out of Hell even.
Hyung Jin not only uses resentful words here and there, but all the time. I listen for hours hoping to hear at list some normal, principle talk of him. But he does not know DP. He twists every part of it. He obviously hates his parents so much, especially Father.
Yes I spoke with True Family member about his situation. Hyung Jin was doing bad things in the family long before. In addition Hyung Jin is always talks evil about us the members. He is such a hypocrite, insincere person. I met him in person several times before he turned against True Parents. Even back then I could sense this nature in him. Members who had the opportunity to ask him questions were socked how he talks against Father’s directions, while Father was alive.
Hyung Jin also has tendency to just express emotions, while twisting all normal rational logic, to excuse literally Satanic philosophy and conclusions.