"Mother alone, represents True Parents" - Father
"Mother is the top decision maker" - Father's direction
"The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother.. Do not forget this."

Second King Hyung Jin Caught Lying Again

Hyung Jin: King of Lie
Lying to Divorce his Father

Misusing old woman for their selfish aims
TF's quote: “I Have no wife! Mother is doing whatever she likes” (spread by SC) happen to be pure manipulation. To be correct, Father said: "I have raised Mother. [If not for me,] there would not have been [True] Mother. There would not have been Rev. Moon's wife." Then Father explained Mother's victory and why women will bring peace, not men. 

From Mrs. Kang: The New Clown Queen

COMMENT: Even SC admitted, that the translation is not "There is not (True) Mother", but as their translator wrote, "The statement clearly says that "Mother is not present". The SC translator even wrote, "This sentence is potentially ambiguous, because of the logical conundrum that if Rev. Moon is referring to Hak Ja Han..." 
This is enormous difference! You leave out [If not for me,] and replaces "there would not have been" with "there is no" and the whole meaning changes completely.
This fake translation, "I have no wife," is especially treacherous because there could be context in which that present tense which Father used could be translated directly into present tense in English, "have," instead of "would have". In the context of Father's speech where he was declaring Mother's victory and True Parents joint victory, the only possible correct way to understand what Father meant is, "...there would not have been Mother. (if not for me)" However, Sanctuary Church manipulatively choose to change the translation in favor of their premeditated aims to destroy True Parents. They even claim with these words Father divorced Mother, which equals only to insanity. Based on that, Hyung Jin proceeded to make a satanic ceremony of cutting himself off from TP's lineage.

What did Hyung Jin try to Cover

But in my mind comes one even more important question: What did Sanctuary Church try to cover that is so important in that speech? Let's not forget, this is Father's last public speech; History will remember that last public speech as his most important proclamation.

And that's the shocking part! In this last proclamation Father talked of Mother as "the victorious representative of the world’s women," who established "the model of a true mother and true wife," that all women should follow. Wow! No wonder Hyung Jin did not like that at all; especially being it Father's last public proclamation.

Even more, Father declared the True Parents are the only solution for all the problems of humanity, because they lived "throughout their lives," he said, "based on true love.. learned from Heaven".  Father gave us the order to "devote ourselves completely.. under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.” (Father July16 2012)

As you see, last before his passing, Father does not mention anything of Hyung Jin being the solution or the center to follow, but proclaims the eternal victory of the True Parents, specifically Mother's victory and position.

Obviously, Father did not change his claim from 2008; "Mother is the top decision maker.. there should be no confusion regarding my succession." Father did not change his claim from 2011; "The responsible person of UC is not Hyung Jin nor Kook Jin. On the top of Hyung Jin there is Mother." (Read, Succession). Instead, Father said Mother is victorious and is matter of life and death to follow her. He even specified, don't follow men's methods of interests for power, struggles and use of force (which H2 represents).

Of curse Sanctuary Church would prefer we never read that speech. All their claims of Succession go down in the drain. I asked directly their leaders, did they read it. They didn't! Yet, In their desperate intention to discredit, slander and accuse True Mother falsely, Sanctuary Church members dared to reverse completely, mistranslate and manipulate Father's words in such a vicious way; completely against their original meaning. 

I can't bare observing how they do it on purpose, systematically, with no remorse whatsoever, with every fabricated accusation they come forth. Such people cannot be trusted; Without conscience they use deceptive, misleading rumors to twist the truth, to deny what Father proclaimed, to abolish what Father said is most precious for God? If Hyung Jin is any king, he is the "King of Lie and Deception."

Misleading Translation: "I have no wife"

False - SC made subtitles, excluding TF's words
The video was spread by Sanctuary Church... and it is Father's official speech. SC was misinterpreating Father's remark in between the lines. But in fact, SC were mostly using just photo with false subtitles. Bombarding those who don't know Korean, to make them negative.
Sanctuary Church Trickery
Notice: Instead of real subtitles it just says, "Continues reading..." Showing that the subtitles are not real, but SC made. 

Sanctuary Church lecturers like to quote Father’s last public speech: “I Have no wife! Mother is doing whatever she likes!” (July16 2012). They made it central part in their teachings. Bombarded with photos from the video, members who don't know Korean are lost, not knowing how to respond, or how to take it.

How easy! Take wrong translation and claim this is a  public declaration where Father divorced True Mother, so there are no True Parents. Wow! Using such lies and manipulations to replace Mother with Mrs. Kang., Hyung Jin had actualy made ceremony to separate from TP's lineage and engraft into the lineage of Mrs. Kang. Satan was always redefining what's precious for God. He is master of this trickery. 

Here is the correct translation of Father's remarks: 1:05:22 "I have raised [True] Mother. [If not for me,] there would not have been [Heavenly / True] Mother. There would not have been Rev. Moon's wife. Read how Mother was born sinless on the foundation of TF

This is enormous difference! You leave out [If not for me,] and replaces "there would not have been” with “there is no” and the whole meaning changes completely. "The position of Pres. Moon’s wife (did) not exist" or "(would) not existed" is a huge difference. The words "If not for me" and the context do not support the SC false translation, which stands meaningless. Yet we see Sanctuary Church constantly doing such manipulations, reversing the meaning of all core teachings of True Father.

If they were sincere, they have to take into account the whole speech, not just few mistranslated words out of context. But in their attempt to mislead people they changed even the title of the speech: The official title being: “Inaugural speech of the Women Abel UN” vs Dr. Panzer translation, “TF Abel UN”, in the Sanctuary Church video.

The Historic Proclamation 
in True Father's Last Public Speech on Earth

COMMENT: If they loved Father really, they would study carefully such precious words from Father. Which part of this historic speech did Sanctuary Church study? (None!) So obvious, they don't care what Father said? Dear Sanctuary Church members, Reflect on your attitude... is it reflecting God's Heart or Satan's Accusing nature? Are you contributing to build CIG or you act as destroyers? Don't fool yourself that it's not obvious!

Amazingly, in this very speech Father declares himself and Mother as the victorious True Parents that all mankind should follow: 
“What path does humankind need to take today? The problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of one family under God, which is the system of thought based on true love that my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness”.
In another part of the same speech True Father says: 
“It is a time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree.. We need to devote ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for the remaining time under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth asthe substantial selves of God, the King of peace”. 
Father also testified about True Mother’s personal victory: 
“Under True Mother as the victorious representative of the world’s women, women can establish now the model of a true mother and true wife and form ideal families through a true love movement." 
Here, Father declared that he and his wife, HJH, are inaugurating the Abel Women’s United Nations:
“As we usher in such a cosmically historic and revolutionary era of changes, my wife and I solemnly declare the inauguration of the Abel Women’s United Nations".
So as we read the whole speech we can understand that Father's unity with Mother in proclaiming that they are the victorious True Parents and substantial God.

Father's Warning: 
Don't be misled by TC, they are not the Center

Remember, just 2 years before Father scolded the leaders, not to be misled by TC; his children are not the leader, he said, "They ignore me and claim that their decisions are better than mine. It's ridiculous!" Father stressed, "There are so many lies that they are saying, claiming its essence is true, or Father approved this or that." (Audio record of Father)

We can find hundreds of points where Hyung Jin disagrees with Father and openly talks against Father's teachings:

Here is another excerpt from the speech, Hyung Jin does not like and often spoke against. In love "men and women.. become equal.. same rank":
"Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through the original love in God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another."  Father
Even more, "women should play a major role", Father said, "women will be the central axis in building.. loving, peaceful culture" and remind us of "the declaration of the advent of the global era of women":
"In the twenty-first century, women should play a major role in world history by serving, together with men, as one of the wheels of the engine pulling forward the construction of a peaceful world. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building a century characterized by its loving, peaceful culture, and their role will be more important than ever before." Father
This is "the global era of women," Father explained, and man (H2 & KJN also) are "unable to bring peace", "stuck in personal interest" and power struggles, so now providence will center on women to bring peace (TM & daughters). And I would say, that's valid for TC too, for the same providential reason:
"..struck a brick wall.. unable to move beyond.. various interests of individual nations.. Up to now, we have depended on government organizations centered on men.. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women's peace movement.. the Abel Women UN is absolutely necessary." Father

SC does not believe this either: "We are now living in a historic time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013 will be Foundation Day." Father

Hyung & Kook's Motivation is Visible

"It is incredible how every time he gives True Father's words a total different meaning and purpose and he does it over and over," commented Roberto on this photo, describing the essence of Sanctuary Church antagonistic nature. 

Sanctuary Church takes the things that they did and projects the blame and the responsibility onto others. It is evil to mistranslate and intentionally make others misunderstand True Father’s words. They are doing the very sin of which they accuse True Mother. Yes, they blame refugees; they blame the Muslims; they blame Mother; they blame Family Fed and it's leaders. For example:

  • they change, even deny Father's words, but blame Mother for changing the Word; 
  • they create new ceremonies and abandon Father's traditions, but blame the F.Fed.
  • they strive for power and money, but blame F.Fed. leaders for corruption

Their purpose behind these accusations is not simply to insult, but to legitimize and justify all kinds of extreme behaviors on their side, that would otherwise be inexcusable. We witnessed all sorts of craziness from side of the Sanctuary Church. Their actual intend is: 
  • Let's convince the members against the center (TM/TP) they're pledged to
  • Let's use every means necessary to discredit and get rid of them
  • Let's disrupt the F.Fed. events, stir negativity against Father's foundation
  • Let's take baseball bats (or stones) and beat up those with alternative view

How can you excuse this kind of madness? They play 'labeling card'! If Mother is 'lesbian' and 'whore of Babylon', members are 'bozos', and FF leaders are 'Nazis', they feel justification to use every means necessary to get rid of them. Even if they stage a plot, manipulation and use any fabricated lies and gossips possible, it's warranted. 

In fact the motivation of Hyung Jin and Kook Jin, gradually shifted towards maneuvers to free themselves of the need to follow the Principle and Father's words: 
(1) Hyung Jin and Kook Jin's struggle with the truth same like "Lucifer did not want to accept that he had to unconditionally center on God's Word." He was only "looking for a reward from God and expected God to love him" (Victory of Love p. 225).  
(2) Hyung Jin's biggest problem was, that all Father's words are based on the concept of True Parents, True Love and Unification. So they had to redefine these terms.
They made big efforts to redefine the term "True Parents" or replace positions in it. Satan used that successfully for centuries; redefine "Family", redefine "Marriage", redefine "good and evil". And we know Satan is the "Accuser". They not only incarnated that in their sermons and vocabulary, but hey had to use his very split-tongue ways of trickery:
1. At first Kook Jin was trying, "Father says many things (so don't listen to him)", but this didn't work. So finally he openly proclaimed DP and CSG are not important, because Father changed his teachings in the very last years. Read more.. 
2. They first tried to replace TM with Yeonah, unsuccessfully. Later they shifted to, "all women are TF's wives.. he can choose any in the spirit world." But again the term "True Parents" was bothering them. So now they did final attempt with Mrs. Kang. For the purpose they divorced Mrs. Kang from St. Augustine and divorce TF, neglecting the fact that Divorce is unacceptable in Father's teachings; neglecting the principles of growth. Thus again, violating many principles. Read more...
Their point is, "When we play the 'Whore' card, we are calling you the bad guys, and we don't need to talk to you; don't need to converse with you, but to repress you, to shut you down. And so these cards are used to shut down debate, to shut us up; sending us in a defensive, victim position, to feel weak.

So I wonder, is there anything Hyung Jin and Sanctuary Church accept from Fathers's teachings, accept for the few quotes they use to misinterpreat? But I see some interesting spiritual pattern behind their attempts to alter Father's teachings:
Hyung Jin is pointing something that is very important by twisting it:
  • Until we research and fathom the real deep meaning of what Father was teaching us. 
  • Until we develop resistance to future misleading lies in that direction. 
  • At the same time pushing the negative members to extreme, where they become ridiculous. 
  • Reveling those who are implanted in the church with the purpose to destroy TP  
At list we have to be grateful that they make us study more carefully what Father said about TM and TP. It reminds me of the DP explanation about the Pharaoh: Each time God hardened his heart with the end purpose to separate his people's heartistic connection to that evil culture. Father clearly said, we are holding on the very things that keep us under Satan, as if they are our only way to salvation. So difficult to give up on them. But CIG started; we have to!

"It is So evil to mistranslate and make others misunderstand True Father’s words. Sanctuary Church are doing exactly as they are accusing Mother, of doing." Debra

"I feel pity for lady Kang. Soon she is going to the Spirit World... what is she gonna tell Father? I can imagine her hiding herself... May HP forgive us all." Kavira

"Mother talks completely according to God's Word. Even thought Sanctuary Church members know exactly where and how many times Father talked about Mother being the Only Begotten Daughter, they have chosen to accuse and create divisions. That's enough prove for me about their evil heart, evil intentions and false pretensions to be faithful to Father." Yuliuts


The Madness of Hyung Jin Moon, Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland

Hyung Jin Moon, who split from his Father's teachings and created the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, known as “Second King” to his followers, issued a literal call to arms to members of his sect last month.

Unification Church's official position: "Sanctuary Church, is not affiliated with the Unification Church of Rev. Moon. As an organization we strongly oppose the initiation of violence and do not utilize weapons in religious ceremonies."

Rev. Moon gave his life for Peace through Love, not weapons;

"Peace kingdom corps troops will not carry weapons. Their main armament will be education." CBG

That's why, the Unification Church has distanced itself from Wednesday’s event, saying their ceremonies and theology do not involve weapons.

“It saddens us that Reverend Moon’s son has chosen to separate himself and walk in opposition to his parent’s legacy building world peace,” the Rev. Richard Buessing, president of the Unification Church, said in a statement:

"A breakaway organization calling themselves The World Peace and Unification Sanctuary of Newfoundland, PA, known simply as Sanctuary Church, is not affiliated with Family Federation. While we respect and support every individual’s religious freedom, freedom of speech and constitutional rights, as an organization we do not use and strongly oppose the utilization of weapons in religious ceremonies." Unification Church

Local Family Federation pastor, Rev. Iwasaki Shota of the Pennsylvania Family Church said, “Family Federation is all about healing and reconciliation. We host events to promote interreligious dialogue, responsible civic leadership, and marriage blessing ceremonies. Rev. Moon’s teachings are all about bringing people together so that we bring joy and happiness to God, our Heavenly Parent and feel fulfillment ourselves. Bringing weapons into any of that seems completely contradictory to me.”

While the founder of Sanctuary Church is the son of Rev. Moon, it should be noted that he has sadly chosen to separate from and rebel against his mother and his father’s peace endeavors.


(Some parts are removed for inappropriately damaging TPs image. Sanctuary Church has nothing to do with the peace ideology of TP)

Sanctuary Church members “have been asked by the King to participate in the ceremony on 28th February with a crown and a ‘rod of iron’ (AR 15 or AK style weapon),” a press release on the cult’s website reads. “Attending the blessing, either with an AR15 or alike or without, is valid, but to attend with an AR15 would be a substantial ‘perfection stage’ blessing.”

The Sanctuary Church, which also calls itself Rod of Iron Ministries, is...  Church’s ideology is racist, homophobic and antisemitic.

After... 2012, a power struggle erupted between Hyung Jin Moon and his mother, who ordered Hyung Jin to go to Korea. Hyung Jin refused, and instead relocated to Newfoundland, Pennsylvania and founded the Sanctuary Church with the support of his older brother, Kook Jin Moon. Hyung Jin declared the UC invalid since his father’s death, and continued to espouse his father’s teachings while declaring himself the “Second King,” after his father. Kook Jin also relocated his firearms manufacturing company, Kahr Arms, to a nearby county in Pennsylvania.

At the core of the Sanctuary Church’s beliefs is the establishment of “CIG,” a sovereign kingdom of heaven on earth, which is where the assault rifles come in. The missive calling followers to purchase the weapons explains, “To fulfill the ideal of kingship and the nation, we need people, land (property) and sovereignty. Sovereignty means that we are able to defend ourselves against an aggressive satanic world, when we are threatened. We should be able to defend ourselves, not only in an abstract but in a substantial way, as we would do in a sovereign nation. A minimum expression of such sovereignty is a crown and a real gun for defense (the biblical ‘rod of iron’) like a legal AR15.”

The Sanctuary Church has also created what it calls the “Peace Police Peace Militia,” wherein Hyung Jin trains his followers in martial arts, hand-to-hand knife combat and assault weapons. The Sanctuary Church says it attracts about 200 followers to its Sunday services.

Hyung Jin’s sect is explicitly political.. aligned with the far-right... The Sanctuary Church is holding a “President Trump Thank You Dinner” on February 24, featuring Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.”

Hyung Jin has a regular YouTube program called “The King’s Report,” where he recently hosted Paul Mango, a GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania. The appearance made waves in Pennsylvania politics after Hyung Jin, wearing a golden crown and camouflage suit with an assault weapon mounted on his desk, told Mango, speaking of public schoolchildren, “They’re not only going to learn the actual required course load, they’re getting indoctrinated into the homosexual political agenda, they’re getting indoctrinated in the transgender agenda saying that their emotions, that they can choose how they feel based on how they feel their gender, which is totally against the bible.” ...

Cult expert Hassan believes Hyung Jin’s call for his followers to show up with assault rifles on February 28 is just another attempt by the Sanctuary Church to endear itself to the far right. “I don’t think there’s potential for violence at that event,” Hassan says, “but I think they’re trying to play up to Trump, play up to gun owners. They’re very right-wing extremists with a totalistic idea of how the world should be.”

Why Father Sacrificed his Children to Save the World


Working with 2nd and 3rd gen.. I found some 3rd gen that were heavily attacked by evil spirits. But in fact, underneath they had the most beautiful original nature. Just because they are more pure and sensitive, they were absolutely smashed by evil-resentful spirits. That was so painful to observe spiritually. Their behavior resembled that of the evil spirits in them. 

Since I have this ability, once they cooperated with me I could liberate thousands of resentful spirits from them. Thus healing physical problems they had, but most important, liberating their amazing, pure and beautiful inner nature, now free to be expressed. It was amazing to observe.

So you see, such pure children are not created to live in such dirty environment. They are sensitive to it. The evil spirits, attracted by their light attack them vigorously. And where are we to give the environment of protection. Father spoke how important is that foundation of protection for our family made by the spiritual children. But we were to slow to grow up and build protected communities.

As Father explained many times:

"When.. blessed couples could not fulfill their mission then Father took their responsibility upon his own shoulders, and Father's own family came to pay the indemnity." Father, Jan 2, 1992

"Even though Father himself jumped over everything at once, the movement has been slow.. to follow the Providence centering on Father. Therefore Father's own family has been put in a most difficult position." Father, Jan 2, 1992

Jin Sung Pak, shared about his growing with True Children:

"True Children are like a pure drop of water dropped into a bucket of mud, and asked to grow up without the mother-ship, Father and Mother looking over them. Just dropped into a bucket of water, that's us. You're looking.. and say 'Uuuh the water's so muddy...' or inky, dark, polluted, tainted... that' s what we are."

"This pure drop of water goes to school; and, what kind of kids do you meet at school? Ideal school? Ideal children? No, it's the most horrible environment. And the first thing that happens to True Children when they're subjected to school is they are looking around. They're saying 'What is this planet?"  Jin Sung Pak (husband of In Jin Nim)

Here is a quote from a spiritual reading:

"2nd gen are a new species, a new race with DNA from True Parents, God’s direct lineage, and so the TC have more Blessings.. but it is difficult for them to grow on earth in this fallen environment. They cannot easily find their way. Yet in the spirit world they are growing quickly. TC have many challenges, and difficulties that they can’t even explain.. We have been wrong in judging them. Their burdens are greater than our's and we have no right to judge and condemn them."

Ye Jin Nim's testimony:

"Having now grown up myself and had children, I can understand Mother's heart more deeply. Because of the providential requirement, she had to have many children, yet, how much she would have wanted to invest her maternal heart in each child. Oftentimes she could not because of the position she held and because of Father's emphasis on loving the "Cain" position children first. The Cain position children were the priority. But how much Mother, who had carried all those children in her womb, would have wanted to express her love to each child had she been in a regular family situation. As a woman who has borne and nurtured children, I can empathize with Mother's maternal, suffering heart.

At the beginning of the movement, since.. limited, Christian understanding of messiahship centering solely on a male figure. So, they did not have a proper understanding of the Bride and her critical role on behalf of womankind in particular and humankind in general. I wish there had been more support for Mother's position.. there was no precedent with which to compare her providential role."


Read Father's words to understand why children in the True Family are being attacked by satanic invading forces: 
"By sacrificing my family and relatives, God led me to love my enemies and their families. Drawing compensation from my family was God's idea.. God sacrifices His own sons and daughters and those who are close to Him as He loves and strives to recover nations.."  (CSG p. 352)
True Family is a microcosm of the society, taking responsibility for it's salvation. Thus, the problems that need solving, are taken as spiritual burden on their shoulders. They undergo a mathematical period of suffering under these resentful feelings (That's why Father anointed Hyung Jin to take resentment of 3 Ages). Members should know these Principles and not get confused. Read more...

Now is the time to keep absolute faith in the TP. Father warned us about this upcoming spiritual chaos:
"Now chaos from the spirit world will unfold on the earth. The chaotic spirit world will attack the earth. This is why nowadays many people are suffering from mental illness.. From the spirit world, billions of spirits will invade the earth. Why do they do so.. Why do spirits enter people? It is in order to use them.. a global phenomenon of the Last Days." Cheon Seong Gyeong, Page 769
Please understand, when evil spirits attack, they want to destroy Father's lineage. Who was supposed to protect them? In this age, the Satanic world believes that if they take Father's sons, they will be able to destroy True Parent's victorious foundation. So they focus all their efforts on that. They even succeeded to full Hyung Jin to make Satanic ceremony of separation from TP's lineage and engrafting to the fallen lineage of Mrs. Kang.

But as Swedenborg explained: "God never brakes our ideas." Even falsities that we have, He wants to work with those rather then saying, "Wrong, this is the Truth!" That's the amazing difference between Heaven and Hell, where Hell is trying to accuse us of things that even can be true about us, but is not like that. He works with us gradually from our state, without accusing, leading us to gradually to get out free on the path of goodness.

That's why Father foresaw that after his ascention we will need to center completely on True Mother, on the loving heart, and not follow his son's strives for power or ideological deviations. That was the essence of his last public speech, just before his passing. Read, Era of Women Vs. Man's Struggle for Power


Why God and True Father allowed that to happen? Historic fallen natures and resentments can only be resolved if they reappear for a period of time and are reversed and resolved. In this case there are different levels of Indemnity to be completed at the same time; Individual, Family, World and Cosmic Indemnity.
"The resentment of zillions of spirit people must be consolidated here.. We must liberate all these ancestors. We must accomplish the work of liberating them from resentment." CSG1 
1. On individual level: To qualify and enter the realm of perfection, everyone has to go through a period of complete rejection, yet 'gladly endure' - meaning overcome these heavy historic feelings without resentment. This is the very reason Father pushed away his own children once they have reached to the top of the growth stage. For the same reason many of our best leaders, lecturers and missionaries also experienced a period of complete rejection. Those who overcame could enter the benefits of the age - to grow to Divine Spirit. Those who failed, developing resentments, were trapped under Satan's dominion, or stayed struggling, confused and nonfunctional. They are easy pray for Sanctuary Church - having the same common base of unresolved feelings. 

2. On Church level: To divide good and evil within the Church, God caries the providence of separation. All those who failed into resentment, humanism or other deviations of the Principle have to separate on the Cain (Physical Mind) side. The rest of the Church has to realize what's wrong with that and center on the Principle, cleansing itself from all humanism, criticism, gossiping etc. Therefore if the Church does not stand centered on the Spirit Mind people, in pure connection to God and the Principle, it will also fail into faithlessness; Goodness will be not established. In no way God can work if the Church is a mixture of good and evil, as it is right now. God is not clear. Confused members gossip and accuse. Principle education is not priority. Members don't even know the Principle. Thus, entering in the Age after the coming of CIG, we have to go through the indemnity period of the Divided Kingdom, to resolve that.

3. On Cosmic level:God wants the True Family to quickly make indemnity for all these evil forces to be liberated so that humanity can be free to enter CIG. Hyungjin has no evil lineage allowing them to invade him. Definitely God and TF had allowed that for the purpose of indemnity.
"The total indemnity offering concerns the ceremony of liberation of resentment." Father, CSG1

Indemnity for all Historic Resentments 

How historic indemnity is made? There has to be someone who takes all those feelings of historic resentment (Cain figure). They will come on him and he will feel them as his own. And there has to be Able figure on God's side, accused with  all these resentments and accusations, yet gladly endure without responding (creating common base on the level of resentment). This way all these resentful spirits, dragged by Satan to Hell by resentment, will be liberated.
"Why do I do such things while being persecuted? I do it to liberate the spirit world from resentment." CSG1
The period of indemnity will last until all trapped emotions of resentment are reversed and liberated through Abel's victorious heart. Thus finally, the Cain figure - object of those feelings, will be able to open his heart and overcome. When that happens humanity will be free of all this evil spiritual influence. Satan will be left with no objects to work through. And as we see this is also a process of resurrection for the Evil Angels too.

Hyung Jin Takes on Himself Historic Resentments

How Hyungjin helps God's providence. All historic resentments come on him with full power. He has to liberate all historical failures - unresolved feelings in heart. That's why TF prayed over Hyungjin's Inauguration, that his family has to "gain victory over resentment". The resentment,

 1. of all saints dragged by Satan to resentment when pushed away.
 2. of all gossiping, negative, spirits and angels
 3. of the failure of UC members
 4. Separate good and evil in our own church (humanistic and negative)

Indemnity is successful by reversing the 4 fallen natures, overcoming the historic resentment and obediently follow God's representative - TM. That's why Father blessed him, "to relieve.. the bitter pain of the cosmos.. have to overcome the bitter pain.. of resentment from three eras -- the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages." 

True Mother Takes all the Indemnity

True Mother is the only woman in human history that showed absolute obedience and overcame all the historic resentments against husbands. Now she is taking the most difficult indemnity, to be accused by her own children. Yet, spiritually, this is the love and grace of God and True Parents, who want to quickly liberate all of humanity and the whole spirit world, including Hell. Everything has to be restored to God's all embracing love.

1. Indemnity for Liberating All Humanity 
2. Indemnity for all Mothers that Triangulated against Fathers 

So many people in history have become trapped in Hell because of Gossiping (sharing displeased feelings - thus multiplying evil). Yet, this problem is mostly due to mothers. Instead of teaching their children to love and respect father, they have heartistically shared displeased feelings against husband with their children. The hearts of their children thus became twisted and satanic. Intimacy for them was to find common base to gossip. They knew no other love, than sharing such negative emotions.

Mothers made their hearts satanic. Now True Mother, the only woman that didn't do that, is taking the Indemnity and the accusations for all these mothers in history. Her son has to accuse her and resent her, on behalf of all these children trapped in Hell.

Divine Principle best describes this process in the story of Ham. Father clearly explains that this was because of Noah's wife, constantly accusing him and transmitting that to her children.
"You will have no resentment if you live in love." Father, CSG
TF made, "Ceremony for Total Liberation from Resentment on March 1, 1975, a ceremony to liberate and forgive everyone. This opens the way to liberate even Satan. Through this ceremony, enemies can no longer treat each other as enemies but must forgive one another." CSG1

WE LIVE IN DIFFERENT REALITIES. In my world I see only love, only CIG. Whatever happens is for the rest to come up to the level of citizens of CIG. Please accept anything that happens with gratitude... whatever you see and experience is just for you and it's fully God's love and salvation grace for you personally. IF YOU SEE NEGATIVE REALITY, THAT'S YOUR LEVEL, take responsibility, deal with it with good heart.

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Yeona's Gossiping Videos against Mother
H2's Ressentment: Why TFamily's Pays Indemnity

Were True Parents Born with Original Sin? Shimmyo

Were True Parents Born with Original Sin? How to Deal with Their Words on This Matter

Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 - Pages 109-120
Since 2014 the idea of True Mother as the only begotten Daughter has surfaced and stirred a controversy within the Unification movement, even though True Father himself during his lifetime actually used the term, “only begotten Daughter.” This idea has been a target of criticism especially from the FPA (Family Peace Association, started by UCI) and the Sanctuary Church. Even within the Family Federation some people may have questions about the idea. Therefore I would like to address this issue and other related ones.
First, I will show a good number of passages of True Father’s and True Mother’s words on the relationship between True Parents’ births and original sin. Next, in sharing my own thoughts, I will first acknowledge the contradictory nature of Father’s words. His words, in fact, contain two apparently mutually contradictory sets of expressions: on the one hand, they have expressions giving the impression that True Parents were each born without original sin, while, on the other hand, they have expressions to give the impression that True Parents were each born with original sin. 
My interpretation of the contradictory nature of True Father’s words is as follows: While the truth of God is absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal, and infinite, all human words that are used to express it in the spatiotemporal world are necessarily relative, diverse, changing, temporal, and finite. Therefore, depending on the changes of situations in the spatiotemporal world, finite words to express the truth of God also change, and even contradictory expressions are possible. So we, who have not perfected the ideal of the unity of love between God and us yet, should not intellectually think as if finite words were everything. The infinite truth of God that lies behind these finite words will be revealed, only if we live a life of first acknowledging our ignorance and lowering ourselves to serve, love, and forgive others patiently, like God does.
Then, based on my acknowledgement and interpretation of the dual nature of True Father’s words, I will comment on the position of Dr. Jin Choon Kim’s paper of March 2017[1] and on what the FPA and the Sanctuary Church stand for. I will also defend True Mother’s words, by saying that they do not contradict True Father’s words, and that she has an extraordinarily strong sense of mission. The section on my thoughts will conclude with True Father’s well-known idea that we have to go beyond the level of word to eventually reach the higher levels of personality and heart.
Even at this time, however, some useful, if still tentative, interpretations of the dual nature of True Father’s words can be found here and there. So the final section will briefly introduce them. Perhaps we will be able to build on them as our prayerful inquiry deepens in the future.

True Father’s Words

1. His words giving the impression that he himself was born without original sin:
Before I became 16 years of age, I had the standard of original human nature prior to the fall. Given that lineage, I was chosen by God at 16. My lineage was different. The lineage of Jesus and mine had to be different. Where is what Jesus left behind? Is it the lineage remaining in Israel? I know my lineage, not by studying it nor by being born with it but by Heaven.[2]
Father has nothing to do with the fallen lineage from childhood. You have to understand it. Those who thought Father was born with the fallen lineage… are crazy people. They do not know the Divine Principle.[3]
When the world talks about Rev. Moon, they think that since everybody else is fallen, Rev. Moon also belongs to the fallen lineage. This is a mistake.[4]
You must not say that President Moon, too, has received the fallen lineage. Even if Adam and Eve fell, the uncontaminated lineage of God should be pulled out to be able to prevent me from the fall. I knew all this from my childhood.[5]
Father has no relation with the lineage of Satan from the time of his birth.[6]
2. His words giving the impression that he himself was born with original sin:
Mother, too, received the lineage of the fallen archangel. Even I, too, received it. Even I. Therefore, absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience are needed for recreation.[7]
Even the Lord of the Second Advent as the lord of humanity came from the lineage of Satan.[8]
Father did not emerge from the blood and flesh of unfallen parents from God, either. The same was the case with Father. If the first human ancestors emerged with the fallen lineage of love and life, how can True Parents emerge out of that?[9]
I cannot believe myself. Because I received the blood of fallen descendants, a though of rebellion against Heaven often arose within me. Because I knew it, I have continuously being doing things. If I had not known it, what the Unification Church is would not have arisen. I have come to this point, by overcoming the difficulty.[10]
My ancestors and me, too, emerged through the fallen lineage. Therefore I engraft you to the hegemony of all victory I accomplished after the age of 16.[11]
3. His words giving the impression that True Mother was born without original sin:
The Lord of the Second Advent comes to find the Mother of humankind, that is, the New Bride. The New Bride whom he, the New Bridegroom, finds is not found in the realm of the fall. She was born in the pure lineage without the fall.[12]
The third Adam must come like Adam before the fall and find Eve before the fall. By finding the unfallen Eve, he must hold the Marriage of the Lamb. They marry and become the Parents of humanity.[13]
You call Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church “True Father,” don’t you? How about Hak Ja Han who is here? You call her “True Mother,” don’t you? No matter how you may see her, she has two eyes and a nose like any other persons. But what makes her different? Her root. It is her root. You were all born from the fallen root which came from your fallen parents in the world of Satan. But the Unification Church’s Moon so-and-so and Hak Ja Han, Ms. Hak Ja, who is here… were born from the different root. She is the central person who emerged from the root of God, with the Unification logic, which is the logic of true love, for the first time in history.[14]
All the conditions had to be met before choosing Mother. She had to fit in each direction, front and back, left and right, above and below. The first condition concerned the lineage of which she was born. It was important to discern whether she was born linked to a lineage vulnerable to accusation from Satan’s world, or born of a lineage with hidden links by which she could overcome such accusations.[15]
The one who was to become the True Mother had to be from a family with three generations of only daughters. From the youth, Mother grew up as an only daughter, alone and without getting any help from others. The reason God made her an only daughter was to prevent Satan’s lineage from remaining.[16]
4. His words giving the impression that True Mother was born with original sin:
The original man had True Mother taken away by Satan. So, he must take her back from the world of Satan even at the cost of his life. In the last days when the Lord comes to receive the New Bride, she will be liberated.[17]
Then what period was the first seven years? It was the period when I raised Mother. I was supposed to educate Mother about heavenly family tradition and law. I did not do this in a careless way, but prayed about it so much every night before sleeping. Mother did not know it. In this way, I restored three things substantially: the daughter who was lost as a result of the fall, her reciprocal standards, and the standard of True Parents in front of God. This is the path that everyone should go as a fallen person.[18]
Adam fell because he could not fulfill his responsibility. In order to complete that responsibility, therefore, someone on his behalf must restore Eve from the realm of the fall, recreate her, and make her a daughter of goodness. Otherwise, the realm of the Adamic perfection cannot be restored.[19]
Even if you enter the womb of True Mother, what is the root of you as a child and Mother? It has only been cut off from the root of the astringent persimmon to be restored. Do you understand? In order for it to join the heavenly family, it needs a procedure. It is the procedure of love. So, even if you enter the womb of True Mother, it is not connected to the true love and true lineage of True Father yet. True Mother has no true love and true lineage. She belongs to the other side. That means that the New Bride is to welcome the New Bridegroom to unite with him.[20]
Mother, too, received the lineage of the fallen archangel. Even I, too, received it. Even I. Therefore, absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience are needed for recreation.[21]

True Mother’s Words

1. On True Father’s birth:
Father’s history was such that at that moment at which he inherited the mission of Jesus, he was qualified to become the only begotten Son. Do you understand? You have to understand it.[22]
The position of the only begotten Son was established 2,000 years ago. Jesus appeared to Father and asked him to inherit Jesus’ mission which had been left unaccomplished. That way a switch took place [from Jesus to him]. Do you understand? For Heaven, the beginning and the end are the same. There are not two only begotten Sons, are there? The only begotten Son must be only one.[23]
2. On her own birth:
My change of lineage was from the womb of my mother. You must believe this.[24]
I grew up within the realm of Heavenly Parent’s protection. I was separated from those who were born as fallen humans from their mothers’ wombs… Therefore, even if no one taught me a word of the Principle, I would go this path by myself if it is the path I must go.[25]
Daemonim was historically the only person to give birth to the only begotten Daughter. My grandmother educated me, by saying that my original, true parent is God. My father is God. I heard only that word. Until I came to this position, I was in the realm of heavenly protection. No one educated me. The only begotten Son and the only begotten Daughter are equal. We cannot say that the only begotten Son educated the only begotten Daughter. Do you understand what I am saying? Therefore, I decided and I made up my mind.[26]
The only begotten Daughter was in that position in which the only begotten Son was born 2,000 years ago. So, she was born in the position which had nothing to do with Satan.[27]
When I was born, Satan appeared and tried to kill me. He said: ‘Because you were born, I am supposed to die and perish. So, I cannot let you live. I must kill you, because you are the only begotten Daughter God must be able to finally find in this fallen world.’ Those words of Satan meant that I was born in the same way as Jesus was born after the 4,000-year providence of indemnity of the Israelites, having nothing to do with the fall, that is, that I was born without original sin. You have to know it.[28]
I was born from a lineage which had nothing to do with Satan after the interval of 6,000 years. God is my father. God referred to Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son, when he was born 2,000 years ago. I was the first to be born as the only begotten Daughter 2,000 years after that, that is, after the interval of 6,000 years. It was a miracle.[29]
Jesus Christ was born without original sin 2,000 years ago. The only begotten Daughter, too, was born without original sin. This is true.[30]

My Thoughts

Now that we have seen the words of both True Father and Mother, I would like to share my own thoughts here. 
First, True Father’s words, as seen above, have two kinds of expressions, as if with two mutually contradictory meanings. That is to say, while they have expressions giving the impression that he was born without original sin, they also have expressions which give the impression that he was born with it. Furthermore, regarding True Mother as well, while they have expressions giving the impression that she was born without original sin, they also have expressions to give the impression that she was born with it. This must be because he spoke in different situations and contexts. We have to know how different the expressions of his words were, depending on different situations and contexts. We have to definitely accept the two different aspects of Father’s words as an important point, but many seem to overlook it due to their ideas which they have already made up about True Parents.
Second, Dr. Jin Choon Kim rightly observes that while True Father’s words, as for himself, have expressions which give the impression that he was born without original sin, they also have expressions which give the opposite impression that he was born with it. Regarding True Mother, however, Kim seems to assert that True Father’s words do not contain any expressions which give the impression that she was born with original sin. According to Kim, even if True Father’s words may have any expressions which give the impression that she was born with original sin, they only appear in an extremely low ratio of 1 to 100, compared with the opposite expressions, so that they can be neglected merely as words of “Level 2.”[31] But I humbly want to state, it is quite clear from True Father’s words listed above that they do not appear in such a low rate; in fact, they appear so often that they cannot be ignored. 
Third, the FPA and the Sanctuary Church strongly cling to their own fixed idea that Father was born without original sin and Mother with it. In actuality, therefore, they are totally incapable of flexibly responding to the fact that True Father’s words have two contradictory kinds of expressions on each True Parent. Contrary to their fixed idea, True Father’s words clearly have expressions giving the impression that he himself was born with original sin, and also clearly have expressions giving the impression that True Mother was born without it. But FPA and the Sanctuary Church ignore or belittle these words. And they unthoughtfully criticize Jin Choon Kim’s position and, of course, True Mother’s words as well.
Fourth, how, then, can we interpret the two contradictory expressions of True Father’s words? It might be good if we consider the following point. The truth of God is, of course, absolute, unique, unchangeable, eternal, and infinite. But, if it is expressed in human words in the changing situations of the spatiotemporal world, its expressions will be relative, diverse, changeable, temporal, and finite. 
For example, Wolli Wonbon (“Original Book of the Principle”) only spoke of God’s dual characteristics of positivity and negativity and not God’s dual characteristics of internal nature and external form, which was used only later. In the past, True Father was called “Great Teacher” or “Master,” but later on he came to be called “True Father” or “True Parent.” Terms such as “Four Great Realms of Heart” and “Three Great Kingships” did not exist in the past; they started to be used in the 1990s. “Absolute sex” started in 1996, and the terms of “God of Nighttime” and “God of Daytime” began around 2010. The expression of the Family Pledge was revised by True Father a few times. This way, depending on the situations in which he spoke, his expressions differed. Therefore, if the situations in which he spoke were very different, contradictory expressions of his words were possible. Nevertheless, the eternal truth is unchanging.
Fifth, when True Mother seems to say that she was born without original sin, that she is the only person to be born the only begotten Daughter after the interval of 6,000 years, that she was not educated by anyone, and that Father was possibly born with original sin, it may be that while her words themselves never contradict True Father’s, they possibly do not yet exhaust the entirety of his words. Nevertheless, the reason she talks so often about the idea that she is the only begotten Daughter is most likely because she feels an extraordinarily strong sense of mission as True Mother, who is united with True Father in requiring herself to fulfill the Will of God. We have to understand it.
Sixth, regarding True Mother’s specific statement that she was not educated by anyone, I want to show my own interpretation. If you have a strong sense of mission, you would pray, think, and inquire, only facing God. It would mean that you cannot even consult with anyone nor can you be educated by anyone. Even if you may hear from other people their opinions and advices which may be useful, your own decision would ultimately be the most important thing. That must have been the case with True Mother as well. We can feel her strong individual character in the good sense of the term. I hope it is not an arrogant view on my part, and it is, in fact, my own view of faith. I would not listen to anyone in a sense. If you only genuinely pray to God, however, you will definitely receive God’s direction that you ought to love, forgive, and serve other people. Therefore it will never result in individualism.
Seventh, we would have to believe that beyond finite words there must exist the absolute, unique, unchangeable, eternal, and infinite truth of God which we do not know yet but which God wants us to know eventually. By believing so, we would have to seek and know it. Only in this way would the absolute, unique, unchangeable, eternal, and infinite truth be definitely revealed by God. Until that time comes, we in the process of a quest, during which we must humbly confess of our ignorance and treat our fellow humans with faith, love, hope, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. Otherwise, we would end up making shallow and external judgments hastily at the level of words alone, with the result that we would judge others by deciding that they are wrong, or become dogmatic about our own understandings by asserting that we are absolutely right. Hence quarrels occur. That seems to be the case with the current situation of the Unification movement. 
Eighth, we are grateful that True Father’s words have two contradictory kinds of expressions. For unless we spiritually grow enough to be connected with God, whatever coherent theory we ourselves may make will be challenged by his words, and we will thus be led to realize that we are not close to the truth yet. According to Karl Barth, a world-famous twentieth-century Swiss Reformed theologian, God’s revelation will not emerge where there is a humanly coherent theory but rather where there is a contradiction. Therefore, although the existence of two contradictory kinds of expressions in True Father’s words may be a challenge for us, it ultimately shows hope. If only we are humble to God’s teachings, the truth will be revealed there.
Regarding this point, True Father suggestively said: 
You guys are discussing about whether Father received the lineage of the fall or the lineage of purity. But are you confident of doing it? I received the responsibility of the historical representative of Eve and Adam before their fall at age 16, going through the formation, growth, and perfection stages to go beyond all the eight stages. Unless I thus purify the lineage of 6,000 years, how can I as the representative connect God’s lineage? How can you, who cannot even interpret the Divine Principle, discuss whether or not Father was of the pure lineage, what lineage he is of, or what his lineage is like? … What I did at age 16, my determination at that time, was expressed in the poem, “Crown of Glory.” Is it for education? It is a declaration of my fight, of whether I can overcome.[32]
Seriously, these words of Father are food for thought.
Finally, we must not forget that, as Father says, there are “three stages of judgment”: judgment of words, judgment of personality, and judgment of heart.[33] We will have to go beyond the level of words to form our personality by substantiating words, and eventually to go into the realm of God’s heart. We should not stay at the level at which we only hold up True Parents’ words to judge one another and hurt one another. The Bible says: “The written code kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:6). 

Some Tentative Understandings

But some tentative understandings of the dual nature of True Father’s words have been suggested here and there. Even though they may still be tentative ones, I would like to briefly show them as useful references. Perhaps we will be able to build on them as our inquiry continues through prayer.
First, Exposition of the Divine Principle, in explaining of the biblical passage of John 8:58 to the effect that Jesus is before Abraham was, says it means that with respect to the providence of restoration Jesus is the ancestor of Abraham as the first human ancestor without original sin to regenerate all humankind, although from the viewpoint of lineage he was a descendent of Abraham in the fallen lineage.[34] There are thus two different views of the birth of Jesus, which may look contradictory to each other but which can coexist. If we apply this to the births of True Parents, the same thing can be said of them. That is to say, from the viewpoint of the providence of restoration True Parents as the first ancestors of humanity were born without original sin, although from the viewpoint of lineage they are completely the descendants of fallen Adam. 
Second, Jin Choon Kim uses the Divine Principle theory of predestina-tion to explain why True Father’s words about himself have two seemingly contradictory sets of expressions as to whether he was born with original sin.[35] As God predestined him to be the Messiah without original sin in the future, he was chosen as a person whose ancestors among the Koreans, the chosen people, had many good accomplishments, who congenitally had a disposition needed to realize God’s Will, who developed certain qualities during his early life, and who also lived in a time and place most fitting to God. But the rest was done by True Father himself, when he, even if born in the fallen realm, fulfilled his human portion of responsibility through his extraordinary sincerity and effort to remove his fallen lineage and become the Messiah without original sin, as predestined. This seems to be quite an understandable explanation about True Father.[36]
Third, in his paper, “A Principle Viewpoint on the Only Begotten Daughter,”[37] Dr. Andrew Wilson holds that both True Father and Mother were born without original sin only “conditionally” and not “actually,” as it was to be “actually” uprooted only through the Holy Wedding, in which they participated as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, that how True Parents each successfully walked the path from their births to the Holy Wedding can be explained by the Divine Principle’s theory of predestination which involves both God’s predestined choice of individuals and the dependency of its fulfillment upon their own responsibilities, and that from the standpoint of the era of the victorious realm of the fourth Adam in which there is no restoration through indemnity, it can retroactively be said that True Father and True Mother were born as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter without original sin actually. Wilson’s explanation seems to be of interest and use.
Fourth, Noboru Okada argues, based on the distinction between the Age before the Coming of Heaven and the Age after the Coming of Heaven, that while Mother’s birth without original sin may have been unthinkable in the Age before the Coming of Heaven, it is thinkable now in the Age after the Coming of Heaven.[38]
Finally, twentieth-century theologians such as Karl Barth and Emil Brunner make a distinction between the “formal” and the “material” senses of the image of God, holding that after the human fall we did not lose the image of God formally, although we lost it materially. If we apply it to our discussion, we may be able to say that True Parents were each born without original sin formally, although they were born with it materially. For the formal and the material senses of the image of God as understood by Barth and Brunner, see Millard Erickson’s explanation.[39]


[1] Jin Choon Kim, “True Parents as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter,” Journal of Unification Studies 18 (this issue): 55-107. It is a revised version of a booklet that was published in March 2017.
[2] Sermons 541-199. Sermons (Malsoom Seonjib) is a collection of True Father’s words published in Korean; 541-199 means volume 541, p. 199.
[3] 2009.05.17: Sermons 611-307, 308. 2009.05.17 means May 17, 2009, the East Asian way to show the date.
[4] 2009.07.07: Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage (New York: Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 2011), p. 12.
[5] 2009.07.09: Sermons 613-309, 310.
[6] 2009.08.24: Sermons 615.
[7] 2003.10.01: Sermons 419-102.
[8] 2004.04.04: Sermons 444-197.
[9] 2005.01.01: Sermons 481-48.
[10] 2006.11.08: Sermons 544-99.
[11] 2006.12.09.
[12] 1970.10.19: Sermons 35-217.
[13] 1970.12.06: Sermons 36-263.
[14] 1986.10.04: Sermons 149-9.
[15] 1987.11.01: Sermons 170-31.
[16] 1989.11.07: Sermons 195-147.
[17] 1968.07.14: Sermons 20-334.
[18] 1969.02.04: God’s Will and the World (New York: HSA-UWC, 1985), p. 23.
[19] 1972.04.30: The Absolute Value of True Parents and the Path of Tribal Messiah (Tokyo: Kogensha, 2014), p. 38, published in Japanese.
[20] 1993.12.20: Collection of Father’s Words in Workshops in Korea for Japanese Female Leaders (Tokyo: Kogensha, 1994), pp. 185-86, published in Japanese.
[21] 2003.10.01: Sermons 419-102.
[22] 2014.07.01, Cheon Jeong Gung.
[23] 2014.09.12, Cheon Jeong Gung.
[24] 2014.07.01, Cheon Jeong Gung.
[25] 2014.09.12, Cheon Jeong Gung.
[26] 2014.10.27: World Leaders’ Conference.
[27] 2015.03.11.
[28] 2016.02.24: Elders’ Workshop.
[29] 2016.10.05.
[30] 57th Anniversary of the Holy Wedding, 2017.04.12.
[31] Kim, “True Parents,” note 11, p. 107. 
[32] Sermons 608-303.
[33] https://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/sm12talk/12TALK04.htm.
[34] Exposition of the Divine Principle (New York: HSA-UWC, 1996), p. 168. 
[35] Kim, “True Parents,” pp. 28-31. 
[36] If so, however, why can’t Dr. Kim offer exactly the same explanation about True Mother? For True Father’s words about her, too, have two seemingly contradictory sets of expressions as to whether or not she was born with original sin.
[37] Andrew Wilson, “A Principle Viewpoint on the Only Begotten Daughter,” February 9, 2017, unpublished.
[38] http://ameblo.jp/unificationism/entry-12140010219.html (in Japanese).
[39] Millard, J. Erickson, Christian Theology, vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984), pp. 502-8.
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